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Sunday 6 June 2021

Which oil is best for hair growth and thickness?

 3 Best Natural Hair oils For Hair Fall Control And Hair Growth

Truth be told there is no such thing as THE best oil for hair growth and thickness. Everyone is different- diet, gender, climate, and a range of genetic factors, all affect our hair’s appearance, feel, natural oiliness, thickness, and growth. And it is not just our biology that plays a part but social factors too. Stress can have a huge effect on your hair, as can weather, traffic, and too many chemical hair products.

Hair can go thin, lifeless, limp, and frizzy. So many variables really does make selecting the best oil for hair growth and thickness a problem. The issue is compounded because literally every health and beauty website offers miracle oils promising that they know the best oil for hair growth and thickness, and there are so many fads and fashions, with different celebrities endorsing different products. We want to help you wade through all of the hype, and find the best oil for hair growth and thickness that suits YOU. In order to this we’ll explore how different oils work on different hair types. We’ll also cover the causes of hair loss and thinning hair as well.

Is your hair asking for help? Hair loss

Everyone knows that age affects hair loss, but hair loss can strike at any age. It affects both men and women, and while more common forms of baldness affect men, hair loss can be really devastating for women too. Fortunately help is at hand. As with many conditions early intervention is recommended (though not essential) in stopping or reversing hair loss. It is really important to spot the signs of hair loss early. Common signs of hair loss are excess hair on your brush or comb, hair on your bedsheets and pillow, and hair in the drain of your bath and shower. With men a receding hairline can be spotted by looking at the hairline where the scalp meets the forehead, as it disappears more scalp will become visible on either side of the head. For women hair recedes from the centre, and typically you’ll notice partings getting wider and wider.

Over enthusiastic styling can cause hair loss. This is really common, as the hair just gets worn out, especially from too much bleaching and dying. Some styles can be problematic for hair loss too, such as tight weaves and braids when worn for a long time. Disease is frequently a reason for hair loss. Some of the principle hair loss conditions are listed here. If you suspect one of the these conditions it goes without saying that treating it is far more important than using the best oil for hair thickness and growth. Once you’ve received treatment however, applying oil for hair thickness and growth will speed your hair’s recovery.

l Hypothyroidism- an underactive thyroid gland, leading to hormonal imbalance, and subsequent hair loss. An imbalance and also be caused by hyperthyroidism, known as an over an over-active thyroid gland. There is also a condition called Hashimoto disease that affects the thyroid, and the hormones it produces. Similar activity problems can occur in the pituitary gland too, with similar hair loss effects.

  • Alopecia is an autoimmune disorder that causes patchy hair loss
  • Vitamin b12 and iron deficiency are a form of malnutrition, this can lead to thinning hair and hair loss.
  • While stress in general, anxiety and PTSD, can affect hair loss, there is a condition known as Acute Stress Disorder, which leads to hair loss a few weeks after trauma.
  • Lichen Plaunud causes rash, lesions, and hair loss.
  • Lupus- is an autoimmune disease that affects many of the bodies systems, hair loss is a common symptom.
  • Hodgkin’s Lymphoma- this is a very serious blood cancer and hair loss is a major symptom.
  • Complications after a bone marrow transplant, known as Graft Host Disease, can lead to hair loss.
  • Systemic Sclerosis is a serious autoimmune condition which results in the body attacking itself.
  • Celiac’s disease can lead to hair thinning and loss, it is caused by an allergy or intolerance to gluten which is found in many food stuffs.
  • Addison’s Disease affects the adrenal cortex. As with many conditions the pathology is complex, it leads to imbalances between cortisol and aldosterone, the net result can be hair loss.
  • Sand flies spread an infection called Leishmaniasis, and one of the symptoms include hair loss.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to hair loss.
  • Too much Vitamin A can also lead to hair loss.
  • Anything that profoundly affects hormonal balance can lead to hair loss, female contraception and childbirth being good examples. Also insomnia.

While hair loss is often a completely normal part of maturing, always discuss any concerns with your GP.

Best oil for hair growth and thickness. The final list

Here is the final list your hair was waiting for. Find out here which is the best oil for hair growth and thickness you need.

