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Tuesday 13 July 2021

How do you express your faith?

 An individual’s faith is a deeply personal thing, which can make it difficult to express to the wider world. What’s more, having faith is not about grand gestures or ostentatious displays; sometimes a moment of quiet reflection can prove just as meaningful, if not more so.

Outside of regularly attending church, therefore, what is the best way of expressing your faith in your everyday life? The answer, just like religious faith itself, will be personal to you, but here are a few suggestions for ways that you can show devotion to the divine.

Give something back

One of the best ways to express your faith in your everyday life is to keep the teaching of Christ fresh in your mind. In particular, the belief that you should “love thy neighbour as thyself.”

In order to express this particular tenet of the Christian faith, there are so many options available. You could volunteer at a local community function, you could make a charitable donation of some kind, or you could simply offer help whenever you see someone in need of it. Your faith should drive you to help your fellow man and so it is expressed in every act of kindness and charity that you commit.

Rail against materialism

Materialism is rife in the modern world and it even has a stronghold over many treasured religious holidays. However, there are ways that you can combat materialism as an expression of your faith. Instead of purchasing gifts for the sake of it that will likely end up thrown on a pile of other consumer goods, look at ways you can express your religious devotion through the presents that you buy others.

Christian gifts not only serve a practical purpose, they can also prove spiritually enriching. Whether you choose anointing oils sourced directly from the Holy Land or rosary beads made in your local church, the gifts you buy, both for yourself and others, can be a strong expression of your faith.

Be creative

Having a creative outlet provides another fantastic way of expressing your faith. Music has long been a part of church life and you too can get involved in this. Whether your instrument of choice is your voice, a guitar, a piano, or anything else, you can use it to let your faith shine out into the world. This could be as part of formal church services or smaller, community gatherings – there is no right or wrong way of expressing your faith. Similarly, if you have other artistic interests, then painting, poetry and blogging also lets you show your spirituality.

Make it a family affair

Even though your faith is highly personal, it can really flourish when you share it with others. The family unit is a major part of all religions and involving your loved ones with your expressions of faith is a great way of displaying it in your everyday life. So, whether it’s a short prayer before meals or simply talking about the word of God with your children, your family provides plenty of opportunity for you to express your faith.

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