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Sunday 24 January 2021

What can you not do after a nose job?

 Tips For A Fast NOSE JOB/SURGERY Recovery

What Not to do After Rhinoplasty in Phoenix AZ

Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that alters the size, shape, or proportions of the nose to achieve cosmetic or functional goals. During the surgery, our Phoenix and Scottsdale rhinoplasty surgeons may change the structure of the bone, cartilage, or skin in the nasal region. It’s important to make your expectations clear so that the surgeon can plan the procedure with your goals in mind that you could expect from rhinoplasty Phoenix can provide. Our surgeons at the Elite Plastic Surgery – and all other surgeons for that matter – will sit down with the patient and discuss the procedure before they give a go ahead. If you’re looking forward to having a Rhinoplasty in our Arizona backyard or elsewhere across the country, this article makes clear what to expect after surgery, and things you should not do following the procedure.

What to expect after surgery

Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2 and a half hours to complete. Except in cases where there are health-related complications that need to be observed, most patients are able to go home on the day of the procedure. Your plastic surgeon will provide a list of medication you should take to alleviate the discomfort, prevent infection, and generally ensure a smooth healing process. You’ll also be issued with a list of instructions that you should adhere to during the recovery process.

Following a nose job, you’ll be required to rest in bed with your head raised higher than the chest in order to minimize swelling and reduce any bleeding. Most patients experience nasal congestion due to the swelling or as a result of the splints that are put inside your nose during surgery. The internal dressings and splint will need to stay in place for about 7 days before the surgeon removes them.

Things Not to do After Rhinoplasty

To lower your chances of bleeding or swelling, and to ensure an incident-free recovery process, your surgeon may require you to avoid the following things.

1.     Strenuous activities

Your surgeon will explicitly tell you to ditch the gym and avoid exercising over a few weeks after surgery. All strenuous activities, including lifting heavy weights, jogging, aerobic exercises, running, and high impact walking should be avoided. Intense physical movements such as pulling, bending, pushing, and anything that exerts pressure should also be avoided over the first 2 weeks following nose reshaping surgery. Beginning the third week, most patients are feeling well enough to start resuming physical activities. However, this should strictly be subject to inspection by your plastic surgeon. Swimming should be avoided for around 6 weeks following nose reshaping surgery. The cast that’s placed on your nose needs to stay dry until it is removed. If you’re into contact sports such as basketball, you need to stay away for 4-6 months.

2.     Sexual activity

Although it may sound off, many rhinoplasty surgeons request that you keep sexual activity to a minimum within the first 3 weeks following surgery. However, you’re encouraged to take light walks within the house in order to prevent dangerous blood clots from forming.

3.     Blowing your nose

Blowing your nose becomes necessary when you catch an allergy, cold, or the flu virus. Because this can be downright dangerous for patients who’ve just received a rhinoplasty, you’ll need to wash your hands regularly and stay away from anyone who might be ill. Some patients feel more comfortable carrying a hand sanitizer around so they can kill germs in their immediate environment. Take utmost care of yourself so you do not catch an illness during the early weeks of recovery.

4.     Taking a shower

The cast on your nose will need to be kept dry at all times until it is removed (about a week after surgery). For this reason, you should stay away from the shower. Still, you can wash the rest of your body and use a damp cloth to clean parts of your face. Whatever you do as far as cleaning is concerned, just make sure that you keep the nose area dry.

5.     Wearing glasses

If you wear glasses, you’ll need to get them off for a while during rhinoplasty recovery. Glasses rest on the bridge of your nose and can have a negative impact on the softened tissue and cartilage there. If it’s necessary, consider trying out contact lenses for a while.

6.     Staying out in the sun

Feeling like you need to catch a little sun? Well, not after you’ve had a nose reshaping surgery. Even after your bandages have been removed, your nose is still sensitive and exposing it to the sun may lead to discoloration or increase the risk of certain complications. Make sure to use a broad spectrum sunscreen and cover up with a hat to protect your surgery site from the sun during recovery.

7.     Smoking or drinking alcohol

Most surgeons consider smoking and drinking to be high-risk activities for patients who are recovering from any form of surgery. Nicotine in cigarettes has been known to restrict blood flow and impede proper healing. On the other hand, alcohol interferes with medications and thins out blood, which can lead to excessive bleeding. So make sure that you stay away from these substances for the first 3 weeks after rhinoplasty.

8.     Touching or bumping your nose

It’s only natural that patients get curious about how their nose looks and feels like after rhinoplasty. Nonetheless, it’s not a good idea to poke, push, or touch your nose during the healing process. This may misalign the nasal tissues, hurt, or even undo the results accomplished from the nose job surgery. It’s very important that you keep the area of the surgery protected from anything that can add pressure to it or cause injury.

9.     Wearing makeup

Some patients – especially women – may feel the need to wear makeup in order to cover up the bruising around the nose and eyes. To give time to heal over the first few weeks after your rhinoplasty, you should stay away from your makeup bag. Makeup applied to healing skin can trigger complications as well as increase your risk of suffering an infection.

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