1) Coconut Oil for hair thickness and growth

  • Benefits

Without doubt coconut oil is the go-to oil for hair. Its molecular structure is perfect for hair, with stacks of medium chain triglycerides, such as the famous lauric acid, able to really penetrate the hair and moisturize. Coconut oil for hair is rich in fatty acids, giving hair a much needed boost, and the moisturizing effects combined with a gentle antibacterial action give it anti-dandruff effects too. It is also a great source of Vitamin E. Coconut oil all round is simply the best oil for hair thickness and growth.

  • Ingredients

Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3761kJ/ 899 kcal
Total Fats

99.8 g

(93.7g saturates and

6.1 g insaturates

Carbohydrate0 g
Fibre0 g
Protein0.1 g

0 g

  • How to use coconut oil

Coconut oil is powerful, so you don’t want to leave it in your hair too long. Simply rub it into your hair and scalp and leave it for 30 mins, before giving it a good rinse with your regular shampoo. A treatment once a week will be ample, as it is potent. Using too often or leaving in too long risks the hair getting oily or greasy.

2) Argan Oil for hair thickness and growth

  • Benefits

Argan oil grows in the searing heat of Morocco. It is harvested from the fruit and nuts of Argan trees. Growing in such a hot climate it is not surprising that it offers a real boost for dry hair, and protects the sun from UV damage. Argan oil is very potent, and can be used sparingly to get fabulous results on dry hair, and sensitive skins. It is full of anti-oxidants and vitamin E, which restores, replenishes, and moisturizes.

  • Ingredients

Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3765kJ/ 900 kcal
Total Fats

100 g

(16 g saturates and

84 g insaturates)

Carbohydrate0 g
Fibre0 g
Protein0 g

0 g

  • How to use Argan Oil

A few drops of Argan Oil go a long way. Rub a few drops straight in the hair and skin and let the magic happen. For hair, apply it when the hair is dry. For a longer treatment, you can leave it overnight and whash it later.

3) Castor Oil for hair growth and thickness

  • Benefits

Castor oil is best known for its old school medical uses as a digestant, and in greater quantities as a laxative. Don’t be tricked though, the antioxidants in castor oil are great for the hair, and skin, with circulation boosting properties, and the high ricinoleic acid content of castor oil comes in the form of triglycerides, making it ideal for boosting hair growth. In fact, castor oil is recommended for those looking to boost hair growth specifically.

  • Ingredients
Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3765 kJ/ 900 kcal
Total Fats

100 g

Carbohydrate0 g
Fibre0 g
Protein0 g

0 g

  • Principal constituents

Palmitic acidmaximum 2%
Stearic acidmaximum 2%
Oleic acidmaximum 5%
Linoleic acidmaximum 6%
Alpha linoleic acidmaximum 1%
Ricinoleic acid55-95%
  • How to use Castor Oil for hair growth and thickness

Castor oil is very thick, and applied alone lacks the viscosity to really do too much. A great idea is too add it to a carrier oil, coconut oil is perfect, in this way you dan double down and get the benefits of both oils at once. We recommend adding castor oil to coconut oil, then using it the same way you would coconut oil. Alternatively try another carrier oil, like almond oil, and leave in overnight, giving a good rinse with your normal shampoo in the morning.

4) Avocado Oil. Your best oil for Hair Growth and Thickness?

  • Benefits

Avocado Oil has many benefits, it is rammed with good stuff like Vitamin C, A, B6, Magnesium, as well as Lecithin and Potassium. It boosts circulation in the scalp It is ideal for using on dry and damaged hair, to help restore and mend. The fatty acids give it anti-oxidising effects. It can be used by itself or as a carrier oil for other treatments.

  • Ingredients
Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3472kJ/ 830 kcal
Total Fats

90 g

(11.5 g saturates and

78 g insaturates

Carbohydrate0 g
Protein0 g

0 g

  • Principal constituents
Palmitic acid12-25%
Palmitoleic acid3-10%
Stearic acid<3%
Oleic acid45-75%
Linoleic acid5-20%
Alpha linolenic acid<3%
Icosanoic<1 %
Icosenoic<0.05 %
Decosanoic<0.05 %
Tetracosanoic<0.05 %
  • How to use Avocado Oil

There are two methods to use avocado oil for thickening the hair or bolstering hair growth. simply rub a teaspoon directly into the scalp, or if using Avocado Oil as a carrier oil, add a few drop and leave overnight, rinsing with your normal shampoo in the morning.

