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Monday 25 January 2021

Can a nose job change your voice?

 Can one's voice change after a nose surgery? - Dr. Srikanth V

Rhinoplasty is a procedure which we do to reshape the nose. Most of the time it is done so that the person does not like the way the nose looks or there is a small hump or it is bit too wide. But in quite a significant number of people, there is something which obstructs the airway to the nose. That is known as the deviated nasal septum or there may be any abnormality within the nasal cavity. However all these changes don’t give rise to a change in the voice. In severe cases of blockage either because of deviated nasal septum or hypertrophic turbinate. In such cases when we do a corrective septorhinoplasty, there will be a change in the voice for the better. But as the rule, typically rhinoplasty ,the voice will remain the same as it was before the surgery. The only thing that will happen is your nose will be reshaped and it will look better and it will bring better harmony and balance to your face.

It can, depending on how severe your nasal obstruction is prior to or after surgery.  Obviously some people are known for their very nasal sounding voices.  If the operation opens the airway for this person, they may become less nasal sounding.  So, the question to ask your doctor is what do they think.  It's always safest not to have surgery when it comes to questions like this since you cannot undo an operation.

Jay W. Calvert, M.D.
Beverly Hills, CA


If your nose is "hyponasal," or sounds blocked or stuffed up because of airway obstruction, opening the airway will add resonance.  Rhinoplasty will not change the singing voice .


Ordinarily, a rhinoplasty does not change a person’s voice. This is for the average person who sings recreationally (maybe at karaoke), has normal conversations, etc.  However, if you are a performer and your livelihood depends on the specific tonality of your voice, a rhinoplasty may change this.  Others may not notice any change in the voice whatsoever during conversation, but you might notice some changes, especially if you are tuned in to the subtle aspects of your voice, and especially if it is a part of your career. Nonetheless, most rhinoplasties are not likely to change your voice and nasal sound characteristics significantly, if at all.  However, if you are having significant and dramatic work done on the nose, such as alteration of the sinuses, fracturing of the turbinates, correction of a deviated septum, or radical changes in the nasal bone position, it is conceivable that your voice will be subtly different.

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