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Saturday 22 May 2021

How do you tell someone they are beautiful?

 People react to being called Beautiful (Brussels, Belgium)

There are few compliments more flattering than being told you are beautiful. There are many ways to tell someone that he or she is beautiful, so you will need to find the time and the phrase that feel right for your particular situation. Try not to build the moment up too much. Depending on your comfort level, you can be variably casual or romantic, verbose or straightforward. The most important thing is that you mean it.

Getting the Timing Right

  1. Image titled Fall in Love With a Nice Person Step 7
    Say it when you feel it. You don't need an excuse to tell anyone that he or she is beautiful. Sometimes there really isn't a "reason" to tell someone they're beautiful; but you do it anyway. Maybe the light's hitting them just right; maybe they're wearing a stunning gown; or maybe you want to kiss them. If you feel an overwhelming urge to tell someone that he or she is beautiful: just do it.
  2. Image titled Find out if Someone Loves You Step 16
    Wait for a special moment. You can certainly say "You're beautiful," at any time, but the statement might come across as more meaningful if you have the person's full attention. Say it during an intimate moment, when you're one-on-one. Try not to put him or her on the spot.
    • If you're telling a friend, lover, or significant other that he/she is beautiful, try saying it in a quiet moment when you're speaking one-on-one or looking into each other's eyes. Let the words come out naturally.
    • Consider writing a note. This can be a great way to create an intimate moment if you're shy, or if you can't be present for some other reason.
    • Say it as a greeting. Try greeting a date by telling him or her, "You look absolutely beautiful tonight!" Avoid saying it if the date is dressed casually. Save it for when they have clearly put some effort into their appearance.
  3. Image titled Make a Woman Fall in Love With You Step 7
    Keep perspective. Your words don't need to imply anything more than what they mean at face value. There are many reasons to let someone know they're beautiful, and not all of these reasons are romantic. Try not to think too much about it. If you think that someone is beautiful, then it's usually a good idea to let them know.
  4. Image titled Get a Beautiful Girl and Still Be Yourself Step 2
    Be appropriate. When you say it and how you say it are not nearly as important as 'what' you say. Inundating a simple acquaintance with over-enthusiastic or overly detailed praise can often trigger a cautionary or even a repulsed response. Avoid accenting detailed physical characteristics (like fitness, or the sizes of certain body portions) until you and the subject know each other very well. Further, refrain from discussing such things in the company of others. When in doubt, comment on the most superficial of aspects first and wait until they are comfortable in hearing more.

Finding the Words

  1. Image titled Get a Guy to Ask You Out On a Date Step 1
    Say it simply. Just say, "You're beautiful." You don't need anything more complicated. Look directly into the person's eyes, and earnestly tell them what you think. Say it with a smile.
    • Try qualifying your words with a superlative. Say, "You are absolutely beautiful," or "You are so beautiful."
  2. Image titled Consolidate Loans Step 3
    Find a unique way to say it. There's nothing wrong with a simple, "You're beautiful," but you can also make your statement more poetic or romantic by choosing your words more carefully. Be aware that some people might prefer a simple and straightforward compliment, whereas others with a more lyrical bent might swoon over grand words.
    • Use a synonym for beautiful: gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking, lovely, radiant, or exquisite. Make sure that you understand the subtle connotations of the word that you use.
    • Instead of simply stating that this person is beautiful, try telling them how their beauty makes you feel. Say, "You are so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off of you," or "My heart beats faster when you look my way."[1]
  3. Image titled Plan a Date Step 9
    Be sincere. Some people are attuned to vocal patterns and body language to the point that they can tell when someone is saying something "just to say it." The compliment need not turn into an over-dramatic production – but try to keep it authentic.[2]
  4. Image titled Braid a Woman's Hair on a Date Step 9
    Compliment specific features. One way to tailor your statement to this particular person is to point out something unique that makes them beautiful. This could be anything: eyes, hair, smile, skin. Go deeper than the skin, and try to compliment his/her personality. Beauty means much more than looks.[3]
    • Say, "You have the most beautiful smile. It always brightens my day." Try saying, "Your eyes are absolutely stunning. I get lost in them." Tell him/her, "You have such beautiful hair!" or "Your skin is flawless."
    • If this person gets a lot of compliments for his or her beauty, try pointing out the features that don't get complimented as often. The person may spend a lot of time on their hair or makeup. However, they might be be especially flattered if you find something to say about their ears, their hands, their nose – or their personality.
  5. Image titled Get a Beautiful Girl and Still Be Yourself Step 4
    Consider using a less strong word than "beautiful." If you aren't sure how someone feels about you, then you might say that he or she is "cute" or "pretty." These words may not have the same heft as "beautiful," but that might be a good thing if you aren't sure. On the other hand: if you truly think that someone is beautiful, then it might be worth your while to suck up your courage and tell them exactly how you feel.

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