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Sunday 26 September 2021

How can I elevate myself worth?

 Elevate Yourself | Mindset Monday

You elevate that by BELIEVING you are a good person and knowing that you have a lot to offer. Everyone is different. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but if you are a good person with a good heart that respects others, then that should give you confidence. Don’t rely on others’ assessments of you to give you self-worth. Just the knowledge that you have a good heart, good intentions, and wouldn’t ever hurt anyone, should suffice. I hope this helps you!

How can I increase my self-worth?

Stop Discussing Your Plans!| How to Move in Silence 🤐 | Pep Talk

If you have low self-esteem, harness the power of your thoughts and beliefs to change how you feel about yourself. Start with these steps.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Low self-esteem can negatively affect virtually every facet of your life, including your relationships, your job and your health. But you can boost your self-esteem by taking cues from types of mental health counseling.

Consider these steps, based on cognitive behavioral therapy.

How to Increase Your Self-Worth! Time to Raise Your Standards | SL Coaching

1. Identify troubling conditions or situations

Think about the conditions or situations that seem to deflate your self-esteem. Common triggers might include:

  • A work or school presentation
  • A crisis at work or home
  • A challenge with a spouse, loved one, co-worker or other close contact
  • A change in roles or life circumstances, such as a job loss or a child leaving home
Changing Perspective from Shame to Self-worth | Sue Bryce | TEDxPepperdineUniversity

2. Become aware of thoughts and beliefs

Once you've identified troubling situations, pay attention to your thoughts about them. This includes what you tell yourself (self-talk) and your interpretation of what the situation means. Your thoughts and beliefs might be positive, negative or neutral. They might be rational, based on reason or facts, or irrational, based on false ideas.

Ask yourself if these beliefs are true. Would you say them to a friend? If you wouldn't say them to someone else, don't say them to yourself.

3. Challenge negative or inaccurate thinking

Your initial thoughts might not be the only way to view a situation — so test the accuracy of your thoughts. Ask yourself whether your view is consistent with facts and logic or whether other explanations for the situation might be plausible.

Be aware that it can be hard to recognize inaccuracies in thinking. Long-held thoughts and beliefs can feel normal and factual, even though many are just opinions or perceptions.

Also pay attention to thought patterns that erode self-esteem:


  • All-or-nothing thinking. You see things as either all good or all bad. For example, "If I don't succeed in this task, I'm a total failure."
  • Mental filtering. You see only negatives and dwell on them, distorting your view of a person or situation. For example, "I made a mistake on that report and now everyone will realize I'm not up to this job."
  • Converting positives into negatives. You reject your achievements and other positive experiences by insisting that they don't count. For example, "I only did well on that test because it was so easy."
  • Jumping to negative conclusions. You reach a negative conclusion when little or no evidence supports it. For example, "My friend hasn't replied to my email, so I must have done something to make her angry."
  • Mistaking feelings for facts. You confuse feelings or beliefs with facts. For example, "I feel like a failure, so I must be a failure."
  • Negative self-talk. You undervalue yourself, put yourself down or use self-deprecating humor. For example, "I don't deserve anything better."

how to: BE CONFIDENT! (STOP caring what people think!)

4. Adjust your thoughts and beliefs

Now replace negative or inaccurate thoughts with accurate, constructive thoughts. Try these strategies:

  • Use hopeful statements. Treat yourself with kindness and encouragement. Instead of thinking your presentation won't go well, try telling yourself things such as, "Even though it's tough, I can handle this situation."
  • Forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes — and mistakes aren't permanent reflections on you as a person. They're isolated moments in time. Tell yourself, "I made a mistake, but that doesn't make me a bad person."
  • Avoid 'should' and 'must' statements. If you find that your thoughts are full of these words, you might be putting unreasonable demands on yourself — or on others. Removing these words from your thoughts can lead to more realistic expectations.
  • Focus on the positive. Think about the parts of your life that work well. Consider the skills you've used to cope with challenging situations.
  • Consider what you've learned. If it was a negative experience, what might you do differently the next time to create a more positive outcome?
  • Relabel upsetting thoughts. You don't need to react negatively to negative thoughts. Instead, think of negative thoughts as signals to try new, healthy patterns. Ask yourself, "What can I think and do to make this less stressful?"
  • Encourage yourself. Give yourself credit for making positive changes. For example, "My presentation might not have been perfect, but my colleagues asked questions and remained engaged — which means that I accomplished my goal."

