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Sunday 24 January 2021

How long until you can drive after rhinoplasty?

 Resuming Sports after Rhinoplasty | Dr. Daniel Shapiro

1- On the day of surgery and 4 hours after surgery, you can drink clear liquids and very soft food. (See below to find out more about post-op diet)

2- Rest at home (or hotel) on the day of your surgery. Keep your head elevated using two or more pillows. The day following your surgery walking is permissible.

How to sleep after a nose job surgery

You should keep your head elevated while sleeping after rhinoplasty. A large pillow can do the trick too.

3- Start taking your medications prescribed by your doctor after regaining your full consciousness and adhere to your medication schedule (although most patients do not need any medications at all). The doctor might prescribe acetaminophen 500 mg that should be taken every 4-6 hours to relieve the post-op pain. Do not drink alcohol during this time as it interacts with some medication including acetaminophen, which is harmful to your kidneys.

4- On the day following your surgery, remove the dressing under the nose (if there is one) and wash inside the nose at least 5 times a day with the washing solution and syringe provided to you and apply ointment to the sutured areas 3 times a day.

5- Serous (watery) drainage is normal for 48 hours after the surgery, so don’t panic, as the nasal packing can be replaced.

6- For the first 48 hours after the surgery, apply a cold compress on the nose and eyes. Then use a warm compress for another 48 hours (do not press the compress too hard on the nose).

* (Some people might experience vomiting or, with a less probability, bloody vomiting. Not to worry; contact your doctor.)

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7- Take a 30-min daily walk starting from day 3 after surgery.

8- Sneezing might affect some people after the surgery. Sneeze with an open mouth so that no pressure would be put on your nose.

9- Visit your doctor on day 5 to 7 following your surgery to get the nasal cast, splint, and sutures removed. Make sure to take a bath before visiting the clinic, but do NOT remove the cast by yourself. If, however, the cast gets removed unintentionally, do not fret and visit the clinic immediately.

10- If you have a tampon in your nose, your doctor will inform you about the time of its removal.

11- When visiting the clinic for removal of stitches take with you some juice and chocolate.

12- After the removal of the bandage, there might be a discoloration in the skin of your nose, eyes and upper lip. Nothing to worry as this usually disappears 2-3 weeks after surgery.

13- No driving for one or two weeks after surgery.

14- It is recommended that you stop smoking 2-3 weeks before and after surgery because nicotine slows healing and increases the risk of complications.

man smoking after a nose job

Nicotine slows healing and increases the risk of complications after rhinoplasty.

15- Swelling and bruising are common after nose surgery. The swelling will gradually subside during the first month to some extent but it takes a few months to completely fade away. The best remedy for swelling is the passage of time. Bruising will subside within 2-3 weeks following the surgery.

16- Swelling and bruising under the eyes are also common side effects of rhinoplasty that usually subside within the first 2-3 weeks after surgery. So not to worry.

17- Stop taking aspirin and Ibuprofen two weeks before surgery to two weeks after it.

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