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Sunday 24 January 2021

how do you go back to school after a nose job?

 Everything you need to know about rhinoplasty

I would allow for 7-10 days of good, recovery possibly longer depending on how quickly your body heals. Your splint will be removed in 7 days. Minor swelling will gradually diminish over several months to a year. You can resume exercising at 3-4 weeks. You will need to protect your nose; it is best to avoid any activity that could result in damage to your nose throughout your recovery. I would talk to your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon on when you are able to go back to school post Rhinoplasty surgery.

Thanks for the question.I recommend you to stay home for at least 10 days to avoid unnecessary risks, then you can go to school and have care with your nose. Respectfully, Dr. Emmanuel Mallol.-

 It is acceptable to go back to school 10 days after a rhinoplasty procedure, however there may still be some visible bruising and swelling still present. Depending upon the amount of bruising that occurs, it can take upwards of 14 days to subside.  It important not to exercise for 2 weeks after the procedure to prevent a nose bleed, and avoid contact sports for 6 weeks

When to return to school is variable depending on what was done. The best source of this information is your own surgeon.In a typical full rhinoplasty, I encourage patients to take off 2 weeks. Patients need to refrain from most gym activities for at least a month, or more, for contact sports.

Most people can go back to school one week after rhinoplasty.  However you cannot involved in active sports for 3-6 weeks after surgery.RegardsDr. J

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