How To Be Confident In Any Situation

You might also try these steps, based on acceptance and commitment therapy.

1. Identify troubling conditions or situations

Again, think about the conditions or situations that seem to deflate your self-esteem. Once you've identified troubling situations, pay attention to your thoughts about them.

2. Step back from your thoughts

Repeat your negative thoughts many times or write them down in an unusual way, such as with your nondominant hand. Imagine seeing your negative thoughts written on different objects. You might even sing a song about them in your mind.

These exercises can help you take a step back from thoughts and beliefs that are often automatic and observe them. Instead of trying to change your thoughts, distance yourself from your thoughts. Realize that they are nothing more or less than words.

3. Accept your thoughts

How To Become A Man People Obsess Over

Instead of fighting, resisting or being overwhelmed by negative thoughts or feelings, accept them. You don't have to like them, just allow yourself to feel them.

Negative thoughts don't need to be controlled, changed or acted upon. Aim to lessen the power of your negative thoughts and their influence on your behavior.

These steps might seem awkward at first, but they'll get easier with practice. As you begin to recognize the thoughts and beliefs that are contributing to your low self-esteem, you can counter them or change the way you think about them. This will help you accept your value as a person. As your self-esteem increases, your confidence and sense of well-being are likely to soar.

In addition to these suggestions, try to remember on a daily basis that you're worth special care. To that end, be sure to:

How to FIND YOUR WORTH, Let Go of SHAME and Own Your VALUE | Sarah Jakes Roberts on Women of Impact

  • Take care of yourself. Follow good health guidelines. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Limit sweets, junk food and animal fats.
  • Do things you enjoy. Start by making a list of things you like to do. Try to do something from that list every day.
  • Spend time with people who make you happy. Don't waste time on people who don't treat you well.
How can I build self-esteem and self-worth?

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself, or the opinion you have about yourself. Everyone has times when they feel a bit low or find it hard to believe in themselves. However, if this becomes a long-term situation, this can lead to problems, including mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Some of the symptoms of low self-esteem can also be a sign of these problems.

The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh | TEDxMiltonKeynesWomen

Self-esteem is often the result of a lifetime of experiences, and particularly what happened to us as children. However, it is possible to improve your self-esteem at any age. This page provides more information about self-esteem, and some actions that you can take to improve it.

Understanding Self-Esteem
Some people think of self-esteem as their inner voice (or self-dialogue) – the voice that tells you whether you are good enough to do or achieve something.

Self-esteem is actually about how we value ourselves, and our perceptions about who we are and what we are capable of.

Self-esteem is not about ability

Self-esteem is often not associated with either your own ability, or other people’s perceptions of you.

It is quite possible for someone who is good at something to have poor self-esteem. Conversely, someone who struggles with a particular task might generally have good self-esteem.

5 steps to designing the life you want | Bill Burnett | TEDxStanford

People with good self-esteem generally feel positive about themselves, and about life. This makes them much more resilient, and better able to cope with life’s ups and downs.

Those with poor self-esteem, however, are often much more critical of themselves. They find it harder to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. This may lead them to avoid difficult situations. That can, however, actually decrease their self-esteem still further, because they feel even worse about themselves as a result.

A lack of self-esteem can therefore influence how people behave, not to mention what they achieve in their lives.

You may find it interesting to read our page The Importance of Mindset for more about how attitude influences behaviour.
Why Do People Experience Low Self-Esteem?
There are many reasons why someone might have low self-esteem. However, it often starts in childhood, perhaps with a feeling that you were unable to live up to expectations. It can also be the result of adult experiences such as a difficult relationship, either personal or at work.

Don't Believe Everything You Think | Lauren Weinstein | TEDxPaloAlto

Self-esteem, domestic violence and abuse

The victims of domestic violence and abuse often have low self-esteem.

This may be because their abuser has spent time belittling them and making them feel bad about themselves, reducing their self-esteem. However, it may also be that their low self-esteem made them more vulnerable to being abused because they did not feel that they were valuable.

Nobody should have to suffer from abuse or violence.

If you, or anyone you know, is in this situation, you should seek help.

In the UK, sources of help include Childline, telephone 0800 1111, the NSPCC , and the National Domestic Violence Helpline, 0808 2000 247.
In the US, Government advice is that you can call the Domestic Violence Hotline on 800-799-SAFE (7233).
Stressful life events, such as a divorce or bereavement, can also have negative effects on your self-esteem.

