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Wednesday 30 March 2022

can coconut oil remove stretch marks?

 Does Coconut Oil reduce your stretch marks?

Are stretch marks beautiful?

Stretch marks are a funny old thing. Some people hate them, some people love them, but the truth is, they're totally normal and a gorgeous part of our bodies that represent so much more than a few little lines. 

We’re all for embracing your stretch marks, or ‘tiger stripes’ as we like to call them. They’re a visible example to the world of just how fierce and incredible your body is and to be honest, we wouldn’t have it any other way. There are many and we mean many, reasons to love those little lines of yours and we're here to tell you exactly why. The first step? Bagging yourself some luxurious undies that will make you look and feel super confident.



A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly. Stretch marks tend to appear in parallel lines and range from purple and white to bright pink and grey. 

How to love your stretch marks


Stretch marks usually appear after a drastic change in weight, whether you’ve gained weight or lost it. You can even get them from growth spurts when you were younger. A lot of women tend to have stretch marks on their bums, thighs, hips and even their boobs, but that’s all part of the process of blossoming into the gorgeous woman you are.

As normal as stretch marks are, many women (and men) are still self conscious about their gorgeous stripes. Whilst we can totally understand why this would be the case, it’s also a little sad.

We’ve put together 10 reasons why you should embrace your stretch marks and love them in all of their stripey glory.


How to love your stretch marks


Your stretch marks represent a journey of you. Your life. Your achievements and so much more. Continue to shower yourself with positive affirmations and love your stretch marks and all that they represent.


Everyone has stretch marks and they’re a natural part of our bodies growing. Whether you’re tall, short, curvy or slender, all bodies stretch! That’s what makes them all so beautiful.



Okay, so you’ve gained a few pounds. Who cares? That doesn’t make you any less worthy. Besides, as long as you’re happy and healthy, that's all that matters. Losing weight isn't something to be ashamed about either as this can also prompt a few stretch marks to appear. Show your stripes, girls and leave your insecurities at the door.



Your body does a lot for you, let’s be honest. For example, childbirth. It’s not called a ‘miracle of life’ for no reason. Your body can literally grow, carry and birth another human - that’s pretty incredible to be honest. Stretch marks give way to new life. Surely that should be something to celebrate.


All of those twisty, curvy and pigmented lines are works of art. You should be embracing all that is you and loving every inch of it.

Loungers embracing their stretch marks


From pale pinks to greys, stretch marks are pretty cool. People even paint them with glitter and to be honest, we’re all here for it. You deserve to glow, girl.


No matter how many miracle creams or laser treatments you endure, we’re sorry to tell you this but stretch marks are pretty much there for life. Some things just aren’t meant to be fixed, but that’s what makes them so beautiful.


Society tells you that you ‘need’ to fix or lighten your stretch marks to be deemed beautiful, but we say embrace them! Fighting beauty standards is important and we’re here to let our Female Family know that you do not need to be stretch mark free to be worthy of self love.



Stretch marks show that your body can adapt. Whether you’ve gained weight, lost weight or you’re pregnant, your body can adapt to pretty much anything. Love your stretch marks for all that they are and all that they allow your body to be.


Please, girls…don’t fall into the trap of airbrushing your stretch marks because social media makes you feel like you have to. Embracing your stretch marks is important, so show them off. Be your own cheerleader and remember just how incredible you are. Also, remember to fill your feed with positive accounts.



Do stretch marks go away with exercise?

Do you want to proudly show off your new beach body after having lost a lot of weight or planned weight loss? Stretch marks might be a visible reminder of the body you left behind. So, dive in and find out how to change the picture left behind from your past body!

Why do I get stretch marks when I lose weight?

Excess skin after rapid massive weight loss might cause some stretching and tearing,[1] but the majority of stretch marks are not actually caused when you lose the weight, but rather when you first put it on. They do however usually become more visible when you shed the pounds again. Overall, several factors including hormones and genetics determine how prone you are to getting stretch marks,[2,3] and common scenarios causing the appearance of stretch marks are rapid weight gain followed by weight loss, pregnancy and birth, and rapid gain of muscle mass followed by its loss. In these cases, the skin can be stretched too fast for the underlying connective tissue to keep up and thus causing it to rupture. This leaves a type of scar – the stretch mark.[2]

The appearance of stretch marks can differ. When stretch marks are still fresh (upper image) they usually appear as red or pink to purplish-blue streaks, and the skin may appear very thin or slightly elevated. Over time they become more scar-like: thinner, paler, and rather indented (lower images).

REMOVE your STRETCH MARKS in 3days😱 with just this remedy

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How can I prevent stretch marks when gaining weight?

The best treatment already starts before or during the weight gain. Granted, this is not always possible as weight gain is not always anticipated. But, if you know that you will gain weight, for example due to pregnancy, body building or as a side effect of a medical treatment such as steroids, you should start now!

