Rottweiler/Labrador Mixes (Labrottie): A Complete Guide
What’s better than one dog breed? Two of course! These designer breed mixes are getting more and more popular and there’s
So what is the Labrottie all about? The Labrottie is a mix between a Rottweiler and Labrador. It is a bigger dog breed that is often friendly, loyal, protective and mellow. The exact look and temperament depend on which parent breed it takes after more. It is a great dog for those who have a yard and have owned dogs before.
With the Labrottie, the protective side of the Rottweiler comes out but with that edge of gentle kindness from the Labrador. What more could you want from a furry friend? This of course is just a brief introduction the beautiful, intricate dogs that Labrottie’s are. There is so much more to learn, which is crucial when looking to bring one of them into your family!
Designer dogs are the new name for dogs that might also be called mutts or mixed breeds. Purebred animals used to accidentally mate, and create a “mutt” but now people are intentionally breeding certain dogs together to get desired results in a new breed.
According to Pet Guide, “an Australian breeder crossed a Lab and a Poodle… [in order to] produce a hypoallergenic seeing eye dog”. This was how we got one of the most popular designer breeds, the
Because this was such a fast-growing trend, there were once so many new breeds being created that it was very hard to get a complete history of many new breeds. We can go back and see that the breed of Labrotties was first seen in the
If money wasn’t an issue, then I know that many of us would adopt every puppy we meet! Unfortunately though, money is very much a factor in our lives and decisions.
Dog Breed Plus provides a whole list about Labrotties, from if they’re a good family pet to different health concerns. But, most importantly they have the costs split up into years and very organized.
Average New Puppy Price | $350 to $600 |
Average Annual Medical Expense | $485 to $585 |
Average Annual Non-Medical | $515 to $615 |
Parent Breeds
It is very important to be aware and conscious of a pup’s parent breeds, but more importantly their actual parents. The results of these designer breeds, especially the newer ones, are still largely question marks in areas such as health conditions and temperaments.
When you’re thinking about adopting a new Labrottie, it’s critical that you learn as much about this dog’s past, parents, and lineage as possible. Of course, if you get your Labrottie from a shelter or rescue, this parentage tracking might not be an option.
However, there are some things you can learn about this breed based on the general appearance and temperament of the parent breeds of Labradors and Rottweilers. The rest must be observed and learned after time training and socializing the dog properly.
Labrador Retrievers were bred to be a loving companion as well as a working dog. In the past, they’ve been known to help fish, haul nets, fetch ropes and retrieve fish out of the water.
Today Labrador’s are the most popular dog breed in America, and they have been for many years, but today their jobs and duties have expanded past just being a retriever for fisherman. Today they are often great hunting companions, service dogs, and search and rescue dogs.
The Rottweiler’s history is just as strong and pronounced as the Rottweiler’s jawline. According to an article on Rottweiler’s from Vet Street, “The Rottweiler descends from dogs used by the Romans to drive the herds that fed the army as it marched through Europe. Along the way, the Roman dogs bred with local dogs, and in the town of Rottweil, the result was strong dogs used by butchers to drive cattle to market.”
They then served as protectors of the meat from potential robbers as well as pulling carts around town. Eventually, though, motorized vehicles came along and stole the Rottweiler’s job! These hardworking, adorable dogs were almost phased out, but then they became a popular pet!
Both the Labrador and the Rottweiler are extremely intelligent and hard working dogs. Labradors especially are eager to please their owners. These factors make for a very trainable dog if done right.
The younger your Labrottie is when you start training them, the better the chances they have of remembering the rules and tricks you teach them. Make sure that you praise just as much as you discipline your dog and keep the training steady and consistent.
Labrottie’s are known to sometimes establish themselves as the alpha of the household. Because of this, they are not suggested for first-time dog owners. Dedicated and persistent training is required to show these dogs that you are the alpha and not them.
That being said, if you are willing to put the work into training a friendly and manageable dog, and if you are willing to stick with it, these dogs aren’t too hard to train. They are extremely smart and are eager to please their humans.
Because the Labrottie is such a protective dog, early socialization is absolutely essential for them. The earlier the socialization the better. It is important that they
Labrotties are known for their loving and loyal personalities. The kindness of the Labrador mixes perfectly with the devoted protectiveness from the Rottweiler, creating a perfect companion. These canines are extremely aware of their family unit and would do anything to protect it.
They love being near their people and often follow them around, hoping for attention and a chance to interact with you. Because they are so loving and affectionate with their owners, it is crucial that you know this is not the dog for you if you’ll be away from the home for long periods of time. This could cause separation anxiety in the dog.
While these adorable dogs are incredibly loving with their family, they are often quite standoffish to new pets and people that they don’t know. They take some time to warm up to new people.
It is always a good idea, if possible, to raise a Labrottie from puppyhood around your kids and other pets if you have them. This will make them a lot more likely to be accepting of children and new pets. But it still, of course, is crucial to socialize your dog and get them used to meeting new people.
“This cross-breed should lead to two possible situations. A watchdog and military dog with a more easy-going nature and higher intelligence, or a family pet that is a little more chilled out and protective than a typical Lab.”
How to Train the Dog
In a perfect situation, with
According to How to Train the Dog, there are several personality aspects to watch out for and keep aware of.
Is It A Good Fit?
So, is a Labrottie good for you, and are you good for them? How to Train the Dog makes a list of possibilities of different personality aspects to be aware of.