Improving Your Self-Esteem

 How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen

There are a number of ways in which you can improve your self-esteem.

1. Identify and Challenge Your Negative Beliefs
The first step is to identify, and then challenge, your negative beliefs about yourself.

Notice your thoughts about yourself. For example, you might find yourself thinking ‘I’m not clever enough to do that’ or ‘I have no friends’. When you do, look for evidence that contradicts those statements. Write down both statement and evidence, and keep looking back at it to remind yourself that your negative beliefs about yourself are not true.

2. Identify the Positive About Yourself
It is also a good idea to write down positive things about yourself, such as being good at a sport, or nice things that people have said about you. When you start to feel low, look back at these things, and remind yourself that there is plenty of good about you.

In general, positive internal dialogue is a big part of improving your self-esteem.

If you catch yourself saying things like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m a failure’, you can start to turn things around by saying ‘I can beat this’ and ‘I can become more confident by viewing myself in a more positive way’.

Do You See the Signs of the Universe? | Ulla Suokko | TEDxBigSky

To begin with you will catch yourself falling back into old negative habits, but with regular effort you can start to feel more positive and build your self-esteem as well.

3. Build Positive Relationships—and Avoid Negative Ones
You will probably find that there are certain people—and certain relationships—that make you feel better than others.

If there are people who make you feel bad about yourself, try to avoid them.

Build relationships with people who make you feel good about yourself and avoid the relationships that drag you down.

4. Give Yourself a Break
You don’t have to be perfect every hour of every day. You don’t even have to feel good about yourself all the time.

Self-esteem varies from situation to situation, from day to day and hour to hour. Some people feel relaxed and positive with friends and colleagues, but uneasy and shy with strangers. Others may feel totally in command of themselves at work but struggle socially (or vice versa).

Give yourself a break. We all have times when we feel a bit down or find it harder to maintain our self-belief.

How I overcame decision paralysis | Mary Steffel | TEDxNortheasternU

The key is not to be too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, and not too critical.

Avoid criticising yourself to others, because this can reinforce your negative views—and also give other people a (possibly false) negative opinion of you.

You can help to boost your self-esteem by giving yourself a treat whenever you succeed in doing something hard, or just for managing a particularly bad day.

5. Become More Assertive and Learn to Say No
People with low self-esteem often find it hard to stand up for themselves or say no to others.

This means that they may become over-burdened at home or at work, because they do not like to refuse anyone anything. However, this can increase stress, and make it even harder to manage.

Developing your assertiveness can therefore help to improve your self-esteem. Sometimes acting as if you believed in yourself can actually help to increase self-belief!

Our pages on Assertiveness provide more information about this, including how to improve your assertiveness.
6. Improve Your Physical Health
It is much easier to feel good about ourselves when we are fit and healthy.

Tough decisions -- use your heart | Alison Meyer | TEDxBerkeley

However, people with low self-esteem often neglect themselves, because they do not feel that they ‘deserve’ to be looked after.

Try taking more exercise, eating well, and getting enough sleep. It is also a good idea to make time to relax and to do something that you want to do, rather than something that someone else expects you to do. You may find that simple changes like this can make a huge difference to your overall outlook.

You may like to read our pages on The Importance of Exercise, Diet, Health and Nutrition, What is Sleep? and The Importance of Sleep for more information. You might also like our page on Relaxation Techniques.
7. Take On Challenges
People with low self-esteem often avoid challenging and difficult situations.

One way to improve your self-esteem can actually be to take on a challenge. This doesn’t mean that you need to do everything yourself—part of the challenge might be to seek help when you need it—but be prepared to try something that you know will be difficult to achieve.

By succeeding, you show yourself that you can achieve.

The courage to trust yourself...listen to the nudges | Jo Simpson | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

This challenges your negative beliefs and will therefore improve your self-esteem.

I would say that it all depends what you value of yourself, whether you value your external world, your outer looks, or your inner values of being sane and mental spiritual healthy, whether you want to give worth to your sensual experiences or you want to rise above your worldly affairs and finding another path in life, in existence, finding internal, spiritual values, and give it worth and deeper meaning and eventually freed from all personal conditions.

Where does self-worth come from?

