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Saturday 22 May 2021

Is 5 feet 8 inches short for a guy?

 What Height Is Considered Short for a Man?

In my point of view 5'8 is somewhat short for me but sometimes I don't mind dating a guy with this respective height if i’m somehow attracted to them. I'm 5'7 girl, who has dated mostly taller guys but I came off dating two different guys. One was 5'8 and another was arround 5'6. Yes, I dated them at the same time.To be brief, even though I felt more comfortable being with the 5'8 guy in terms of height difference, he had the lowest self esteem about his height in relation to the shortest guy.

This guy’s self esteem was so low that somehow it come from his eyes. On the date, he was fixing his eyes on my heels. The way he was looking at me, it made me wonder what was wrong with me for him to give me such looks. Everything clear up to me when he gave me an indirect by saying “ it's funny how tall girls want taller guys but they use hills when going on a date with them”. The funniest thing is that before I even replied he cut me off by saying“ I'm not talking about you, your height is fine.” So silly, lol. From that moment, I did no use heels while I was still meeting with him.

On the contrary, the 5'6 guy did not care about our height difference at all. In our first date, I didn't use heels because of what happened with the first guy but something on me decided to try. So, on the second date with him, I wore hells and it was a really different experience. He complement me and my heels, lol, and he even request to see me on them more often. He never talk about our height difference and never made it feel or seen like it was a problem. His confidence on himself attract me and made me feel more confident on me and on us.

In sum, even if the height matter for a girl like me, the way you present yourself is what will give me the final answer as in this case, I stayed with the sweet 5′6 guy.

Lol, short guys are the best…!!!

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