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Saturday 15 May 2021

What ethnicity is the most attractive?

 What Race/Ethnicity do you find most attractive? | Public Interview

When it comes to dating, do you have a type?

Seriously, most of us have a preference (or two, or three), but have you ever stopped to think why you're attracted to certain people and not others?

And whether underlying that attraction, or lack thereof, lurks some kind of prejudice?

What is your experience of race and dating? Share your story with us.

US dating website OK Cupid crunched the data from some 25 million accounts from 2009 to 2014 on people's racial preferences. It found:

  • Women preferred men of their own race;
  • But they were more likely to discount Asian and black men;
  • All men, except latinos, preferenced Asian women over their own race;
  • Non-black men were more likely to discount black women.

According to Christian Rudder, co-founder of OkCupid, the pattern has stayed pretty stable through the boom in online dating, from 2009 to 2014.

"OkCupid users are certainly no more open-minded than they used to be. If anything, racial bias has intensified a bit," he wrote in his blog.

Christian said all the dating data he'd seen fits the same pattern:

In Australia, dating site RSVP does an annual study to gauge attitudes to dating.

In 2016, they surveyed nearly 4,000 Australians. It showed while four out of five people said they would date outside our own race, only half actually had.

But don't I just like who I like?

Well....It's a bit more complex than that, according to Denton Callandar from the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales.

"Racial bias feeds into every single aspect of our social lives," he said.

"So it's not surprising that we would find the same types of racial inequality that we see in society broadly, in people's sexual and romantic lives as well."

"No one likes to be called a racist but the reality is that we are living in a world that has been, for centuries, one based on systems of racial inequality - so it's the legacy of those systems that we're seeing play out today and exist in our private lives".

While racial bias is "highly prevalent", Denton said his research showed that very few gay and bisexual men made that preference explicit in their online dating profiles - about four percent.

It generally manifests in more subtle ways, according to Denton, like not replying to a message from someone in the list of racial groups you don't fancy.

"People know that's happening. When I interviewed men about their experiences with sexual racism, predominantly they discussed these very periphery, hard to see, hard to identify feelings of exclusion characterised their online experiences."

Denton said his research has found guys who rated low have come from historically marginalised groups.

He surveyed nearly 2,000 men across Australia asking them to rank how attractive or unattractive they found particular racial groups. White people were rated the most attractive. The least were Asian, Indian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.

"That to me represents really compelling evidence that this is not a matter of preference because if this was a matter of preference you would expect a degree of randomness," he said.

Asian women fetishised

Certain racial groups become associated with masculinity and some with femininity - Asian women fit into this category, according to Denton.

Chinese-Australian woman Emma told Hack men assume she will be "quiet, shy and demure" - but she says she's anything but.

"I have a couple of good male friends of mine who joke about it."

Emma said there's also a fetishisation of Asian woman that's uncomfortable.

"You'll have costumes for sale with a very tight, very short cheongsam - which is a Chinese dress complete with hair chopsticks. It's that kind of fetishisation that perpetuates a stereotype that we're something to be desired."

In pornography, most of the actors are white.

"Where you do see actors of colour introduced, it's not on the same playing field as the white actors - race then becomes a feature of the porn storyline," Denton said.

"That to me is a natural extension of preference to fetishisation."

So... Are you racist?

Denton isn't getting all judgy on you - he just wants you to take a moment this Valentine's Day to consider why you are attracted to some people and not others.

"The truth of our lives is there isn't such a thing as [natural] preferences - every single thing that we think, we feel, the choices that we make are these long conditioned responses through our social and physical world.

"If you think you're acting on a preference - no matter what it is - question the roots of that preference and be willing to challenge yourself about its origins and what you think it might mean about your own feelings and experiences of the world."

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