It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself. – Abraham Lincoln

This the article is part of an 8 part series to help you develop more confidence in the pursuit of your goals. Here is a list of all articles in this series:

  1. Improving Self-Esteem
  2. Transform Your Self-Concept
  3. Boosting Self-Confidence
  4. Developing Self-Worth
  5. Building a Healthy Self-Image
  6. Pursuing the Ideal Self
  7. Fake it ‘Til You Make it!
  8. Developing Superhero Courage

What is Self-Esteem?

Any discussion about how to build our self-worth must start with a definition of self-esteem. The two are, of course, related. Your self-esteem is undoubtedly influenced by your self-worth. However, they are not the same.

Three Steps to Transform Your Life | Lena Kay | TEDxNishtiman

Self-esteem is primarily built upon sources outside of yourself that you don’t actually control.

Self-esteem encapsulates the thoughts and feelings you experience at each moment. These thoughts and feelings have a direct impact on your results, behavior, and performance.

Self-esteem is primarily built upon the value derived from doing the things that get you your desired outcomes. But it’s more than just about “doing” something.

Self-esteem is instead a direct outcropping of how you feel about yourself at any given moment. This is based purely on your actions.

How to Become Your Best When Life Gives You Its Worst | Peter Sage | TEDxKlagenfurt

How you feel about yourself is heavily influenced by how you think you’re fairing compared to others. In other words, your self-esteem is derived from what you think others “think” of you based on your results and actions.

Given all this, it’s quite clear that self-esteem is not something that comes from within ourselves, but rather something that comes from outside of ourselves and subsequently influences how we feel at any given moment.

Now, of course, how we feel at any given time has nothing to do with reality, but instead, it’s purely based on our perspective and interpretation of that reality. Given all this, it’s quite clear to see that self-esteem is very fickle and can shift with changing opinions and circumstances. However, this isn’t true for people who have a high level of self-worth.

A high degree of self-worth naturally enhances our self-esteem, thereby providing us with the self-confidence needed to follow through with our chosen decisions and actions.

What is Self-Esteem

What is Self-Worth?

Self-worth is an internal state of being that comes from self-understanding, self-love, and self-acceptance.

It’s a state that is somewhat timeless and unchanging because it’s a direct measure of how you value and regard yourself in spite of what others may say or do. It’s, therefore, something that doesn’t quickly or easily change when external factors or circumstances change.

Self-worth is steady and unflinching, and therefore, holds power to radically transform your life for the better.

This is, of course, all well and good, but what does it actually mean to have a high level of self-worth?

How To Build Self Esteem - The Blueprint

To have a high level of self-worth means having a favorable opinion or estimate of yourself. It means having unshakable faith in yourself and in your ability to follow through and get things done.

Having a high degree of self-worth means feeling worthy of good things. It means feeling deserving of happiness, health, wealthsuccess, and love — irrespective of the difficulties you face, the disappointments you experience, or of people’s opinions. In a word, it’s unflinching.

To have a high level of self-worth means accepting yourself wholeheartedly at all times despite your flaws, weaknesses, and limitations. It’s about recognizing the real value of who you are — right here, right now, at this present moment.

To have a high level of self-worth means never allowing yourself to be defined by outside forces, including people’s opinions. It means never allowing outcomes to shake your confidence, faith or resolve.


All this essentially means that no matter what happens you are steadfast. Nothing outside of your “being” influences how you feel about yourself. Your influence alone is the only thing that matters.

You alone are the most significant factor in how you feel about yourself, about your life, and about your circumstances. And that is essentially where your personal power comes from.

What is Self-Worth

How to Build Your Self-Worth

So, all this is wonderful, right? Having a high level of self-worth is no doubt of tremendous value. But the question still remains, how do we go about building our self-worth? How do we create enough self-worth to empower our daily decisions and actions in a way that will help us achieve our desired outcomes?

What I would like to share with you is a five-step process for doing exactly that — for building your self-worth, step-by-step.

This, of course, isn’t something that you can do just once and then forget about. It’s rather something that you must consistently work on. That’s the only way you will build anything of real value.

My Self-Love Journey | How I Learned To Love Myself

Placing one single stone down on the ground doesn’t build a fortress. However, over time, as you lay down more stones a fortress begins to take shape. But, this takes time. And building a high level of self-worth will also take time. You must, therefore, see this as a long-term process that you need to work on consistently over time.

Lay down a new stone each day. Eventually, the fortress will grow more prominent and more substantial until it becomes almost unbreakable.

A strong wind might blow, hail and rain might bucket down, and thunder might shake the ground. And yet, despite all this, your fortress will remain intact.