5) Marula Oil for hair growth and thickness

  • Benefits

Here is another oil that it can be your choice while looking for the best oil for hair growth and thicknes. In its native Kenya Marula Oil is known as ‘miracle oil’. It is fabulous stuff, readily absorbed by the skin on the scalp, and chock full of antioxidants. It boasts more antioxidants per ml than other oils with similar properties, such as argan oil. Unlike argan oil, however, it can be applied in quantities.

Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3766kJ/ 900 kcal
Total Fats

100 g

Carbohydrate0 g
Protein0 g

0 g

  • Principal constituents
Palmitic acid10.9%
Stearic acid5.6%
Oleic acid74.8%
Linoleic acid7.8%
Arachidic acid0.5%
Gadoleic0.4 %
Icosenoic<0.05 %
Decosanoic<0.05 %
Tetracosanoic<0.05 %

  • How to use Marula Oil for hair growth and thickness

Marula Oil is dead easy to use, which is part of its beauty. It can be massaged straight into the scalp, and left overnight to work its ‘miracles’, before shampooing.

6) Jojoba Oil

  • Benefits

Jojoba oil is a tremendous moisturiser. It is technically not an oil at all but an ester. Leaving complex bio-chemistry to one side, this means your skin loves it, and will absorb it readily. With loads of vitamins, and important micro traces of zinc, silicon, and copper, jojoba oil is an ideal moisturiser for all hair types, and is a great conditioner.

  • Principal constituents
Palmitic acid3%
Palmitoleic acid1%
Stearic acid13%
Linoleic acid7.8%
Gondoic acid18%
Behemic acid8%
Euricic acid8 %
Alpha Linoleic acid1%
  • How to use jojoba oil for hair growth and thickness

The best way to get the benefits of jojoba oil are to use it as a conditioner after a regular hair wash. It can be left in the hair for several hours, or rinsed immediately. Use regularly.

7) Black seed oil. Don’t miss this oil as one of the best hair oils for hair thickness and growth

Black seed oil is actually derived from black cumin seeds. It is one of nature’s anti-bacterials, and also boasts anti-oxidising properties. It is ideal for use in a natural shampoo, or used topically to treat a scalp with skin complaints.

  • Ingredients

Nutritional InformationTypical value per 100g
Energy3117 kJ/ 745 kcal
Total Fats

90 g

(20 g saturates,

20 g monounsaturates,

55 poly-unsaturates,

<0.5 g trans fats and

<2.5 g cholesterol)

Carbohydrate0 g
Protein0 g

0 g

  • Constituents
Palmitic acid6-16%
Stearic acid1.5-8%
Oleic acid15-28%
Linoleic acid25-65%
  • How to use Black Seed Oil

Ideal for dry and inflamed scalp- use black seed oil topically applied to the required area, and use daily as as cure or as a preventative measure.

8) Brahmi and Neem Oil

  • Benefits

Brahmi and Neem oil is a cocktail of carrier oils with medium chain triglycerides ideal for stimulating hair growth and thickness. It is then fused with natural perfumes, with the gorgeous jasmine prevalent, and Brahmi and Neem oils present for targeted anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial measures. This is a wonderful fusion, which makes it, as a blend, the best oil for hair growth and thickness, witt anti-dandruff properties to boot!

  • Ingredients

Vitamin E, Organic Sesame Seed Oil, Organic Moroccan Argan Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Triple infused Organic Brahmi Serum, Organic Avocado Oil, Organic Sweet Almond Oil, Neem, Indian Jasmine Absolute

  • How to use Brahmi and Neem Oil

Brahmi and Neem oil can either be used overnight or in a quick session. If using quickly simply rub in a few drops (8 to 10 ml) and brush through before covering and pprotecintg your hair for a few hours wiht a hot towel. Shampoo after 30 mins.

If using a regular towel the same process can be used, but the towel left on overnight before shampooing in the morning.

How to choose the best oil for hair growth and thickness?

When choosing a supplier it is important to choose oils that are cold pressed and organic.

Cold pressed oils are of far greater purity and quality than those derived from industrual heat extraction. Organic oils will not pass on trace quantities of herbicides and pesticides either, and tend to be more sustainable for the planet longer term. While being cruelty free and sustainable often gets overlooked in the beauty industry, you are likely to be kinder the planet and find better products if you look for sustainable and organic suppliers. As they tend to produce quality, rather than rely on a ‘stack it high sell it cheap’ downmarket business model.