You can support your skin by eating a balanced diet and regular exercise. Try to include ingredients for a healthy skin, such as vitamins E and C as well as zinc, and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated.[4] Regular exercise will not only keep you fit, but also improve your circulation and skin elasticity.

When stretch marks are still fresh they usually appear as red or pink to purplish-blue streaks. Over time they become more scar-like: thinner, paler, and rather indented.

To directly care for your skin, you should apply heavy moisturizers, cosmetic oils, such as Mederma® Quick Dry Oil, or , topical stretch mark treatments, such the Mederma® Stretch Marks Therapy in order to keep it plump and hydrated. Skin that is well hydrated and supple has more elasticity and can respond better to the stresses which potentially cause stretch marks. In case of pregnancy you should of course make sure that the treatment is compatible with your condition. Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy, for example, is recommended to be used from the second trimester onwards.

Old stretch marks are usually red or pink.


How can I prevent stretch marks when losing weight?

No matter if you want to chisel your body, wish to reclaim your old self, or have to lose weight for other reasons, you probably don’t want stretch marks to be the visible result of your efforts.

Apart from existing stretch marks from weight gain, excess skin after rapid massive weight loss might cause some stretching and tearing.[1] So, if you want to lose a lot of weight, it helps to lose the weight slowly by healthy eating and regular exercise, as described above. Most importantly, keep your skin hydrated to give it the elasticity to re-contract. If you are planning to lose weight, the Mederma® stretch Marks Therapy or the Quick Dry Oil are two great options for you.

Do you know 25% sufferers of stretch mark are men?

Learn more 

How can I treat stretch marks?

You already lost weight? Good for you! The remaining stretch marks might make you feel self-conscious or perhaps you are just rather annoyed that your efforts don’t shine through the way you imagined. But don’t worry! You have already shown that you’re a warrior by losing weight, so you’ll easily tackle this one.

There are several topical creams and oils on the market. some are available by prescription only, but most can be obtained over the counter.

Most effective are stretch mark treatments that are formulated to stimulate collagen production by including for example hyaluronic acid or hydrolyzed collagen supplement in addition to soothing and moisturizing components, which helps to improve the appearance of skin texture by tightening and plumping your skin.[5,6] The effect of such creams may be increased by physical or chemical exfoliation as well as by gentle massage to locally improve circulation.

If these options do not work for you, you should talk to your dermatologist. A dermatologist can discuss more invasive options such as microneedling, laser, radio, and ultrasound therapy with you.[6] The most drastic treatment is surgery, but this is unnecessary in most cases. To best support your skin’s recovery during these treatments, rehydration with topical moisturizers, such as of the Mederma® range remain a must.

Mederma® is the No.1 stretch mark brand recommended by dermatologists*, and it was named the “best stretch mark removal cream”[7], “best overall”[8], and “best hydrating”[9] in 2020 online consumer reviews for stretch mark creams.

Why do I get stretch marks so easily?

While 90% of women experience stretch marks at some point during their lives—and some men experience them, too—it can still be tough to understand how the remaining 10% and most men seem to dodge such a common occurrence. For those concerned about stretch marks forming or what you might do to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, discover these top factors that most often contribute to their formation and what you can do to avoid them.

Top Factors Contributing to Your Risk of Developing Stretch Marks 

Rapid Weight Gain

A rapid increase in body weight can pose a significant challenge to your skin and is a consistent factor in the appearance of stretch marks. In other words, every stretch mark begins with the stretching of the skin.

As fat or muscle is gained, skin is forced to stretch to accommodate this growth. Unfortunately, skin’s elasticity may restrict it from being able to stretch fast enough, leading to a tear in the collagen structure beneath the skin’s surface. The result is the appearance of a scar-like mark, often pink or brown in color, that appears from the epidermis. It should be noted that this type of tear in the skin does not occur in a physical wound on the skin’s surface, but rather exists in the epidermal layer. For most pregnant women, a surge in weight gain often occurs during the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy, which is when stretch marks tend to show up. In fact, pregnancy is the leading cause of stretch marks among women. Rapid weight gain during puberty in both males and females can also lead to stretch marks, as can rapid muscle gain in bodybuilders or fat gain in those who may be overweight or obese.


As we age, our skin’s natural collagen and elastin levels begin to decline. As a result, it loses its firmness, flexibility, and ability to recover from damage due to a slower skin cell renewal cycle. For these reasons, age can have an impact on stretch mark risk in two ways. First, younger skin is unable to stretch as much as older skin to accommodate rapid weight gain; older skin tends to be looser, allowing for greater weight gain before it begins to stretch. However, when a stretch mark occurs in older skin, it’s less able to repair the damage naturally, meaning the permanent appearance of a stretch mark is much more likely in those who are older. It is worth noting that lifestyle factors can also impact how rapidly skin may age.