It stands its ground because you put in place a solid foundation that you consistently built over time. And that’s where the strength of the fortress comes from. And that’s precisely where the power of your self-worth comes from as well.


With that in mind, let’s now jump into the five-step process to help you build your self-worth.

Step 1: The Self-Understanding Stage

Your first step involves getting to know yourself at a deeper and more profound level.

Imagine for a moment that everything you had was suddenly taken away. I mean literally everything including your possessions, careermoneyrelationshipsfriendships, accomplishments, and anything else that is physical and tangible. Ask yourself:

What if everything I have was suddenly taken away from me?

What if all I had left was just myself?

How would that make me feel?

What would I actually have that would be of value?

A guide to believing in yourself (but for real this time) | Catherine Reitman | TEDxToronto

This is an interesting scenario. It’s a scenario that many people probably never really take the time to imagine. It’s interesting because how you feel about yourself after everything has been taken away is essentially the measure of your self-worth.

If you have a high level of self-worth, then having everything taken away from you won’t change who you are as a person. Furthermore, it won’t shake your self-confidence because you just don’t measure your value upon external circumstances. Instead, your value comes from within.

This is why it’s absolutely critical to actually take the time to think long and hard about that last question and answer it with genuine honesty:

What would I actually have left that would be of value?

How to Start Valuing Yourself

The deeper you dig into this question, the more you will unearth within yourself that you do actually value.

You must, however, seriously take the time to ponder this question. The more you ponder, the more you will find, and that’s essentially where real self-worth is derived from. It comes from understanding that…

No matter what happens externally and no matter what’s taken away from me, I’m not affected internally.

And that’s essentially what matters most when it comes to building your self-worth.

So let’s now dig even deeper into your true value by posing another set of questions that will help unlock how you see yourself with no masks or inhibitions. Ask yourself:

Learn Yourself. Know Your Value!

Who am I? I am… I am not…

How am I?

How am I in the world?

How do others see me?

How do others speak about me?

What key life moments define who I am today?

What brings me the most passion, fulfillment, and joy?

Who you are and how you see yourself are keys to understanding your true value. How others see you and how they speak about you, is also, of course, important. But this isn’t so much about them but rather about how you feel about yourself as a result of how others see or speak about you. That is, of course, another measure of your self-worth.

How To Value yourself | 4 Ways You Can Start to Value Yourself | Self-Worth Motivational Video

Then there are those key life moments that bring you the most joy, passion, and fulfillment. These are the things that help you unlock the value you bring to the world.

However, this isn’t about pretty little rose petals and rainbows. This process involves being genuinely real with yourself.

Given this, let’s be real for a moment and take a look at your weaknesses and struggles. Ask yourself:

Where do I struggle most?

Where do I need to improve?

What fears often hold me back?

What habitual emotions hurt me?

What mistakes do I tend to make?

Where do I tend to consistently let myself down?

Know Your Value

It’s get real and accept the fact that we’re only human. And as a human being, we all have our weaknesses and face our own personal struggles. As such, we must be real and honest with our assessment of ourselves.

Only in this way will you be able to build a high degree of self-worth over time. And only in this way will you get the depth of understanding you need about yourself to move forward through this process.

And since we’re being honest, let’s take a look at your strengths. Ask yourself:

What abilities do I have?

What am I really good at?

Joel Osteen - Recognizing Your Value

Your strengths are the things that help build your self-confidence. They are the things that allow you to move forward with greater self-assurance. However, true strengths are only strengths by your own measure.

If you’re relying on other people to tell you whether or not you’re good at something, then that’s not a true strength that comes from a sense of personal power.

In the future, these people could very well change their minds. Then abruptly your strength turns into an afterthought. However, this doesn’t need to be the case if you truly believe in your own personal value. That’s what counts, and that’s essentially what truly matters when it comes to building your self-worth.

Building Your Self-Worth

Step 2: The Self-Acceptance Stage

By now, you probably have a pretty clear picture of your current level of self-worth. You presumably also understand how you see yourself within the world around you.

There will, of course, be good things, neutral things, and things that you might not be too proud to admit. However, to build genuine self-worth, we must be real and authentic with ourselves at all times. This requires wholeheartedly acknowledging your true nature including the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Yes, you’re not perfect. Yes, you have flaws, you’ve made mistakes and failed miserably time and again. However, this is you. This is the true you. It’s who you are.

