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Wednesday 10 February 2021

How do I make my hair grow faster and thicker?


Super Simple Ways to Grow Hair Faster and Thicker!!

Looking for simple ways to help your hair grow faster and perhaps a bit thicker?  Maybe you went to the salon, and they trimmed off a bit more than you anticipated.  You said, “just trim the ends,” but somehow things got lost in translation, and that trim turned into 5 inches. 

If you are like me, trim means “as little as possible” as in no more than a centimeter max!!  You would love for your hair to hurry up and grow back to its previous length, right? 

Or…have you been sporting a short style for some time and now you’re ready for a change?  Maybe, you’ve been thinking of switching it up and growing it out for a new look? 

If you are like me, then you hate that awkward in-between phase of the grow-out process.  It looks hot short and gorgeous long, but that in-between middle length you just aren’t feeling!! 

Or…perhaps, have you recently noticed your hair has gotten thinner, from damage, stress, or simply age? 

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My Hair Experience and Mishap

For women, thinning hair can yield a painful blow to your self-esteem.  In my early twenties, I tried a million different hair colors and styles.  Eventually, my hair said no more!!!  It was damaged, broken off in places, and thinning. 

I remember being in the shower and the absolute horror I felt as I saw it coming out in clumps!  Inevitably, I had no other choice but to cut it off, going from halfway down my back to a very short bob.  I had to start over from scratch. 

Now, whatever the case may be for you…whatever reason you have for wanting to grow your hair thicker and faster, whether it’s needing a change, starting from scratch as I did, or a rather scissor happy stylist, etc., I want to share with you things you can start doing this week to help!!  Beauties, all it takes is a few changes and patience… check out these fabulous fifteen tips!!

woman combing her with long thick hair with text overlay - 15 healthy hair care tips how to grow faster and thicker hair
15 Healthy Hair Care Tips: How to Grow Faster and Thicker Hair!!

15 Healthy Hair Care Tips: How to Grow Faster & Thicker Hair!!

QUICK TIP: Most of these items can be found on Amazon with FREE 2-Day Shipping (possible same-day and one-day free delivery options may be available too) for Amazon Prime Members. Don’t have an Amazon Prime membership yet? Worry not, you can easily get a free 30-day trial right here! Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial.

Tip 1: Improve Your Scalp Health

If you want longer, thicker hair, it’s critical that you get your scalp healthy.  How??  Start giving yourself a weekly scalp massage!! 

Massaging the scalp brings more blood flow to the area, which assists with hair growth.  But to really supercharge your growth, you want to also add in a few lovely essential oils. 

Keep in mind; you must always add a carrier oil to your essential oils for topical usage.  Here are two DIY scalp massage treatments you can try from home!!

**Be sure to patch test these mixtures on a small area of skin like your inner arm before trying on the scalp.  This will help determine if you have any sensitivities to the oils so that you can avoid irritation.  Check with your doctor if pregnant or nursing before using any essential oils.  Only use these mixtures externally, do not consume.

Rosemary Oil Blend Treatment to Grow Hair Faster + Thicker

Adding in rosemary oil to your scalp massage will help with both growth and thickness.  It works by stimulating and strengthening your hair follicles while also increasing scalp circulation. 

Not only that, but rosemary oil also helps in reducing hair loss.  In fact, there have been studies done comparing it to minoxidil and showing it to be just as effective. 

  1. Take the rosemary oil and add it to a carrier oil like jojoba oil or olive oil.  You want to do 4 drops of rosemary oil for every tablespoon of this jojoba oil (or olive oil) to make sure the rosemary is diluted.
  2. Combine both oils (rosemary and carrier oil) in a bowl and mix.
  3. Next, apply to the scalp and gently massage for a few minutes.
  4. Let it sit on the scalp for 30 minutes before washing out.  Be sure to avoid getting in the eyes or mouth.

Cedarwood Oil Blend Treatment to Grow Hair Faster + Thicker

Like rosemary oil, cedarwood oil also helps your hair grow faster by increasing circulation to the scalp and stimulating the hair follicles. 

Additionally, it helps reduce hair loss for those with thinning hair.  *Do not use if pregnant and consult with your doctor if you are nursing before using. 

