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Sunday, 11 July 2021

Kung Fu Hustle is my all time favorite kung fu comedy and I just wanted it to see the spotlight a bit.

Disclaimer: Slight spoilers below.I was inspired by this post talking about how great Kung Pow: Enter the Fist is ( Chow brings one of the most richly imaginative, creative and fun movies and I am hard pressed to name 3 Hollywood movies that have filled me with more joy (Forrest Gump being one of them ;) ). I believe that I was 14 when I first saw this movie and my mind was blown. I always thought that Kung Fu movies were campy, badly dubbed movies with a lot of action but no real plot (I was young and naive, now I have a total other love for old school Kung Fu classics) but this movie changed my mind of it.On paper one would think that it's just another Kung Pow but personally, and unlike Kung Pow, the jokes just don't get old and the special effects were definitely top notch (for that time). It also borrowed or spoofed a bit from Spider-Man and The Matrix (like Kung Pow does) as well, which was a bit unexpected for this film, initially. At least for me.To be honest, I could enjoy this movie without sound or subtitles, too. It was that appealing to the eye. It would be a good background movie for a party or poker game which could catch your eye at any moment and still hold your attention. It could also be great if you feel like a good comedy. I was entertained throughout and still love watching this beaut of a strange film. via /r/movies

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