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Saturday 5 June 2021

This is the perfect moment for Arnold to complete the Conan "Trilogy". Conan the King, or Conan the Conqueror

" Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of. And unto this, Conan, destined to wear the jeweled crown of Aquilonia upon a troubled brow. It is I, his chronicler, who alone can tell thee of his saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure! "So starts Conan the Barbarian, which I consider a real achievement of a sword and sorcery fantasy epic on the screen. It has an extactic soundtrack made by the great Basil Poladouros, awesome fight sequences, a compelling story with themes of the strenght of one's own will, with very cool characters (Conan, Valeria, Thulsa Doom). It even has Max Von Sidow giving an awesome speech as king Rorik.Conan the Destroyer, on the other hand, is much more tuned down in order to attract an younger demographic. Its silly, has an absurd fight scene in the middle that looks like b-movie material, an clumsy but likeable sidekick put there just to ad some jokes... It's not my cup of tea. BUT it commits to the same narrative line as the previous movie, one large saga.The saga which will inevitably end with Conan wearing the jeweled crown of Aquilonia.The Ending narration of Conan the Barbarian:And having no further concern he and his companions sought adventure in the west. Many wars and feuds did conan fight. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name. In time he became a king by his own hand. This story shall also be told.The ending narration of Conan the Destroyer:So it was that Conan mourned his lost Valeria. At lenght he sougth adventure at distant lands and trodded the jeweled thrones of the earth beneath his sandals... until at last, he found his own kingdom and wore its crown upon a troubled brown. But that is another story.The story of Conan the King is the first of all Conan stories written by Robert E Howard: The Phoenix and the Sword. It is the story of Conan as an old king.So age is not really an impediment for Arnold to reprise his role.And it is very obvious that he loves the character. He has the original sword in his office and the ORIGINAL throne as his chair.So, I just think that, much like a famous quote at the ending of a famous comedy movie, he should get on with it! via /r/movies

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