  1. Take the cedarwood oil and add it to a carrier oil, like olive oil.  Do 4 drops of cedarwood oil for every tablespoon of the olive oil.
  2. Combine the two oils in a bowl and mix together.
  3. Apply to the scalp and massage gently.  
  4. Leave on about 30 minutes and then wash out.
woman rubbing her scalp with text overlay - tip improve your scalp health
Stimulate your hair follicles with a weekly scalp massage using essential oils.

Tip 2: Weekly Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

Honestly Ladies…we put our hair through a lot from heat, to coloring, to styling.  Therefore, it’s essential that we remember our hair deserves TLC from time to time, especially if we want it to grow. 

One perfect way to give it that little extra lovin’ is through a hair mask.  A little treatment with a mask now and then can help with reducing dryness, brittle strands, and overall damage. 

In fact, the right mask can bring life back into your tresses, both repairing and giving some much-needed extra moisture!  Pro Tip: hair masks are capable of providing more nourishment than a typical conditioner gives you. 

So, pour a glass of wine or indulge in a cup of tea, put on your favorite Netflix show, and enjoy a little self-care pampering time with a hair mask one night this week.  You can easily make this next one yourself at home!

**Test the mixture on a small patch of skin like the inner arm before trying to be sure you don’t have a sensitivity to any ingredients.

Deep Conditioning Olive, Coconut, Rosemary, and Lavender DIY Hair Mask

Coconut oil is high in fatty acids and is a wonderful source of vitamin E.  It is perfect for locking in moisture and nourishing the hair, which leads to less breakage.  The less breakage you get, the longer your hair will grow, and the thicker it will look. 

Olive oil, also containing fatty acids and vitamin E, provides moisture, softens, and smooths the hair.  Rosemary oil speeds up hair growth and aids in thickness by stimulating the follicles.  Lastly, lavender oil also assists by speeding up hair growth.

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl….using a bowl and mixing brush like this will make mixing the oils together easier.
  • Apply mixed oils to dry hair.
  • Place a shower cap on your head and let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
  • Rinse out thoroughly.  Use a shampoo and conditioner.
woman using a hair mask to grow faster thicker with text overlay - tip weekly deep conditioning hair mask
Give yourself a weekly deep conditioning hair mask to stimulate growth and prevent damage.

All About The Oil DIY Hair Mask

As already mentioned, coconut oil is high in fatty acids and contains vitamin E.  It locks in moisture and nourishes.  Jojoba oil containing vitamins B, E, and C, also nourishes the hair and moisturizes the hair follicles, thus preventing hair loss. 

Finally, almond oil containing omega fatty acids and vitamin E strengthens the hair and reduces breakage along with split ends. 

**Some hair types do better with coconut oil than others.  If you find coconut oil isn’t a good match for you, try this recipe substituting it with olive oil instead.

  • Mix all ingredients in a bowl (I suggest a bowl and mixing brush for stirring easily).
  • Next, apply to damp hair
  • Let sit for 10-15 minutes
  • Rinse out thoroughly.  Use a shampoo and conditioner.
General Tips for Using Hair Masks…
  • Be sure to comb your mask fully through your hair using a wide-tooth comb, all the way to the ends of your hair.
  • Your ends need the most TLC as they have been exposed the longest to heat, color, and environment, so be sure to concentrate on them the most.
  • Be sure to shampoo and condition your hair after completing your mask. This is especially important when using an oil-based hair mask to remove all residue and product.

Tip 3: Good Nutrition & Supplements

Good nutrition is crucial to healthy hair growth.  To grow longer, stronger, thicker hair, you have to nourish from the inside out! 

We all know, it is better to get your nutrients from the foods you eat.  So, if you want to know which foods you should be focusing on and consuming each week to reach your hair goals, then check out this list… Your hair will thank you!

*However, if getting these from your diet isn’t possible, then taking supplements is the next best bet. 