Hormones have a significant impact on skin health. A high level of testosterone is one of the key reason’s men’s skin tends to be resistant to stretch marks. Testosterone contributes to the skin’s moisture levels through increased oil production. This naturally healthier hydration level helps to support the skin’s collagen production cycle, allowing for increased elasticity and a lower risk of stretch marks as a result. For women, estrogen has a significant impact on skin health. Balanced estrogen levels help to maintain skin structure and hydration via healthy hyaluronic acid and collagen production levels for a plumper, smoother, and more radiant complexion. Drastic changes in estrogen levels that occur during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause make the skin susceptible to damage, reducing natural collagen and elastin production levels, leading to thinner, less elastic skin that is prone to stretch marks.


Similar to cellulite, genetics seem to play a big role in determining your risk for stretch marks. If your birth parent(s) had stretch marks, you are likely to develop them, too. The reason for this is that a trait is often passed down that leaves your skin with a lack of elastin, the connective tissue needed to allow the skin to stretch and avoid tearing. While there may be some ways in which you can influence your risk of developing stretch marks or to more quickly reduce their appearance, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to avoid the hereditary factor altogether.

What Can You Do to Lower Your Risk or Reduce the Appearance of Stretch Marks?

While there is no proven way to prevent stretch marks altogether, there are some steps you can take to lower your risk or reduce the appearance of stretch marks if they do form.

Topical Treatments

Maintaining skin hydration can have a significant impact on your skin’s overall ability to heal on its own, while also maintaining elasticity. Cutting back on alcohol, applying sunscreen daily, and utilizing an effective moisturizing serum that supports natural skin cell renewal are just a couple of ways in which you can help maintain healthy skin hydration levels.

For treating stretch marks that have already appeared, studies show that products containing retinoids—or more specifically, at least 0.1% tretinoin—offer an effective topical treatment for stretch marks, particularly on newly formed stretch marks. These retinoid-based treatments sink into the skin to kickstart your natural collagen and skin cell renewal cycles to repair damages and reduce the appearance of stretch marks in time.

Micro needling

Micro needling may be an effective alternative to treating stretch marks in those with darker skin tones who may be susceptible to hyperpigmentation (discoloration) if using last-based stretch mark treatments. Those with deeper skin tones are often less likely to develop stretch marks, as darker skin tends to be more elastic compared to paler skin types, but this doesn’t mean that stretch marks are completely avoidable. Using tiny pins that create equally tiny wounds in the skin’s surface, micro needling treatments work to trigger skin’s natural wound response, boosting collagen production and sending new skin cells to the treated area to replace damaged cells, reducing the appearance of stretch marks in time with a lower risk of affecting skin color in areas surrounded the treated skin.

Radio Frequency Skin Resurfacing Treatments

For early- to late-stage stretch marks, radio frequency (RF) skin resurfacing treatments use NanoFractional RF technology to deliver thermal (heat) energy deep below the skin’s surface, triggering the natural collagen production cycle, aiding in the reparation of damaged skin, and gradually reducing the appearance of stretch marks. More specifically, one study on the safety and effectiveness of Venus Viva RF-based skin resurfacing treatments reported a noticeable and consistent reduction in the size of stretch marks on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen alongside an increase in collagen and elastin levels within the treatment area. Treatments are safe for all skin tones and sessions last between 15 to 30 minutes with minimal downtime, making it easy to adapt to busy schedules.

Interested in learning more about Venus Viva skin resurfacing treatments for stretch mark reduction? Locate a certified treatment provider near you today using the search field below.

Stretch marks can become a vital clog in your long-pending dream to have spotless skin all around your body. Among the many home remedies, coconut oil is quite common for stretch marks. This oil is known for its moisturizing and antimicrobial properties, thanks to the presence of highly beneficial free fatty acids (1). But does coconut oil really help erase stretch marks? Keep reading to know the answer

How To Get Rid of Stretch Marks Fast with Coconut Oil | Stretch Mark Removal At Home

In This Article

Does Coconut Oil Work For Stretch Marks?

How To Use Coconut For Stretch Marks

Side Effects And Risks Of Using Coconut Oil On The Skin

Does Coconut Oil Work For Stretch Marks?

It may help. There is no scientific evidence to prove that coconut oil can help reduce stretch marks. However, coconut oil can help improve the appearance of the stretch marks.

A study states that the application of emollients and moisturizers is critical in improving stretch marks (2). Well-moisturized and hydrated skin are more elastic than dehydrated skin. Keeping the skin moisturized may help minimize the occurrence of stretch marks and also prevent them.

Coconut oil may help reduce stretch marks due to the following benefits:

It has moisturizing properties: Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer. It helps improve the skin barrier by reducing transepidermal water loss (TEWL) or loss of water from the epidermis, thus keeping the skin hydrated (3).

It boosts collagen development: It stimulates fibroblasts and promotes collagen production (which is vital for wound and scar healing) (4).

