I have a serious question that I didn't find the answer to.
I have a Flutter app and needed to use a dependency and in its docs, it says this
Setup iOS Info.plist And the docs have this code:-
Where is that file? I can't seem to find it! Also if it doesn't exist can you help me create it in the right path? Thanks in Advance
The link to the DOCS for more information:- https://pub.dev/packages/easy_web_view#-readme-tab-
The info.plist file is found in the IOS module of your flutter project(ios/Runner/info.plist):
If you have Xcode, you can just right click on your root directory and click on Flutter --> Open ios module in XCode.
Once you do that Xcode will open up and you'll clearly see the info.plist file under the Runner file:
– Richard Heap Apr 28 '20 at 18:05