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Wednesday, 2 December 2020

How to Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra)

 Patañjali is the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, an important collection of aphorisms on Yoga practice. In recent decades the Yoga Sutra has become quite popular worldwide for the precepts regarding practice of Raja Yoga and its philosophical basis. The Yoga Sutras codifies the royal or best (raja) yoga practices, presenting these as a eight-limbed system (ashtanga). The focus is on the mind; the second sutra defines Yoga - it is the cessation of all mental fluctuations, all wandering thoughts cease and the mind is focused on a single thought (ekagrata).

The eight limbs or the Ashtanga Yoga propounded here are yama and niyama (the ten ethics) asana (posture), pranayama (breath-control), pratyahara (sense-withdrawal), dharana (meditation, concentration), dhyana (meditation, peace) and samadhi (happiness, oneness). The eight limps of the Yoga Sutra and specially the ten ethic principles (yama and niyama) are part of the Hatha Yoga (Hatha Yoga Pradipika).


  1. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 1
    Practice non-violence (ahimsa). That means no killing other beings. Be meek. Be peaceful.
  2. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 2
    Be Honest. Practice truthfulness (Satya). Live in the truth. Basically, be honest with yourself and others. Also no little lies of convenience. A lie is permissible only in well justified situations, for example, if you save with a lie the life of another human being. A Yogi is silent in doubt . Those who consistently lives in the truth radiate truth. Their fellow men trust them.
  3. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 3
    Practice righteousness (Asteya). That means not stealing, not cheating. A Yogi is in professional life generally honest. He does not seek unwarranted advantage, but he is looking for fair trade.
  4. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 4
    Be wise (Brahmacharya). Live in the spiritual focus (in the light/in God = Brahman). Do not serve the money (outer luck) but the inner happiness (God, Brahman, enlightenment). Be centered in your inner happiness and peace.
  5. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 5
    Practice simplicity (Aparigraha). Be moderate in external enjoyment and consumption. A spiritual person lives modestly outwardly and inwardly rich. A Yogi uses his energy not in outer actions, but lives so peaceful that it turns inward and cleanse his body from the inside. One day, he lives permanently in the light (the cosmos energy).
  6. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 6
    Worship a spiritual goal (Ishvara-Pranidhana). Thus we do not lose our spiritual path, it is necessary that we remind ourselves again and again to our spiritual goal. We can worship an image (Goddess, Shiva, Patanjali), we can bow before a statue (Buddha, Jesus, Shiva) or speak a mantra (prayer). What is your spiritual goal? Send light to all beings, and wish a happy world.
  7. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 7
    Sacrifice the ego (Shaucha -Purification/cleaning). The way into the light passes through the crucifixion of the ego. Without a crucifixion there is no enlightenment. True sacrifice is an art. He who sacrifices too much braced themselves internally. Who sacrifices too little, does not solves his tensions. How do you get inner peace today? "I let go of my false desires. I take things as they are. My sacrifice today is ... "
  8. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 8
    Practice self discipline (Tapas). Have a clear goal, a clear life plan and a clear way of practicing. Tapas means to lead a disciplined life. Follow your inner wisdom and you'll win on your spiritual path.
  9. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 9
    Read daily (Svadhyaya). The daily reading (mantra, meditation) keeps us on the spiritual path, cleanses our spirit, connects us with the enlightened masters and makes us to spiritual victors.
  10. Image titled Do the Ten Ethic Principles of Patanjali (Yoga Sutra) Step 10
    Be Happy and content (Santosha). Be satisfied with what you have. Which idea will help you to get into the satisfaction with yourself and your life? "My thought of satisfaction is now ..."

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