Forgive yourself for everything you’ve done in the past and accept yourself unconditionally without judgment or excuses.

This is you. This is who you are. Accept that by acknowledging that…

4 Keys To Elevate Your Self Worth

I accept the good, the bad and the ugly.

I fully accept every part of myself including my flaws, fears, behaviors, and qualities I might not be too proud of.

This is how I am, and I am at peace with that.

Fully accepting yourself in spite of all your flaws, weaknesses, and limitations is absolutely critical for developing a high level of self-worth.

This is you. You are being vulnerable, authentic, and real. Embrace who you are fully and wholeheartedly. Embrace the fact that you will no longer allow outside forces to define you. Only in this way will you finally let go of everything that’s been holding you back all these years.

Step 3: The Self-Love Stage

Having fully accepted yourself, it’s now time to acknowledge your true value. To do this, it’s important to begin practicing a little self-love. Which basically means treating yourself with kindness, tolerance, generosity, and compassion.

You are worth it ! Elevate your self-worth

Yes, you have flaws. Yes, you have so many limitations and weaknesses, but we all do. That’s part of being human. It’s time to let all that go and instead practice being compassionate with yourself.

Compassion, of course, comes through self-love, which comes from self-acceptance, which stems from self-understanding. Ironically these are the steps we went through as we moved through this process.

One simple method to begin practicing self-love is to get into the habit of speaking to yourself in a positive and supportive way:

I feel valued and special…

I love myself wholeheartedly…

I am a worthy and capable person…

You Are Enough: Self Worth & Comparison Traps | Back to Basics

Talking to yourself in this way brings your focus and attention to the beauty hidden within you.

You’re no longer looking at outside circumstances or people for approval or acknowledgment. You’re instead searching for that approval within yourself. And that’s one of the biggest steps you can take toward building your self-worth.

Step 4: The Recognition Stage

When you have self-understanding. When you have fully accepted yourself. And when you reach a stage where you practice self-love and self-compassion, that’s when people, events, and circumstances no longer define you. You instead begin to define yourself.

Given this, it’s helpful to openly acknowledge and recognize that you no longer need to please other people.

How to Love Yourself & Be Confident in Who You Are (Ep. 1: Life As An Optimist Podcast)

Other people have their own opinions, and they have their own life. You also have your own life and your own opinions. And no matter what people do or say and irrespective of what happens outside of you, you alone control your own perspective and attitude.

You, therefore, hold the power to respond to events and circumstances of your life based on your internal sources, resources, and on your resourcefulness, which are all a reflection of your true value.

It’s, therefore, important to recognize your true value regardless of your earnings, career, possessions, social rank, relationship status, etc.

Your true value is no longer measured by these things. It rather comes from an internal measure that you’ve set for yourself. And that’s where true personal power comes from.

How to Build Your Self Esteem | Elevate Your Worth Barometer | Ep105

Step 5: The Responsibility Stage

The final step in this process involves taking full responsibility for your life, for your circumstances, and for your problems.

Now, of course, it’s worth mentioning that I’m not saying that you should be a martyr. What I’m saying is to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you without giving away your personal power.

To take responsibility means to acknowledge that you have the personal power to change and influence the events and circumstances of your life.

How to Build Your Self-Worth

Concluding Thoughts

When you have a high level of self-worth, you’re no longer relying on other people to make decisions for you. You alone hold yourself accountable, and you alone hold the power to make positive changes in your life.

There is no more complaining, blaming, judgment, or excuses. You now hold the power. You hold this power because you fully trust yourself and trust your ability to make decisions that put you in the driver’s seat of your life.

No longer are you swayed by the changing winds. You’re rather steady and self-assured. You understand who you are, you accept yourself fully, love yourself unconditionally, and recognize that you’re the captain of your ship. And no matter what storms are brewing outside and in spite of the rumors of mutiny, you’re focused and able to stay the course. You make adjustments on the fly, and you take charge of your ship.

You’re not rattled or phased by external circumstances. Yes, the outside world is a crazy mess. However, your inner world is as steady as can be. And that’s what makes all the difference. It’s what eventually brings your ship back to the safety of the harbor. And it’s all because you took the time to build your self-worth.

Time to Assimilate these Concepts

Building Your Self-Worth

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If, on the other hand, you want access to an ever-growing library of 100s of visual tools and resources, then check out our Premium Membership PackagesThese packages provide you with the ultimate visual reference library for all your personal development needs.

Gain More Knowledge…

Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:

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