Best Vitamins and Nutrients for Hair Growth

  • Omega 3’s & Healthy Fats – They nourish hair and assist in thickening. Omega 3 can be found in tuna, salmon, walnuts, and hemp seeds (or try a fish oil supplement like one of these for women).  Good Fats: avocados, olive oil, and most seeds. 
  • Biotin (aka Vitamin H or B7) – Biotin helps promote thicker, healthy hair growth!  Deficiencies in biotin are linked to hair loss.  I’ve taken a Biotin supplement before to make my hair grow faster and had great success with this one!  Sources for Biotin that you can incorporate into your diet starting this week: eggs, dairy, chicken, salmon, whole wheat bread, swiss chard, mushrooms, cauliflower, almonds, walnuts, soybeans…
  • Vitamin B5 – B5 is quite beneficial to your adrenal glands and therefore assists with stimulating hair growth.  Sources: sunflower seeds, avocados, salmon, eggs, and lentils.
  • Vitamin B12 – It helps in cell production and helps prevent hair breakage.  Sources: eggs, cottage cheese, salmon, beef, feta cheese, swiss cheese, sardines, clams…
  • Vitamin C – Being an antioxidant, it protects against oxidative stress and fights free radical damage that has been linked to hair loss and even greying.  It assists in creating collagen, which is needed for your hair structure.  Sources: oranges, strawberries, grapefruit, citrus fruits, brussels sprouts, and broccoli…
  • Vitamin D – It helps with hair growth while having a deficiency has been linked to hair loss.  It’s been reported that it may assist in the creation of new hair follicles.  Sources: salmon, swordfish, halibut, cod liver oil, and mushrooms… 
  • Vitamin E – Like Vitamin C, it protects against oxidative stress and fights free radical damage linked to hair loss.  Not only that, but it also increases growth.  Sources: sunflower seeds, avocados, almonds, pine nuts, wheat germ oil, butternut squash, broccoli, and mangos…
healthy spread of food with text overlay - tip good nutrition and supplements
For faster growing and thicker hair, you must nourish from the inside out!

Tip 4: Avoid Damaging Styles & Engage in Hair Style SwitchUps

To achieve more length, it’s crucial that you keep your hair strands strong.  Therefore, you want to avoid styles that can contribute to breakage (tight ponytails, tight buns, tight braids, etc.) 

Anything tight and restrictive that creates a great deal of tension on your hair can make it break off.  Instead, you should opt for a looser ponytail or bun, avoid elastic bands, and try bobby pins. 

If you are a daily ponytail or bun wearer, change the position and placement often to lessen breakage potential.  You just don’t want it to always be in the same place…so try high, then low, and then the middle of the head to switch it up.

Tip 5: Cut Back on Chemical Treatments

If you want to give those tresses an optimal chance to grow, you must keep your hair in healthy condition!  What does this mean specifically, well if you have been getting your hair bleached, colored, or relaxed, it’s time for a break!  Chemical treatments damage the hair and make it more susceptible to breakage and split ends.

woman using hair dye with text overlay - tip 5 cut back on chemical treatments
If you want longer, thicker hair you must minimize damage and cut back on chemical treatments.

Tip 6: Brush Regularly and Gently

For healthy longer, thicker hair as mentioned in tip #1, you need a healthy scalp, which makes brushing your hair regularly vital!  Brushing helps exfoliate the scalp and assists with circulation. 

But not only that, but it also helps to transfer the natural oils from your scalp down and through your hair, thereby moisturizing and protecting your hair.  Use a boar-bristle brush as you go from the scalp down and through the hair. 

Avoid plastic brushes if you want to avoid damage.  Also, keep in mind, if your hair is tangled, start brushing through the ends first.  If you start there, you can then work your way up.

Tip 7: Cut Back on Heat Styling

Heated styling tools (hairdryers, flat irons, curling irons, etc.) can damage the hair, causing breakage.  If you absolutely must use heated tools, you need to use a heat protectant.  Also, try to keep the temperature to a minimum and letting your hair air-dry from time to time. 

Avoid excessive daily stylings…Do you curl or flat iron your hair again each morning to “freshen it up”?  If so, cut that out!

women blow drying her hair with text overlay - tip cut back on heat styling
You need to cut back on styling to minimize damage.

Tip 8: Watch Your Water Temperature

Wash your hair in lukewarm water to maintain moisture.  Much like washing too often, hot water also strips your hair, causing damage, dryness, and split ends. 

Additionally, you want to do your final rinse with cool water to close the cuticles.  It also helps prevent loss of moisture and strengthens the hair, which helps to minimize damage from heating styling tools.

Tip 9: Don’t Over-Wash or Shampoo Daily

Do not wash your hair every single day.  Yes, shampooing is needed for getting rid of dirt, removing product buildup, and keeping your scalp healthy.  However, there is such a thing as too much shampooing. 

Washing your hair too often strips it of its natural oils which can lead to dryness and damage.  Your natural oils are essential for repair, protection, and hydration of your hair, all of which must occur if you are trying to grow it longer. 

