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Saturday 22 May 2021

What is the most romantic saying?

 10 Beautiful Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ ❤️ | Learn Romantic English Expressions for Valentine’s Day

Oh, sweet love. There’s just something about that feeling of butterflies fluttering through your stomach that can make your heart want to sing. They say that the feeling of being in love is incomparable to any other feeling in the world, and if you’ve ever been bitten by the love bug, you probably already know that to be true.

The thing about love though is that despite being so strong, immersive, and potent, there really are no words to describe it. And falling short of being able to express your love to that special someone can be the most challenging thing to deal with. So what’s the best way to make your beau really know how you feel about them? A love quote of course.

If you’re a little tongue tied an unsure of how to put that complexity of emotions into words, we’ve got you covered. Read through our ultimate list of love sayings to help you express yourself and make your feelings crystal clear to that special person in your life.

Love Sayings for Budding Romance

Love Sayings for Budding Romance

The sweetest, most exhilarating phase of any romance is those first few days of discovering each other. At this point, you might not have fully expressed your feelings for one another, but you both know they’re there. And although the future might seem uncertain, there’s nothing wrong with looking towards tomorrow with a positive outlook that this might finally be the one to stand the test of time.

Here are some of the best love sayings for a budding romance:

  • Nothing truly ever made sense until you came into my life.
  • I’m much more ‘me’ when I’m with you.
  • Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.
  • Despite the fear and uncertainty, I want you to know that I love you, I’m here, and I’m willing to see all of it through as long as you’re by my side.
  • I never really understood what it meant to feel alive until you cloaked me with your love.
  • Thank you for walking into my life and bringing color to my world which was once dark and gray.
  • The heart wants what it wants, and as it seems, my heart wants nothing more than to be with you.
  • I used to try to stop thinking about you, but now my mind embraces you like you’re exactly what I need to survive this life.
  • Some say that true love can last a lifetime, and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you figuring out if that were true.
  • You are everything that I never knew I wanted in this life.
  • Is it possible to love someone too much? Because I feel like I love you more than my body can contain.
  • Each time I tell you to get home safe, to sleep well, to eat your meals and take care of yourself, I actually mean I love you. This feeling has eaten so much of me that it’s starting to steal what other words mean.
  • I stopped one moment and realized that you were on my mind. I tried to recall how long I had been thinking of you and then it dawned on me – it never stopped. You’ve been on my mind since the moment I first saw you.
  • Don’t mistake someone who didn’t know how to love you with love itself. Don’t be afraid to love again.
  • It is in receiving love that we learn to be strong. It is in giving love that we learn to be courageous.
  • It feels like I had been a dusty candle, tucked away for years, until you walked in, all lit and glowing, that I was once again set aflame.
  • Every time someone asks me how I see myself when I’m older, I never know what to say. But then you came into my life and now I know precisely what I want – I want to be in love with you until I’m old and gray.
  • It feels like I can survive this life. Like I can go on without sleep. Like I can live without having to eat, or dream, or anything like that for the rest of my life. As long as I have your love, it feels like that’s all I’ll ever need.
  • I’m finally at this point where I don’t always feel like I’m in a rush to go to sleep. Like I don’t want to prolong every single night, because finally, reality is better than my dreams.

Love Sayings for Married Couples

Love Sayings for Married Couples

There are a lot of funny sayings about love, especially for those in married relationships. Marriage can bring out the best (and the worst) in a couple, and sometimes, the rising tides can be a challenge. But with a little humor and a whole lot of love, anyone and everyone can rise above the challenges and come out stronger than they’ve ever been before – together.

Here are some funny sayings about love that might just rekindle that will to keep on going in this journey called marriage:

  • Love is the light of life and marriage is the light bill.
  • Everyone keeps saying that love is blind, and that’s true. It’s only marriage that can open our eyes.
  • Marriage is basically getting the chance to annoy someone for the rest of your life, and then hoping that they still keep loving you anyway.
  • Happy marriages are the result of us marrying the people we love. Lasting marriages are the result of us loving the people we marry.
  • Success in a marriage is more than just finding the right person to love. It’s about becoming the right person to love.
  • I love you. You annoy me more than anyone else I know. But I love you. And I want to spend every irritating moment of this life with you.
  • Want a successful marriage? Embrace your differences and choose to love your partner even when it’s tough. There’s no such thing as perfect marriage or perfect love. Just imperfect people giving their best.
  • Sometimes, when I’m going through some really tough challenges, I look at your picture and I feel strong again. I mean, if I could survive being in love with you for how many years, then there’s nothing I can’t do!
  • Real love means keeping you mouth shut about the truth even if you’re given the ideal opportunity to really hurt someone else’s feelings.
  • In marriage, romance is the icing and love is the cake.

