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Saturday 22 May 2021

Can you call a girl Babe if you're not dating?

 Calling my EX "Babe" PRANK! (SHE WAS SO HAPPY!) FT. Zoe Laverne

Babe is “a pet name” or term of endearment.

It also indicates fondness and, more important, familiarity - as in, you have a relationship with this person. Using such language to address someone, particularly if you aren’t in a relationship, is a risky prospect.

Would you want another man calling your wife or girlfriend “Babe”? Probably not.

Admittedly, there are those regions in the U.S. where terms of endearment such as “Hon’”, “Honey”, “Baby”, “Darlin’” and “Sweetie” get thrown around a lot as part of the culture: the South, for example. I can attest first hand to its prevalence, since I was born and raised in that region: Texas (Dallas), Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri.

Unfortunately, even in the South, Babe, when used by a man to a woman still indicates familiarity, and since you aren’t in a relationship, stop it. You are trying to lay claim where you shouldn’t. Ain’t proper, Darlin’.

Best to you in life and love. <3

This depends so much on the culture, subculture, and context. For some it would be totally fine, while for others it would be shockingly inappropriate. And everywhere in-between.

If she calls you “babe” first, and if you are not in a relationship with someone else, ask her if you can call her “babe” too. If she says yes, you’re all clear.

If your culture and subculture is such that you are accustomed to casual friends and acquaintances, not in a romantic relationship with each other, calling each other “babe”, but she is new to that subculture and doesn’t do that (yet), explain and ask if she’s okay with it.

In any case, if you are in a relationship with someone else, you should only do it if it’s okay with her too.

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