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Saturday 22 May 2021

How do you tell a girl she's cute without saying it?


What makes telling a girl she is pretty creepy, is not the statement, but the energy that is given off when you want something in return.

I remember being out with some friends and I was introduced to this wickedly attractive woman.

I looked at her square in the eye, shook her hand firmly and said very plainly “you are f***ng sexy” just like I was stating a plain fact.

I then turned back to my friend talked for a few more minutes and then they walked off to talk to another friend.

As soon as they walked off that same girl then came walking back to me and proceeded to ask me lots of questions about who I was and where I was from, she was very interested.

When I told her she was attractive, I wasn’t expecting anything as a result of it. I was simply expressing what was on my mind.

Contrast that to a couple years before in a similar situation. Out with friends, saw a really attractive girl, walked up to her and said something quite similar.

HOWEVER, I had the expectation that because “I was mister cool and confident” me simply walking up to her and saying she was attractive in my head would make her think that “oh man, he’s so brave and confident, I want him!”

That is not what happened, I was needy, I wanted a specific reaction and she felt that. Women are far more keenly able to pick up on nonverbal cues.

I think that the truth is that I wasn’t interested in getting to know that girl but rather receive the validation of getting the interest of an attractive woman.

Don’t tell a girl she is attractive because you think that telling her so will somehow make her fall for you. It won’t.

However telling a woman you find her physically attractive is a great way to state your interest in getting to know her and finding out your compatibility.

She will likely be interested in finding that out as well, but she won’t be interested in being the mule to your validation trip.


Ludwig R.

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