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Friday 5 March 2021

Lena Headey as Ma-Ma in Dredd should be amongst the highest tier of villains

Ruthless? Yeah. Smart? Holy shit. Charismatic? Mayne not as much as like Ian McKellan as Magneto but holy fucking hell Lena Headey is fucking balls out crazy good in this role.I know this movie gets a lot of love here and I'm completely aware it's not the hidden gem people think it is. I hated Lena Headey until I saw this movie and realized that I was stupid and she's such a fucking great actor. This isn't an in-depth analysis or a character study, just some asshole on Reddit on a Friday night during the covid-19 pandemic.Am I drunk? Yes. Do I expect maybe 4 upvotes on this post if I'm lucky? Absolutely. I don't care. Ma Ma is one of my favorite antagonists in the action genre and deserves all the love. via /r/movies

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