It protects the skin from UV damage: It protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV exposure (which is crucial for scar recovery) (4).

It is anti-inflammatory: It has anti-inflammatory effects and can protect your skin from inflammatory conditions, such as atopic dermatitis and eczema (5).

These properties of coconut oil (especially virgin coconut oil) can keep your skin healthy and may also help in minimizing the appearance of stretch marks. If you want to use coconut oil for pregnancy stretch marks or any other stretch marks, here are the ways to use it.

How To Use Coconut For Stretch Marks

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil And Aloe Vera

Coconut Oil And Castor Oil

Coconut Oil And Turmeric

Coconut Oil, Salt, And Sugar

Coconut Oil And Olive Oil

Coconut Oil And Tea Tree Oil

Coconut Oil And Shea Butter

Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice

Coconut Oil And Baking Soda

Coconut Oil and Coffee Scrub

Coconut Oil And Vaseline

Coconut Oil And Egg White

Coconut Oil And Vitamin E Oil

Coconut Oil And Camphor

Note: Use only virgin coconut oil. If you are pregnant and want to try out any of the recipes listed below, you must consult a doctor.

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps to keep the skin moisturized and may reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Warm the coconut oil in the microwave for a few seconds (if it is solid).

Massage the warm oil onto the affected area gently for 5-10 minutes.

Leave it on overnight and wash off the next day.

Repeat this every day.

2. Coconut Oil And Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a moisturizing effect on the skin (6). Along with coconut oil, it can keep the skin healthy and minimize stretch marks.

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil

1 tablespoon of fresh aloe vera gel


Warm the coconut oil for a few seconds in the microwave.

Mix the aloe vera gel and oil well.

Massage it gently onto the affected area for 5-10 minutes.

Leave it on overnight.

Repeat this every day.

3. Coconut Oil And Castor Oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which has skin-conditioning effects (7). This combination can help keep the skin moisturized and soft.

You Will Need

1 teaspoon of castor oil

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the two oils. Warm the coconut oil if needed.

Massage the mixture onto the affected area for 5-10 minutes.

Leave it on overnight.

Repeat every day.

4. Coconut Oil And Turmeric

Turmeric helps to boost collagen development and can help treat psoriasis and other skin conditions (8). While its effect on stretch marks is not well-researched, it can contribute to skin health.

You Will Need

½ teaspoon of turmeric powder

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the turmeric powder and coconut oil.

Massage the mixture gently onto the stretch marks.

Let it stay for at least an hour (be careful not to stain your clothes).

Wash it off and apply a moisturizer.

Repeat this every day.

5. Coconut Oil, Salt, And Sugar

Salt and sugar work well as scrubbers due to their coarse texture. Scrubbing helps to get rid of dead skin cells. While there are no scientific studies to establish the benefits of salt and sugar for stretch marks, anecdotal evidence suggests that they can help reduce the appearance of these marks.

I Tried TOP 5 STRETCH MARKS REMOVAL PRODUCTS | Best Products To Remove Stretch Marks

You Will Need

1 teaspoon of salt

1 tablespoon of sugar

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the salt, sugar, and coconut oil.

Massage the mixture gently onto the affected area for 2-3 minutes.

Leave it on for half an hour.

Wash off and follow up with a moisturizer.

Repeat this every alternate day. 

6. Coconut Oil And Olive Oil

Although olive oil was found to negatively affect the TEWL rate of the skin and make it dry,  it was found to promote wound healing in mice studies (9). Along with coconut oil, it may keep the skin moisturized and help with stretch marks.

You Will Need

½ teaspoon of virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the two oils.

Massage the blend onto the affected area.

Leave it on overnight and wash off the next day.

Do this every day.

7. Coconut Oil And Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil helps in wound healing and reduces skin infection (10). However, its effect on stretch marks is not documented. It is believed that it is anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties can reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

You Will Need

2-3 drops of tea tree essential oil

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the two oils.

Massage the blend well onto the stretch marks.

Leave it on for an hour and wash off.

Follow up with a moisturizer. 

8. Coconut Oil And Shea Butter

Shea butter contains tocopherol, phenols, and sterols and has anti-inflammatory properties. Shea butter products were found to have similar efficacy as products containing ceramides (11).

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of shea butter

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Massage the mixture onto the affected area.

Leave it on overnight.

Repeat every day.

9. Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice

There is no scientific research that establishes the efficacy of lemon juice for stretch marks. However, this widely used ingredient has a bleaching effect on the skin, which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

You Will Need

½ teaspoon of lemon juice

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Massage the mixture onto the stretch marks.

Leave it for at least half an hour.

Wash off and apply moisturizer.

Do it once every day.

10. Coconut Oil And Baking Soda

It is not recommended to apply baking soda on the skin due to its abrasive effect. However, it is a popular home remedy and is used for exfoliation. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the harsh nature of baking soda may help improve the skin texture of the stretch marks. Avoid this recipe if you have sensitive skin.