Love Sayings for Learning to Love Again

Love Sayings for Learning to Love Again

Heart break can be a very painful thing. Fortunately, the pain won’t last forever. You’ll learn to love again, to trust again, and to feel confident in someone else’s affection and care. Of course, it might take time, but with all the right preparation and healing, then your next love might not be too far away.

Here are some of the best love sayings for him or her in those dire times when you might feel like all love has been lost:

  • All lovers fall like leaves, but just if you let them.
  • Before you can learn to love anyone else, you have to learn to love yourself. And in the same way, the person that you end up loving should love themselves too.
  • Don’t cry when the sun leaves. Your tears might make it hard for you to see the stars.
  • The pain you feel from a broken heart is merely the feeling of growth pain. This is something that needs to happen for your heart to become fully capable of loving when the right person comes along.
  • You were never asking for too much. You were just asking the wrong person.
  • Rejection doesn’t mean you’re unlovable. It just means that you put so much value on the opinion of a person who shouldn’t even be a part of your world.
  • Sometimes, a heart break is what you need in order to open your eyes and see the truth of love and what you really deserve in this life.
  • The heart is a silly little thing. It needs to be broken to become strong. It needs to suffer from its mistakes countless times before it becomes wise.
  • Although it might feel like the world has ended, a broken heart is actually the beginning of a whole new part of your life – perhaps the greatest one of all.
  • Think of your heart like a hardened stone. The more it breaks, the more you reveal the brilliance of the diamond within. Only a broken heart can truly love another.
  • It might feel like you’re standing in the middle of a rainy forest, with no idea where to turn. But look at the trees, see the carvings on their bark, and the footsteps in the soil. Others have been here before, and they’ve moved on. You can too.
  • Stop wasting your time thinking and dreaming about someone who could never love you the way you deserve to be loved.
  • Anything that doesn’t kill you just makes you stronger.
  • Don’t be afraid to love again. It might not have turned out the way you wanted the first time, but not two hearts are the same. Don’t pin the mistakes people made against you in the past to people in your future.
  • The leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees, and everything will be fine in the end.
  • It’s only from overgrown, crashing waves that calm seas arise. Don’t let the storm make you retreat from the water. The right love will come. Just brace for the storm and see it through.
  • Even heartbreaks have their rainbows. Don’t regret a love you shared with someone just because it wasn’t returned the way you wanted it to be. There is something beautiful about taking chances and giving love – even when you’re uncertain.

Love Sayings for Him or Her

Love Sayings for Him or Her

Have you been in a relationship for a while? Even after all these years, it might still be a challenge to tell your special someone how you feel about them. Thanks to these love sayings for him or her, you won’t ever have to feel flustered again.

  • Love is a choice. And I choose to love you, today, tomorrow, and everyday of our lives. I want to be with you, even when it gets ugly. And that’s why I’ll choose you – no questions asked.
  • I’ve never loved you as much as I do right at this moment, and I will love you even more in the morning.
  • Love is when someone else’s happiness, success, and growth is more important than anything you could ever imagine – even your own self.
  • Love isn’t easy. There are no guarantees. But if you’re willing to do this with me, then I promise you that I’ll hold your hand and see it through all the way to the end with you – because that’s what I want. I want something real.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect love. Just two, dedicated, passionate people who are willing to put the time and effort into a relationship that might just turn out to be the best love story that the world has ever seen.
  • You don’t just cross my mind. You live in it. You fuel it. You give it strength. It’s because of you that I live, that I try, that I think. Without you, my life means nothing.
  • True love is compromise. It’s letting go of your pride and learning to accept that you’re not always right. It’s choosing what’s best even if it hurts. It’s sacrifice, and tears, and pain, and sadness. But it’s also beautiful. It’s colorful. It’s powerful and strong. Love is every emotion on the spectrum, and that’s why it’s so hard to describe.

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