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Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Is C++ a dying language?

 C and C++ underlies nearly all modern software and programming languages today. Many “toy” languages such as Python and Ruby and others are just scripting languages, really, calling C and C++ libraries under the hood.

Not only is C++ alive and kicking, it will most likely be with us for the decades to come.

It may seem like it’s not doing as well, because we’ve had, over the past 20 years, many new greenhorns entered the software development field leveraging the “toy” languages to do web development and web services and the like. Those languages are much easier to learn than C++, and allow for the rapid “throw-away” development that the insanity of the web world demands.

When you develop something in C++, it may take longer, but it will typically stay around much longer as well. Embedded systems running in the car you drive, for example, are written in C++ (and C) and will be running for as long as people are driving. Control systems in the industrial context, planes, trains, robotics… you name it, and C++ still remains the language of choice.

We have the awesomeness of Clang and the LLVM, as well as gcc, which are all still under hot development. LLVM serves as the basis for languages like Rust and Haskell. LLVM is inherently a cross compiler, allowing you to target many different platforms with just a mere command-line option. Why would we have such wonders if C++ were dying?

C++ had gone stagnant for a while after C++98, and then C++11 came out, a dramatic improvement, making C++ almost a new language — and incorporating a lot of the features of the Boost library too. So far we’ve have C++14 and C++17, and the drawing boards for C++20 is already in place. Not what one would expect from a “dying” language.

C++20 is deadly powerful. The next quantum leap for C++. Witness the firepower of this armed and fully operational Battlesta… er language.

I have reviewed all the new features, including concepts and modules (no more stinky header files!!!!) and I am stoked.

The community is over 4 million strong and grows by 100,000 each year. Doesn’t sound like a dying language to me. Just saying.

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