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What is a married Mexican woman called?

 What is a married Mexican woman called?

What is the difference between Senorita and Senora?


I have always wondered! Thank you in advance smile

updated Nov 13, 2013
posted by Day22
Welcome to the forum!! =)

13 Answers


Hello, and welcome to the forum. Traditionally, this has been the distinction: señorita is like 'miss' in English; it is used for unmarried women. Señora is used for married women.

However, Spanish has been having something of a gender equality awareness awakening recently, and, at least in some places, there is a trend toward calling all adult women señora.

updated Dec 5, 2012
edited by MacFadden
posted by MacFadden

Señorista is when you are single, and señora is when you are married.

updated Dec 5, 2012
posted by Siulsajor


updated Nov 14, 2013
posted by 0095ca4c

I live in a border town near Mexico and I am called Señora even though I've never been married. I don't say anything because I am in my mid-40s and most people would have reasonably assumed I am married or have been in the past. I don't want to get in any personal or embarrassing conversations with people I don't know well. I was told to use Señora for most older women, but I think it would be safer to use Señorita if you're not sure because fewer people are offended if you make that mistake.

I was told by some men who were from Mexico that you're only a Señorita if you've never had sex and they would use that as a way to ask if a woman was a virgin. (Are you a Señorita or a Señora?). Also, I've heard that some people use Señora as an insult toward unmarried young women. I guess it presumes they're promiscuous. I had a friend as a teenager get extremely offended when she got in an argument with someone and they called her "Señora".

updated Jul 1, 2013
posted by desertdarlene

I would in general follow the recommendations above unless the woman has a professional title, for example doctora or profesora. My Spanish professor said to our class, "I don't want to hear anyone call me Senora Rizo because I am a Dr. and I'm not making anybody enchiladas." Lol she was hilarious.

updated Dec 6, 2012
posted by wrl1509

When we lived in SA, my wife had been married for quite a few years and had two kids, not babies. Nonetheless she was always addressed by her hairdressers and in most shops (stores in US speak) as "señorita". Don't ask me why.

Cuando viviamos en Sud America mi señora habia sido casado por varios años, ademas tenía dos hijos que no eran guaguas sino niños escolares. No obstante, su peluquera, las empleadas de las varias tiendas y otros siempre la llamaban "señorita". No se porque.

updated Nov 13, 2013
edited by geofc
posted by geofc
Jubilado - I made a special effort to get all my "enes" right but how do I do that in a comment?
Here's what I do: Type your comment in the answer box where you can add them, then cut and paste the text into the Comment box. Don't send the answer of course.
Sorry it took so long, I'm wasn't on line when you commented.
No tengo apuro hombre. También estoy jubilado.
Ha ha - I thought you lived in South Africa when I first read that...

I imagine you already got your answer on the "señora versus señorita" count, but just to warn you, from my experience living a culturally Spanish-speaking place, many are touchy about the "Miss" versus "Mrs." thing. I grew up in a place in the U.S. where it was generally accepted that you use "Miss" with anybody you didn't know to be polite, with adult ladies (even married ones) you knew if they were older than you but you still considered them somewhat young (i.e. younger than your grandmother), and one used "Mrs." either to an older lady (with her last name of course) or in more formal settings (i.e. a married school teacher, of course).
My experience, however, in a Spanish-speaking place, is that they are much stricter about the married versus not married thing. Don't be caught calling a married lady señorita. She might not be upset, but her husband will be. wink To be safe, if you don't know, just call them "señora." Also, like someone already said, Miss, Mrs., and Mr. aren't as generally used in Spanish-speaking places. If they have a title related to their profession, use it instead. Doctor, Professor, even Teacher, may be better than Mr. or Ms.... Hope this very long explanation helped... smile

updated Dec 6, 2012
posted by latinabi
Your answer did provide a lot of insight, thanks. One additional comment about using titles is that they are always used with the article el o la. Por ejemplo, La Profesora Cruz.

Señora is your boss, a lady that is older than you, or someone you respect.

Señorita is younger than you, possibly attractive and someone you respect.

updated Sep 20, 2011
posted by JohnHenry11

This is actually a comment on the comment to the previous answer but, I think the comment field is limited to the number of characters and I might not have been able to get everything in a comment. There are several ways to enter spanish characters on a computer. Probably the simplest and one that I use a lot is to enter the characters as ASCII code. This is done by holding down the Alt key and entering numbers on the number keypad (Num Lock must be on). The characters are entered with the following Alt-Num combinations: á - Alt-160. é = Alt-130, í - Alt-161, ñ - Alt-164, ú - Alt-163, ¿ - Alt-168, ¡ - Alt-173, É - Alt-0201. There are other ASCII combinations that do the same thing but with more key strokes. This, incidentally, is a bother on laptops without a separate number keypad because you have to constantly switch the keyboard from normal to number keypad with the function key. I believe the procedure is somewhat different on a Mac but, you can find that on the internet easily enough. If you use spanish characters a lot there are other methods that involved reconfiguring your key board. If you use an English keyboard, one is to change the keyboard to English-International. In Windows this in done in Control Panel - Clock, Language, Region-->Change Keyboards. Then the special characters are entered by striking the single apostrophe key and then the English letter key that you want to be the special spanish letter. For example. for ñ you would strike the apostrophe key and then n. With this configuration, you must strike the apostrophe key and then the space bar if you want the single apostrophe.

updated Jan 7, 2013
posted by kirk1
I just add the "Spanish International" keyboard, and leave the icon on the taskbar. Then I can switch between US and Spanish with the click of the mouse. 
I use Shift + Tab
Like PeterRS said, using the Spanish International is probably the easiest (I think so, anyway). To put an accent on a vowel, all you have to do is type an apostrophe before the vowel and it will automatically mark it.

Please, please, please note! The ñ is conviently placed at the bottom of the box to be clicked on and inserted when you ask a question or answer one. It's not a letter with an accent mark, its an actual letter different than "n". I don't think native speakers and writers ever leave it out.

¡Gracias, señoritas, señoras y señores!

updated Dec 5, 2012
posted by Jubilado

Like so many things you just know it when you see it. jajaja.

But seriously the answers above give good guidance.

updated Dec 5, 2012
posted by gringojrf

I am glad you asked that question. You have had several replies with different slants on this and I assume all of them (or most) have some validity. What I have long wondered is how to address a spanish speaking "mature" woman that you do not know. This might happen if you need to address an employee in a hotel or just want to extend a polite good day. I have always guessed that using "señora" was the "safest" thing but, that is just my guess. Maybe the language and cultural experts on this forum could comment on this.

updated Dec 5, 2012
posted by kirk1

Señora = Married woman or young lady or a woman who has bore children.

Señorita = a young lady or an older woman who has not bore children.

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