You Will Need

½ teaspoon of baking soda

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the baking soda and coconut oil well.

Massage the mixture on the scars for a few minutes.

Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and wash off.

Apply moisturizer.

Repeat this twice every week.

11. Coconut Oil and Coffee Scrub

Coffee grounds have a coarse texture and are excellent for scrubbing the skin. The effect of scrubbing on stretch marks is not known yet. However, you may try this recipe for exfoliation.

 You Will Need

1 teaspoon of coffee grounds

1-2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil


Mix the coffee grounds with the oil.

Massage the mixture onto the affected area gently for 5 minutes.

Leave it for another 10 minutes.

Wash off and apply moisturizer.

Repeat this twice a week.

12. Coconut Oil And Vaseline

Vaseline is occlusive. When applied, it prevents the moisture from escaping your skin, thus helping in maintaining hydration (12). However, due to its occlusive nature, it also does not allow any other ingredient to penetrate your skin. Using Vaseline and coconut oil together may not keep the skin moisturized, but layering coconut oil with Vaseline might help.

You Will Need

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil

1 teaspoon of Vaseline


Massage the affected area with coconut oil.

Wait for 5-10 minutes and then apply Vaseline to the area.

Leave it on overnight.

Repeat this every day.

13. Coconut Oil And Egg White

Egg white is a popular home remedy and is used in face masks as it makes the skin tighter. There is no scientific proof that it works on stretch marks, but you may try this popular remedy if you want to.

You Will Need

White of one egg

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix the egg white and coconut oil.

Apply the mixture on the stretch marks.

Let it stay for 10-15 minutes.

Wash off and apply moisturizer.

Repeat it once daily.

14. Coconut Oil And Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E helps to stabilize the skin barrier and is a potent antioxidant (13). Together with coconut oil, vitamin E can keep the skin healthy and may also improve stretch marks.

You Will Need

1-2 vitamin E softgels

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Squeeze the liquid from the softgels.

Mix the coconut and vitamin E oils.

Massage the blend onto the affected area.

Leave it on overnight.

HOW TO GET RID OF STRETCH MARKS (Naturally + Fast) | DIY Stretch Mark Removal Serum 100% Works

HOW TO GET RID OF STRETCH MARKS (Naturally + Fast) | DIY Stretch Mark Removal Serum 100% Works

15. Coconut Oil And Camphor

Applying camphor to the skin induces an increase in blood flow (14). However, its effect on stretch marks is not known. Camphor may help improve blood flow to the affected area and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

You Will Need

2 drops of camphor oil

1 tablespoon of virgin coconut oil


Mix both the oils.

Massage the blend gently onto the affected area.

Leave it on for 2-5 minutes.

Wash it off and apply moisturizer.

These are the ways you can use coconut oil to reduce stretch marks. Although coconut oil is considered safe to use for the skin, you need to be aware of the associated risks.

Side Effects And Risks Of Using Coconut Oil On The Skin

Virgin coconut oil is considered a non-skin irritant, and it is also non-phototoxic, which means it will not make your skin vulnerable to sun damage (3).

Pregnant women can also use it topically on their abdomen to prevent severe stretch marks (after consulting their doctor).

However, if you are allergic to coconut, your skin might react to it. The common signs of an allergic reaction include:





Burning sensation

Skin irritation

Hence, it is better to check if you are allergic to coconut oil before proceeding with any of the above methods. Also, it is recommended to use virgin coconut oil and not the refined variants available on the market. Refined oils might contain additives that are harmful to the skin.

There is not much scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of coconut oil or any other ingredients mentioned in the recipes for treating stretch marks. Most of it is anecdotal. But coconut oil may help enhance overall skin health, which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Make sure to consult your doctor, especially if you have sensitive skin or are pregnant.

Stretch marks are normal are not a health concern. But if you do not feel comfortable, you can try out these treatments to minimize their appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does coconut oil take to remove stretch marks?

Coconut oil does not remove stretch marks. It can only make them less apparent.

Is coconut oil good for the pregnant belly?

You can massage it onto your belly to keep the skin moisturized and prevent stretch marks. However, make sure to consult a doctor before using it.

If you have recently lost those few extra pounds (congrats!), brought a little life into the world (congrats, again) or going through any kind of sudden body change, there’s a chance you are now blessed with the tiger stripes on your skin. Yes, we are talking about stretch marks! The lightened lines are an outcome of skin expansion and contraction, meaning skin stretch. Though it is a common condition in weight fluctuation and pregnancy, it can also be caused due to genetic factors, stress, and more. But the question remains—how to remove stretch marks?

They usually appear and are more prominent on thighs, forearms, waist, funnily (and frustratingly) enough, the parts worthy for in some skin show in summers. Stretch marks can really bring you down and keep you from wearing sleeveless and short dresses, which you don’t want. If you are fed up of the unsightly scars and are looking for some quick remedies to remove stretch marks, we have just the solution for you!

