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Monday 7 December 2020

How Can I Draw Kim Possible?

 Kim Possible is a teenage crime fighter from Disney Channel’s animated television series. Dubbed as “the girl who can do anything,” Kim leads an ordinary teenage life but freelances as a secret agent. If you love watching this series then you’ll love following this simple tutorial on how to draw Kim Possible.


  1. Image titled KimPossible Head Step 1
    Sketch a circle for her head. Add a small oval shape for her ear on the left side of the circle, then draw guidelines (vertical and horizontal lines) for her face.
  2. Image titled KimPossible Hair Step 2
    Start creating her hair. Sketch an upside down tear-drop shape for her hair followed by drawing lines for her bangs and side hair.
  3. Image titled KimPossible BodyGuideline Step 3
    Draw a guideline for Kim’s body. Draw a vertical line from the tip of the circle to 3 spaces down it.
  4. Image titled KimPossible BodyLegs Step 4
    Draw her upper body and legs. Copy the shapes on the accompanying illustration. Emphasize corners and curves on her body.
  5. Image titled KimPossible ArmsShoe Step 5
    Draw a series of abstract shapes for her arms, hands and shoes. Start drawing first her arms and end with the shape of her hands. For her shoes, draw the left shoe tip toeing and the right shoe flat on the ground.
  6. Image titled KimPossible CleanUp Step 6
    Do a little bit of clean-up on your drawing. Erase some inside lines to show her profile but leave your guidelines untouched.
  7. Image titled KimPossible FaceDetails Step 7
    Draw the details of her face. She usually has a pointed nose, round eyes and a lower than usual mouth.
  8. Image titled KimPossible ClothesDetails Step 8
    Draw the details of her clothes. Draw her pockets, belt, shirt and neck.
  9. Image titled KimPossible FinalDetails Step 9
    Draw the details of her hair, hands and shoes.
  10. Image titled KimPossible Outline Step 10
    Outline your drawing. Erase guidelines and inside lines and outline by drawing thick lines using a black pen or marker.
  11. Image titled KimPossible Color Step 11
    Color your drawing. She usually has a fiery red hair, a black shirt and green eyes.
    • In coloring her hair, color the lines of the hair with yellow orange and the inside spaces red or red orange.

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