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Saturday 6 February 2021

The last movie to win the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay was a satire of Nazi Germany where a child is best friends with an imaginary, exaggerated version of Adolf Hitler and people still act like movies like Blazing Saddles and Airplane couldn’t be made today.

Jojo Rabbit grossed $90 million off a budget of $14 million, while receiving an A cinema grade from audiences, won the top prize at the Toronto International Film Festival where it premiered, has an 80% on RottenTomatoes with an average rating of 7.6, with Metacritic being its lowest rating at 58. It was nominated for Best Picture-Musical or Comedy at the Golden Globes and was nominated for 6 Academy Awards including Best Picture and actually won Best Adapted Screenplay like I said in the title.So needless to say, Jojo Rabbit was really well received. Which isn’t too surprising if you’ve seen the movie or keep up with film in general, but often on Reddit I see this idea repeated over and over that movies like Blazing Saddles and Airplane couldn’t be made today for some reason related to people being too uptight and too PC. This even includes movies like Tropic Thunder due to Robert Downey Jrs blackface performance, despite the fact the movie is barely over a decade old, it apparently, too, could not be made today.I’ve never understood where this mentality or idea comes from. It seems like something that originated from RedLetterMedia as there is some truth to this idea, and people on the internet LOVE to quote RLM whenever possible, but it seems to just be widely regurgitated as fact without really looking at what the actual landscape of film is like today.I feel like people who talk about movies “not being able to be made today” have to watch nothing but big mainstream, tent pole movies. Which, yeah, no shit those are going to be very safe and clean, the studio spent hundred of millions of dollars on it and want to make as much return on their investment as possible, so if you’re mad giant expensive blockbusters aren’t more risky or extreme, that’s like complaining McDonalds food isn’t fancier with more gourmet options.What makes the studio landscape today different than it has in the past though is that studios aren’t putting out nearly as many movies as they were before, instead opting to get large returns on one large movie, then small to medium returns on smaller budget pictures. So many smaller budget pictures do get phased out of studio lineups and have to find funding elsewhere. But thats where the idea that a risky movie couldn’t be made today starts to become silly, because there are more independent studios willing to finance risky, experimental movies than there ever have been before and the idea there aren’t extreme, boundary pushing films still being made today seems to be a very myopic viewpoint. It feels more like people stating something they heard some critic say once and it makes them sound like a cooler, more discerning film watcher because they don’t watch that “homogenized, studio garbage” when they do, in actuality, only watch films from the big Hollywood studios. via /r/movies

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