Here are, not one but 8 amazing home remedies that will help you get rid of stretch marks and flaunt flawless skin once again. Read on to know the amazing ingredients and how to get rid of stretch marks using them...

1. Vitamin A

2. Sugar

3. Coconut oil and aloe vera

4. Almond oil

5. Baking soda and lemon juice

6. Tea tree oil

7. Glycolic Acid

8. Potato juice


1. Vitamin A

1. Vitamin A

Retinoids have been known to remove stretch marks and give you youthful skin. Vitamin A, retinol, helps repair the skin cells and makes the skin softer and younger-looking, and that is the reason why it is widely used in many skin care creams and lotions. Intake or use of Vitamin A can help make the skin firmer and fade away the stretch marks.

How to get rid of stretch marks permanently, you ask? Consume Vitamin A orally or extract the vitamin A oil from the capsule and apply it on the affected areas every night before hitting the sack. Also, you can include Vitamin A rich foods in your meal to heal the skin quicker such as milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables, tomato etc.


2. Sugar

2. Sugar

Sugar is an excellent ingredient for homeopathic microdermabrasion. Since microdermabrasion is one of the most effective and dermatologist approved methods to lighten the stretch marks, you can employ a homemade sugar scrub to deal with the pesky stretch marks at home. Exfoliating the areas with a natural scrub made of sugar help regulate the blood flow in the area and also speed up the healing capacity of the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar and few drops of Vitamin E oil or any essential oil to make a paste, and exfoliate with it in a circular motion for a few minutes before rinsing.


3. Coconut oil and aloe vera

3. Coconut oil and aloe vera

Both coconut oil and aloe vera gel are natural moisturisers and help hydrate the skin. While coconut oil has healing properties, aloe vera helps in restoring skin tissues back to health. If you're wondering how to remove stretch marks effectively, then here's a DIY treatment you must try. Take two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and freshly extracted aloe vera sap and mix them together in a bowl.

Apply a small amount of the mixture on the stretch marks daily for the best results. In two to three you will notice that the stretch marks are starting to fade. Coconut oil also prevents stretch marks and thus it is recommended for expecting mothers to massage the abdomen with some coconut oil to keep scarring at bay. Because, well prevention is better than cure, after all.


4. Almond oil

4. Almond oil

Sweet almond oil is a wonder skincare ingredient and can get you rid of every skin woe such as dry skin, dark circles and stretch marks. With celebs like Hilary Duff swearing by this wonder oil after their pregnancy, we can safely say that it does the trick in no time. Rich in Vitamin E and other essential nutrients, almond oil deeply moisturizes the affected areas, supports cell health, reduces redness of the marks and eliminates stretch marks with time. Heat some almond oil and massage your skin with it in a circular motion and let it be absorbed by the skin. Repeat this twice every day and follow up with a moisturiser. 


5. Baking soda and lemon juice

5. Baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant while lemon has bleaching properties which lighten the skin. Baking soda helps remove the dead skin cells and thus remove stretch marks. Lemon reduces the redness and makes them less visible. The mixture of baking soda and lemon juice has proven to be an effective and quick way to remove stretch marks.

All you need is one tablespoon of baking soda, fresh juice of half a lemon and cling wrap. You can use kitchen roll for this. Mix both the ingredients and apply them on stretch marks. Cover it with the cling wrap and rinse after 20 minutes. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to first test it on your skin. Apply a small amount of the mixture on your arm and leave for 10 minutes, and if it doesn’t react or itches, then apply it to all the affected areas.


6. Tea tree oil

6. Tea tree oil

You know tea tree oil as a remedy to get rid of acne and heal acne scars, but it can do more than that. It can help remove any type of skin scarring, including stretch marks, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Also, regular use of tea tree oil prevents the occurrence of stubborn marks. Treat your skin with tea tree oil to make your stretch marks less visible over time. Another simple home-made treatment to get rid of stretch marks is to mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a half teaspoon of olive oil and massage the oil gently all over the stretch marks. You can also add some coconut oil or vitamin E oil into it. Leave it on all night and wash off the next day.


7. Glycolic Acid

7. Glycolic Acid

You might be oblivious to this skincare ingredient but let us tell you that it does a stellar job at making the stretch marks disappear for good. Not a very popular but an effective method to remove stretch marks is to apply glycolic acid on them. It is natural fruit acid known as AHA, which moisturises the skin and boosts collagen, thus treating the stretch marks and making them less visible. For women who have pigmented stretch marks, like red or purple, this can help you big time.

It is safe for pregnant women and is easily available in the market. Apply a small amount of glycolic acid over the stretch marks at night before going to bed and wash it in the morning. Avoid going out in sun with this acid on your skin, since when exposed to sunlight, it can cause sunburn and thus is suitable to be applied in the night time.