- Protective Nature: As with any dog that has a strong innate desire to protect, this can go wrong if it’s not kept in check. Often a protective dog will bark and bellow at any strangers. This barking can be annoying for you and your neighbors, especially if you live in a place that people walk around the street a lot. Training is necessary to fix this problem.
- Separation Anxiety: Some Labrottie’s will beg for attention and admiration 24/7, especially if they receive less attention that they should. If you’re someone who knows that you won’t be home very often, this probably isn’t the right dog for you.
- They can also be a little destructive when they get bored or lonely. Due to their size and strength, this can be a bigger problem than with other breeds.
Before bringing any animal into the family, it is crucial to make sure that they are going to be happy and you are going to be happy. Labrotties, as previously stated, are not the best for first-time dog owners. They can be difficult to train, they can shed quite a lot, and they need a lot of exercise.
This makes sense, as both parent breeds were bred and raised to be independent, protective and intelligent. Labrottie’s want to be in charge, so there is going to be some resistance during training.
That being said, if you or your family have had dogs before, and you’ve had success training a dog, that will definitely help. Also, it is beneficial for there to be a fenced yard where they can run around and get their energy out.
Physical Looks
As with all designer dogs, the physical looks of the Labrottie will vary depending on which parent breed the puppy takes after more. Unlike some other designer dogs though, Labrottie’s parent breeds are actually very similar looking.
This means there is a good chance that Labrotties will look pretty similar to each other, which means you will know what you’re getting when signing up to take one of these babies home.
Weight | 70 – 115 pounds |
Height | 24 inches to 27 inches |
Eye Color | azel, brown or amber |
Nose Color | Black or brown |
Coat Color | Black, black and brown, brown or gray |
Coat Density | Dense and medium length |
Most often you’ll see either an all black coat or the trademark black and brown look of the Rottweiler. The all brown and gray variations are much more rare.
A Labrottie is going to grow incredibly fast. As a big dog breed, in the first several months of its life, it is going to grow uncontrollably. This means they’re going to need a lot of room to run around and move around.
Even though the overall physical look of a Labrottie is going to depend on the parent they take most after, there is some commonality within the breed. According to Doggie Designer, as puppies, Labrottie’s will most resemble their Rottweiler ancestry. Then, as they grow the traits of the Labrador will usually come in more strongly.
Often the body of a Labrottie is going to resemble the Rottweiler. It will have the thick muscles on the chest and a thick, solid figure. The head on the other hand is most often looking like a Labrador with the elongated snout and the more narrow head.
Health and Hygiene
Labrotties should be fed only high-quality dog food that is packed full of natural ingredients and needed nutrients. Many dogs are being fed a variety of foods today, varying from dry dog food, to wet dog food, to certain special human foods.
Whichever way you choose, or if you choose to mix all three, it is crucial to make sure that your dog is getting the vitamins and nutrients needed for them to be happy and healthy.
It is always smart to ask a vet what your dog needs specifically, as well as getting food that is meant for their age and size.
Because of certain medical conditions that Labrotties are prone to, it is crucial to make sure you’re not over-feeding and they are not over-eating. Follow the guidelines on the bag of kibble but be sure to split it into two or three feedings throughout the day. This prevents your pup from bloating.
Because they are so big and active, Labrotties require a lot of exercise. Fortunately, though, they are also pretty chill. They know how to have fun when needed, as well as how to cuddle on the couch! These dogs love taking long walks with their owners, running around in a fenced yard, or even playing games! With the Labrador retriever in his blood, they’re
It is strongly urged that a Labrottie gets an average of 12 miles of walking per week and 65 minutes of activity per day according to Wag Walking.
The amount of grooming required will vary depending on which parent breed your Labrottie leans more towards. But, on average, a Labrottie should be brushed at least weekly. While Labradors shed immensely, Rottweilers balance that out by hardly shedding at all. That means a Labrottie is bound to land right in the middle of this spectrum.
Baths should be given to the Labrottie around every month or two, and trimming of the nails should only need to happen every once in a while. Just keep an eye on them consistently so that they don’t get infected or hurt the dog. Teeth should be brushed a couple of times every w
Health Concerns
Each dog has it’s own ailments and diseases, just like humans. And also like humans, dogs often have genetic predispositions to certain diseases. Learning what these are and what to do about them is crucial before taking a dog into your life.
For a Labrottie, the two most important and major concerns to be aware of, according to Wag Walking, are gastric torsion and canine hip dysplasia. Gastric torsion is when a stomach bloats or dilates and then twists and rotates, causing immense pain.
Canine hip dysplasia is a hip disease where a dog’s hip joints don’t develop correctly, which leaves them partially dislocated. Seeing this in dogs varies from having pain moving around to it being nearly impossible for them to get around.
Other minor concerns to keep an eye on are elbow dysplasia, cataracts and PRA (progressive retinal atrophy). Because of this, it is important to have occasional testing done on the hips, the elbows and eyes of
Related Questions
How long does a Labrottie live? Both parent breeds of the Labrottie designer dog tend to live about the same length, which makes this dog’s life expectancy a lot easier to pin down. The average Labrottie, when treated well and taken care of, will live between 9 – 12 years.
Is a Labrottie hypoallergenic? Labrotties are not hypoallergenic breeds. They shed quite a lot, which causes those with allergies extreme discomfort. However, allergy pills can be taken so that allergic people allergies can enjoy the company of the dogs.
Can Labrottie’s live in an apartment? Labrotties cannot live in an apartment. Labrottie’s need to be able to run freely around in a fenced yard and most apartments don’t have that kind of space. The only reason that this could happen is if the dog is taken to dog parks and walked around for at least a couple hours every day.