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Friday 8 January 2021

Wonder Woman 1984 is a terrible movie

I just watched the movie and there are some things i want to say: (Pls read all) SPOILERS AHEADThe first Wonder Woman was amazing. It was clear they put thought and love into the movie. This movie however was terrible.They put no effort into the plot. The cared a lot about the looks and money but not the meaning. It was mostly cheesey through out.They brought back Chris pine when he did not need to be part of the story. It’s like they thought for this to be a good movie she needed a “man” and/or love interest.Setting this in the 80s was a fun choice but I can’t help but think they tried to show the 80s like the show stranger things. With a mall and red sports car like Billy’s car. But why name it 1984 but only play being in the 80s in the beginning. They put all other characters in exaggerated 80s clothes but the main characters in modern relaxed 80s outfits.This movie went fast with not meaning. I’m quite disappointed. And since this is the “womens” movie and character I feel people will blame how bad the movie is because of “women”Chris pines character is from the 1910s and coming into the 80s. There’s a huge gap in technology. He doesn’t know what fireworks are yet can fly a plane. yes it was a old version but no airline company will be using planes from 1910. Also, no one who has an IQ lvl above 3 would ever fly a plane where fireworks are being launched. His character then is seen driving a 80s car. The mechanics are quite different.Yes it’s nice that her love is back but they did it wrong. There is so many plot holes it hurts. I never write reviews but this movie really frustrated me. And then he just dies all over again.You could see all the foreshadowing coming from a mile away. And the president wishing for war and nuclear weapons. So disappointing. Max honestly did not have to grant everyone’s wish I would have rather seen her fight a smart villain with a better purpose for being bad. The visual effects were incredibly bad, WW would look like shes jogging but at the same time shes gliding above the surface 1000 mph.One ALRIGHT thing was cheetah girls story and character development. It made sense she didn’t want to go back to being a nerd and weak. But why in the beginning make her friends with Wonder Woman and why tf make her look like a gray cheetah? I know she said "Apex predetor" but its not like she asked to look like a cheetah with a freaking tail. Honestly, she just reminded me of the female version of Tai Lung from kung fu panda.My goodness this was a terribly done movie other dc movies are nice. I feel bad for the actors that had to watch the final product. Yes they did good acting but the production team set them up for embarrassment with a terrible story.They wanted to represent women power and strength but still found a way to make it about a women losing the love of her life, a man. A lot of the mechanics and not visual effects speaking but like how some things came to be made no sense or it was hard to see or understand how it happened The emotions the they wanted us to feel did not work. Was feeling like “is this really happening” in a confused disappointed way. There does not need to be a love interest, yet they found a way to throw one in with having the guy Steve possessed come into her life. This then is showing she can’t be happy without a man,I do have to admit, i actally quite enjoyed the ending when WW is actually talking to the people and not max. I also liked her speech about truth and such, as it matched the theme about lies and becoming someone you are not. I further want to empasize that i think the actresses and actors were great, just not how the story was written and made.Anyway Don’t watch this movie unless you wanna waste 2 hours of your life. Don’t give them money they don’t deserve for putting together a terrible movie via /r/movies

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