At the very most, you can shampoo 2-3 times a week.  Opt for sulfate-free shampoos.  Pro Tip:  Look for a shampoo that comes with rosemary in it.  This is my favorite one!!!  Another option is you could simply try adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil to your current shampoo bottle (about 5 drops per ounce of shampoo).

woman washing her hair with text overlay - tip don't over-wash or shampoo daily
Washing too often strips your hair of the natural oils it needs for healthy hair growth.

Tip 10: Concentrate Here Not There

When you shampoo, focus on the scalp as opposed to concentrating on the full length of the hair.  This allows you to get a clean scalp without over-drying the remainder of your hair.  Dry, parched hair will lead to breakage and slow down your hair growth progress. 

Don’t worry, as the water runs through your hair, most of the suds will run through the remainder of your hair naturally, removing any residue that may be left on your ends.  Always massage shampoo gently into the scalp with fingertips in a circular motion.  Being too rough can cause, breakage, and tangles.

Tip 11: Condition Hair Often

Every time your hair gets wet, or you wash it, condition it.  Conditioner protects from damage and breakage.  Repeat after me…. healthy hair = longer hair.  The stronger the ends of your hair, the less likely you will get split ends, therefore, cutting down on the need for more trims. 

Now with your conditioner, you want to focus on the body of the hair and really concentrate the most on the ends.  You can steer clear of the scalp and focus on the mid-length to your ends. 

However, for those with dry scalp conditions, if you are worried about keeping your scalp moisturized, before shampooing your hair, try an oil treatment on the scalp.  Allow it to sit on the scalp a bit and massage it in.  Follow up with shampoo…wash and condition.

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For thicker, longer hair, you need to condition often to protect it from damage, split ends, and breakage.

Tip 12: Where You Rest Your Head

Sleep on a silk pillowcase or a satin one like this – I’m a huge fan of these!!!  Doing so will significantly reduce hair dryness and breakage.  If you want to grow longer, thicker hair, you need to avoid that breakage ladies!  Another highly loved pillowcase option with rave reviews is Fishers Finery Luxury 100% Pure Mulberry Silk Pillowcase!

Tip 13: Stop Using Towels

Instead of using a towel to dry your hair, try using an old, clean t-shirt.  Towels tend to be rough on the hair, causing breakage and absorbing too much moisture.  So, this option can help to prevent dryness, and damage, as it is far gentler on your tresses.

Since our hair is weakest when it is wet, it is best not to rub the hair when drying it.  Gently squeeze hair and then wrap in a t-shirt for 15 minutes or more. 

*Another good option you can try is to use a microfiber towel instead of a traditional towel.

woman with towel wrapped around her hair on the head with text overlay - tip 12 stop using towels
Try using a t-shirt or a microfiber towel instead of a traditional towel.

Tip 14: Careful How You Detangle

You need to detangle wet hair very gently.  Your hair is most fragile when it is wet, so being too rough can lead to breakage and hair loss.  Start at the ends and slowly work your way up.

Tip 15: Get a Trim Every 3 Months

Trimming your hair every 3 months should help prevent split ends.  If you go too long without a trim, you risk those splits traveling up the hair shaft and adding to more breakage.

close up of hair being trimmed with scissor and comb with text overlay - tip get a trim every 3 months
Avoid starting back at square one and reduce the chances of your split ends traveling up your hair shaft.

Final Thoughts on How You Can Grow Longer and Thicker Hair

Everything from scalp treatments, hair masks, foods & supplements, to how you care for your hair daily can impact its ability to grow faster and thicker.  For more length and fullness, you must focus on getting your hair to its optimum level of health.  From there, it becomes simply about maintenance. 

With just a few changes and new habits like the ones listed in this article, you can get healthier hair and keep it that way.  Just have patience and stay consistent.  Soon you will be on your way to faster-growing, thicker hair ladies!  Give these tips a try for the next six months and see what happens!

Hope you Beauties found these tips interesting!  Ever had a stylist cut off too much?  Are you just ready for a change and want to grow it out?  Have you ever had to start over from scratch as I did?  Drop a comment below and let us know! 

Looking for some DIY hair masks to repair dry OR damaged hair??  Get 7 FREE Recipes from our FREE DIY Hair Mask Recipes Guide!!

DIY hair masks guide for dry damaged hair


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