8. Potato juice

8. Potato juice

An effective remedy to treat dark circles, potato juice can help you get rid of stretch marks too. Yes, that’s right. Potatoes are rich in starch and are full of other skin lightening enzymes that help to lighten scars and blemishes that are there on the skin. Also, catecholase is a bleaching agent present in potatoes which heals the scars and gives you brighter skin.

How to get rid of stretch marks using potatoes, you ask? Grate a potato finely and extract juice by squeezing it. Mix the juice with the grated pulp and apply the pack over the stretch marks. Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water. Regular application of potato juice will reduce the visibility of stretch marks and give you spotless, healthy-looking skin.


FAQs about how to remove stretch marks:

1. What is the fastest way to get rid of stretch marks?

A. First things first. Keep your skin well hydrated. Loss of moisture can slow down the healing process. Also, coconut oil can be your best bet in treating stretch marks quickly. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin and makes the stretch marks disappear. 

2. Can baking soda help remove stretch marks?

A. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, baking soda can be a great remedy in helping you get rid of stretch marks. Mix it with lemon and you have one of the best recipes for stretch marks-free skin. 

3. What foods can help remove stretch marks?

A. Foods rich in lutein such as broccoli, spinach and lettuce protect the skin and help reduce the stretch marks. Beans too can be of great help! Include beans in your weekly diet for effective results.

Having stretch marks is common. These lines can occur on your belly, thighs, and even breasts. Though there are various costly products available in the market that claim to reduce the appearance of stretch marks but none of them seem to be working. In that case, why don’t you look for some natural solutions to your stretch marks?Also Read - Skincare Tips: How Castor Oil Helps in Reducing Appearance of Stretch Marks?

One of the most effective ways to get rid of long and narrow lines on your skin is by applying coconut oil. Though it cannot entirely erase the stretch marks but can reduce their appearance for sure.

Notably, there is no scientific evidence that prove coconut oil’s effectiveness in making stretch marks less visible. But, anecdotal evidences do state that. Also Read - Malaika Arora Trolled For Flaunting Her Stretch Marks in Her Latest Picture

Coconut oil has strong moisturising properties that prevent water loss from the epidermis and keeps your skin hydrated. Also, it boosts collagen production and also protects your skin from UV rays. Here is how you can use coconut oil to make the appearance of your stretch marks minimum. Also Read - All Your Questions on Stretch Marks, Answered by an Expert

Coconut Oil And Aloe Vera

Warm 1 tablespoon of coconut oil for a few seconds and then add 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel to it. Mix them well and use it to massage the affected area for around 10 minutes. Leave it overnight. Next day, clean the area with normal water.

Coconut Oil And Castor Oil

Castor oil is known to have ricinoleic acid that has skin-conditioning effects. Also, it is effective in getting rid of stretch marks. For this purpose, you need to firstly warm a tablespoon of coconut oil for a few seconds. Then, add 1 tablespoon castor oil to it. Massage the stretch marks area with this mixture for 10 minutes and leave it overnight.

Coconut Oil And Turmeric

Turmeric is good for your skin health. It stimulates collagen development and can treat certain skin conditions including psoriasis. To reduce the appearance of stretch marks, you need to mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture on the affected area and let it stay for an hour. Wash it after that with normal water and apply a moisturiser.

Stretch marks are a common thing to be observed after childbirth. Many women wonder how can coconut oil prevent stretch marks during pregnancy effectively. These remedies have existed for a long time, and many are rediscovering them in the modern era today.

How Does Coconut Oil Help to Reduce or Prevent Stretch Marks in Pregnancy?

While massages and certain essential oils help in bringing back the strength to your body after pregnancy and delivery, coconut oil has been known to be quite effective in reducing the presence of stretch marks.


Quite a common remedy used across homes in India, coconut oil is actually retrieved from the kernel after it has fully matured. A lot of households already make use of it as hair oil and something to massage the head with.

The oil has already found its effectiveness and usage in various ways. Many pharmaceutical industries utilize coconut oil in their medicines to derive from its health benefits. Similarly, a lot of moisturisers available in the market do have coconut oil as an essential ingredient to replenish dry skin.

One of the major constituents of coconut oil is Vitamin E. This element is primarily an antioxidant, which not only affects the body beneficially but also helps in quick absorption within the skin. All of it works together in allowing the skin to be firm and helps in removing the stretch marks.

Apart from tightening the skin as well as decreasing the sagginess after pregnancy, the health-boosting properties of coconut oil make it an easy anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial item.

The antioxidants present in the coconut oil work together in fighting the free radicals, thereby allowing the skin to repair itself and nourishing it. Since the oil is totally natural, there are no side-effects or complications that would arise as a result of using it.

The skin needs to rebuild its strength rapidly following childbirth. A lot of energy is required for this. Coconut oil contains numerous saturated fats that are a great source of energy for this purpose.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks While Pregnant?