In summary:

  • Coconut oil for normal hair and all hair types
  • Brahmi and Neem oil- all hair types- with anti-dandruff properties too.
  • Argan oil- ideal for frizzy or unwieldy hair, and hair regularly exposed to the sun.
  • Castor Oil- for hair growth
  • Avocado Oil- for sensitive dry or damaged hair- eg after too much styling
  • Marula oil- for dry hair and holiday hair after too much sunshine.
  • Jojoba Oil- the conditioner for all hair types
  • Black seed oil- for dry scalp and dandruff

Alway make sure your oil is applied correctly following the instructions above or advice from a qualified stylist.

Check more information about how to apply hair oil

Oil is important, but also your shampoo and conditioner. Don’t forget them!

Given hair oil restores balance and vitality to hair you might want to also consider what else you are putting on it. Natural or oil rich shampoos and conditioners can be a great alternative to some of the chemical heavy products in the supermarkets, as artificial chemicals can cause damage to the health of the hair.

Choosing a herbal shampoo and conditioner with plant oils will mean that you’re staying away from certain toxic chemicals that have been proven to be damaging to health. You will be deeply nourishing your hair with the powerful antioxidants found in these herbal shampoos and conditioners.

Other important advices about hair treatment to have into account:

best oil for hair growth and thickness advice

Not only the best oil for hair growth and thickness, also your skin will win.

Remember that antioxidants and vitamins are great for your skin too, so oils that are good for the hair are often great for the skin too. Jojoba, coconut, avocado, argan, and marula oil can all be applied to the skin, to give you a great youthful glow when used regularly.

When you buy an oil for your hair, it’s good to know that it has multiple uses. Here are some of the properties of these oils for your skin:

1) Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural anti-aging moisturiser, full of essential fatty acids that are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal.

2) Argan Oil

Argan oil boosts circulation and cell activity. It’s the beauty secret of the Berber women, who produce it from the kernels of the Argan tree. It encourages skin renewal, and as a result you can be sure of beautiful, smooth skin after nourishing it with vitamin A and vitamin E. This also protects against wrinkles and fine lines, and strengthens the skins natural defence.

3) Castor Oil

Castor oil can be used as a moisturiser. The essential fatty acids are great for restoring hydration in the skin as it penetrates easily. Some people have even used this on their eye lashes to nourish and hydrate as castor oil encourages hair growth.

4) Avocado Oil

Striving for smooth, elastic skin? Avocado could be your answer, as it’s deeply hydrating and moisturising, and is especially great for dry skin, or healing chapped skin. Sensitive skin would also benefit from avocado oil, as it calms itchy skin too. Avocado offers protection from ultraviolet radiation, although you shouldn’t use it alone in place of sun protection cream.

5) Marula Oil

Marula oil is referred to as a “miracle oil” in Southern Africa and Madagascar. Generations of African women have used this as a moisturiser as it has the power to regenerate skin cells with its high concentration of antioxidants like vitamin C and E, and fatty acids. It is ideal to use to protect the skin from aging, for fine lines and crows feet. Marula oil is absorbed easily and is great for the face and neck area as a night oil. Marula oil fights the signs of aging by fighting free radicals.

6) Jojoba Oil

Golden Jojoba oil is touted as the go-to oil because it is suitable for all skin types. It’s hypoallergenic which means it’s easily absorbed and makes a great moisturiser for the skin. It can be used as a gentle make-up remover, and even for shaving without causing redness or razor burn. If used on the skin every day, it has an anti-age effect in keeping the skin supple. It has a rich content of vitamin E and antioxidants which is great for revitalising both the skin and hair. It’s a good all-rounder, really!

7) Black Seed Oil

Black Seed oil is anti-inflammatory, which is ideal for skin conditions like acne and eczema. It’s also an ideal choice for clogged pores and oily skin, but is deeply moisturising at the same time. When taken internally, it can manage allergies, digestion problems, and give a nice boost to the immune system. The appearance of dark spots can be faded with the Vitamin A and amino acids nourishing the skin. Magnesium, zinc, potassium and calcium are all minerals that add to the nourishing impact on the skin.

8) Brahmi and Neem Oil

Its high levels of antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamin E penetrates the outer layers of skin and can be used to heal dry and damaged skin.

Here is the guide to help you to apply the best oil for your skin and your hair. Oil winners

best oil for hair growth and thickness

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