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Saturday 9 January 2021

Why do some women not care what they look like?

 Why Women Don't Care If You Prefer Their "Natural Look"

A new campaign called “#ImFlattered,” created by body-positive clothing company SmartGlamour, featured photos of women holding signs with rude comments people have said to them about their bodies. Every woman proudly showcased her “flaws” in the photo series by wearing the exact outfit so many people have told them is not “flattering” on them. 

Owner, designer and creator of #ImFlattered, Mallorie Dunn, explained why she chose to debunk the term “flattering” in a blog on SmartGlamour. “Having ‘flattering clothing’ basically means ‘that makes you look thin,’” Dunn wrote. “Here’s the truth, ladies — your ‘shape’ does not need to ‘look great.’ And clothing does not need to ‘do the work’ for you. All clothing needs to do — is clothe you.”

In an additional blog post for SmartGlamour, Dunn described her creative process for the project. “I asked women... if there was ever a time (or times) when a stranger or loved one concluded they were the expert on their body and presentation — and decided to voice it.”

The campaign included women of all sizes, ethnicities and ages. SmartGlamour created all the outfits in the photo series specifically for each woman. 

“You do not owe your appearance, attractiveness, or thinness to anyone,” Dunn wrote, adding in her second blog post: “The only person that matters in the question of whether or not you’re ‘flattered’ — is you.” 

Scroll below to see nine beautiful and badass women reclaiming their “flaws” with the help of SmartGlamour. 

  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour
  • SmartGlamour

Head over to SmartGlamour to read more about the campaign. 

Also on HuffPost: 

As is normal in this field of questions, it depends. However, I would say that there is a grain of truth in it; I’ve read some studies that indicate the happiest marriages exist where the wife is more good-looking than the husband.

Though, this also depends on the definition of “good looking.” There are certainly beauty standards in the world, but not everybody subscribes to them entirely. There’s definitely a community of men who are specifically attracted to obese women, for instance, which is outside “normal” beauty standards. There’s a community of men who are attracted to women who have large amounts of body hair. Ad nauseam.

But, again, this doesn’t mean that the man in question doesn’t care about looks. It simply means that the “look” he prefers is comparatively unusual. So it’s possible that a conventionally attractive man may be married to an extremely overweight, hairy woman and he does find her more good-looking than himself.

It’s just that this is less common.

In terms of the men that I’ve personally been attracted to… they kind of run the gamut. There’s been different races, some taller, some shorter, some older, some younger, some obese, some much thinner, some with a lot of hair, others with very little.

But I still found all of them attractive to a certain extent. I’ve never dated/had sex with somebody I thought wasn’t attractive. So attractiveness matters to me, but what I consider attractive isn’t necessarily found on the cover of Playgirl.

However, I will say that I rarely get interested in guys based upon the sheer level of their physical attractiveness. I do think that men tend to get hooked by head-turners quicker overall. After all, visual porn tends to be more widely consumed by men and erotica more widely consumed by women.

But just because the method of being attracted or aroused is slightly different doesn’t mean that attractiveness is somehow unimportant to either group. It’s just that the matter of delivery is slightly different.

Basically, I wouldn’t have sex with somebody I didn’t like the look of.

How and why I’m attracted, though, is a different matter.

Only to a degree.

Yes we take personality into consideration in order for us to love you, but the truth is that your looks could make it or break it. However, its not what you expect. The truth, might actually be stranger than what you were told.

Let me explain, I read this article on - America's Only Humor Site

Its usually a humor site that makes lists, its about how women are “more shallow than men”, which doesn’t apply to all women. This was also written by a woman.

What really caught my eyes was number #4 on the list.

5 Reasons Women Are As Shallow As Men (According to Science)

I believe it to be true. We are almost as complex as men, with what we consider as being “hot” or “not”, we don’t have one answer. We confuse the hell out of one another almost as much as men confuse the hell out of one another!

I think that many girls and women don’t want to admit that they are physically attracted to someone who isn’t an 8, 9, or 10 by society standards. We fear either being laughed at and not believed, or we fear being called shallow, even if our love interest is ugly! We are that catty with one another.

I am happy to admit, that yes, I myself, have been physically and sexually attracted to fatter, plainer and average looking men. Why? I don’t have a clue. That’s just how it is.

If # 4 on the list is in fact true, then I think that society could be overlooking something. This also means that uglier, fatter and average-looking men can breath easier!

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