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Friday 25 June 2021

What is App slicing?



Slices are UI templates that can display rich, dynamic, and interactive content from your app from within the Google Search app and also in other places like the Google Assistant. Slices can help users perform tasks faster by enabling engagement outside of the fullscreen app experience. You can build Slices as enhancements to App Actions.

Support for Slices is built into Android Jetpack and can extend all the way back to Android 4.4, reaching approximately 95% of all Android users.

Check out the getting started guide to start building Slices today.

Using templates, you can customize your Slices with color, text, imagery, video, and more to match your app's design.


Slices support live-data, scrolling content, inline actions, and deep-linking into your app. Slices can also contain interactive controls like toggles and sliders.


Floating Button
