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Wednesday, 2 December 2020

How to Do Pilates Roll Ups With an Exercise Ball

 This high-intensity exercise works your core muscles as you use your exercise ball to stretch out your body.

Getting in the Starting Position

  1. 1
    Have your exercise ball resting in an unobstructed area.
  2. 2
    Lie on your back flat on the floor with your legs extended straight, toes pointed and your arms stretching straight on the floor beyond your head. The exercise ball should be positioned between your hands so that you'll be able to easy grab onto it while performing the exercise. Inhale and you should be in a neutral position.

Performing the Exercise

  1. 1
    Exhale as you grab hold of the ball and lift it up in front of you so that your arms are sticking straight out, away from your body. Your head and torso should come off the floor as you perform this movement, but make sure not to hunch your shoulders.
  2. 2
    Keep your back straight until your entire torso is off the ground and you're sitting up straight. Your legs should still be stretched out and your toes should still be pointed, but everything from the hips up should be perpendicular to the floor.
  3. 3
    Immediately start lowering your body so that you return to your original position. You should do this as deliberately as you can, rolling your back down to the ground slowly and extending your arms behind you again as you do so. Once you've gotten back to the starting position, begin to repeat the motion for the specified number of reps.

Advanced Version 1

  1. 1
    To make this exercise more challenging, one option is to start off with your knees bent rather than your legs stretched out on the ground.
  2. 2
    Exhale as you raise your torso off the ground, point your toes as you extend your legs into a straight position a couple of inches off the ground.
  3. 3
    As you lower your torso, inhale and bend your knees and plant your feet back on the ground.

Advanced Version 2

  1. 1
    Another way to make this exercise more challenging is to continue the movement beyond its standard stopping point by leaning forward past your upright seated position and moving the ball in front of you until it touches your feet.
  2. 2
    Inhale as you begin the process of arching the ball back behind you to the starting position.

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