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Saturday 15 May 2021

At what age do women's looks fade?

 Asking Women About Their Fading Looks

Some of the women from my high school graduating class of 2004 already appear to be 45-55 in the face with sunken recessed eyes and skin that seems to be tanned, leathery, with too little skin stretched tight over too much surface area. These were the town bicycles and local train wrecks with hard drinking problems who rode the carousel for as long as they could.

I'm just shy of 35 and if I am clean-shaven I get carded if I buy handgun ammunition at a retail store so to prove I am at least 21 years old. If I am sporting a heavy beard I don't get carded. But on looks and general appearance I am often taken to be 20-25 by most people. In 2016 a woman asked about my plans after high school and I commented I was 28 and preparing for the bar exam. She thought I was 18.

A lot of women around town that I thought were hot little numbers when I was 18-20 have since gone on to age 2-3 years in the face for every calendar year.

Some women begin to lose their beauty at 20-22 years old because they hit the bottle hard and never stop and never slow down.

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

A woman will probably never look better than she was at age 22. She has matured, all the baby fat is gone, she has an adult sense of style, and she is still youthful and vibrant.

Unless she was 400lbs at 22 years old and slimmed down to 122lbs by age 32, she won't look better at 32 than she did at 22.

30 isn't the new 20 and 40 isn't the new 30.

From my perspective and observation most women experience their looks fading in their early to mid 20s because of a bad lifestyle. Other women preserve their looks into their early 30s, but it is still a decline. They are just slowing the decline.

You can see it in the eyes of some of them. They are bitter, jaded, they have a sinister look in their eyes. They are burnt out and are basically empty husks devoid of a soul.

When they reach 35, although some women with good genes and following a strict anti-ageing regiment can maintain it till 45. But after that, nothing much can be done.

The superficial hallmarks of beauty and femininity- a tight, flawless, and glowing skin- fade with the passage of time. Before you know it, the skin starts to lose collagen, wrinkles start to appear and “bags” develop under the eyes. Collagen (which keeps the skin firm) and elastin (which keeps the skin tight) production decreases and causes the skin to gradually become thin and fragile.

And that’s not all: ageing also causes a change in facial bone structure (Our Face Bones Change Shape as We Age). This starts around early to mid-40s.

Furthermore, with regards to the rate of ageing, women age twice as fast as men before their 50s and this gets worse after their 50s (A woman’s face really does age faster than a man’s – with wrinkles and sagging ramping up post-menopause).

Ageing is a natural part of human life and it’s unstoppable: if you are a young woman who’s proud of your beauty, know that it won’t last. No matter what you do, you will never look as good in your 40s & 50s as you did in your 20s and younger girls will eventually steal away your limelight. Your reaction to this inevitability will determine whether you age with dignity or descend the steps of bitterness and resentfulness.

Ignore “feel-good” PC answers like “beauty comes from within” or “some women look prettier as they get older”. These are nothing more than coping mechanisms.

Image Source: Google Images

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