Stretch marks may primarily appear on the stomach post-pregnancy. But they might also be present on your legs and arms, and even other parts of the body. Using coconut oil on all of those regions is important to reduce stretch marks considerably.

One of the added advantages of using coconut oil for this purpose is that it will help your skin recover its existing glow and radiance.

Make sure you rub coconut oil liberally on all the parts of your body wherever stretch marks might be present. Do repeat this at least twice or thrice in a day for good results.

You can rub the oil without any worry since it doesn’t affect the baby in any harmful manner.

Massaging with coconut oil is also recommended during pregnancy as well. Doing that early on and continuing it after delivery can help bring better results.

When massaging with the oil, make sure you rub the skin properly and intensely so that all the oil gets absorbed fully. You can let it stay overnight or wash it away with some warm water after a while.

Some women tend to have stretch marks because they gained and lost weight considerably, as well as had a number of hormone-related issues. In these cases, heating a little extra virgin coconut oil and rubbing it on those areas before falling asleep can be effective.

Using Coconut Oil During Pregnancy

What to Expect While Using Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks When Pregnant?

Whether using virgin coconut oil for pregnancy stretch marks or even the normal coconut oil, the reduction in stretchmarks will not take place overnight. Regular application in the right manner is crucial to get the desired result.

Once that happens, stretch marks begin to change their colour. What was purple or reddish earlier, begins to morph into a slightly pink shade. With the further application of coconut oil, their colour changes to totally white or even have a silver tinge to them. The colour of your skin doesn’t matter much, nor does the shade or intensity of the stretch marks.

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The fading of stretch marks can be faster if the application of coconut oil begins during pregnancy itself. During that phase, massaging with coconut oil helps in smoothening out those marks and making them less evident. Later on, they can fade away and blend with the skin.


Some women tend to start using coconut oil for full-body massages right after their pregnancy is confirmed. This prepares the skin for the changes that are going to happen and provides it with the strength and elasticity it needs to encompass the enlarging body. Such women tend to have fewer stretch marks and even those are pretty light and undetectable.

Precautions for Pregnant Women While Applying Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

While coconut oil itself is not harmful in any way, there are certain precautions a woman should take when applying the oil on her body.

Be very careful when massaging your body in your pregnancy. Keep the minimum pressure on your stomach at all times.

Some women like to mix coconut oil with scented oil. Confirm the same with your doctor since that might trigger allergic issues.

Avoid mimicking any complex massage techniques that you might have seen on the Internet.

Use virgin coconut oil or natural pure coconut oil for the massage. Don’t choose refined oil from the market.

Once you know that coconut oil is good for stretch marks during pregnancy, you can start using it in the right way rather quickly. Be patient and diligent with your efforts and the effects will show themselves soon.

In today's day and age, everyone wants to be perfect with the ideal body structure, sharp features and flawless skin. Nothing much can be done about the first two as they depend on one's genes, but the latter can be worked towards. Stretch marks, also known as striae distensae, are long, depressed bands on the skin that appear as either red, purple or silvery white, depending on skin colour. They are dermal scars or disfiguring lesions that tend to occur near the hips, buttocks, thighs, armpits, stomach, chest, etc. They can be found in both men and women, but more commonly affect women, almost up to 40-90% of women. According to Dr. Jangid, a senior dermatologist at SkinQure, New Delhi, “Stretch marks are formed due to the incapability of the lower skin (dermis) to stretch as much as the upper skin. During pregnancy or bodybuilding, the skin is stretched as the body grows. But after pregnancy or when an individual stops working out, the body regains its previous size. The skin isn't able to go back to its original size and leaves stretch marks behind. It doesn't just affect the superficial skin, but also the deeper dermis. To get rid of the scars, both the layers of the skin need to be treated.”Causes of Stretch Marks

Stretch marks appear due to large amounts of cortisone present in the skin. The elastic fibres in the dermis are weakened by cortisone. Due to the constant stretching of the skin, the layer tears which causes a mark to form in the middle layer of the skin. There are a number of reasons for the stretching of the skin like pregnancy, dramatic weight loss or gain, having a family history of stretch marks, using corticosteroid medication, etc. During adolescence, teenagers undergo a growth spurt which may cause the marks. Genetic disorders like Cushing's Syndrome or Marfan Syndrome increase the likelihood of developing stretch marks.

How To Get Rid Of Stretch Mark Naturally With Aloe Vera & Coconut Oil.

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Dr. Deepali Bhardwaj, a trained dermatologist and laser surgeon, states, “Stretch marks are formed due to the breaking of collagen fibres ,which happens when the body suddenly bloats with fat or with a child inside. Even steroids can be a cause for stretch marks; athletes and fitness freaks may misuse them and cause the formation of scars due to the sudden bulk up of muscles.”How to Prevent Stretch Marks

In recent times, several methods have been introduced to help fade away or completely remove these marks like medical procedures and prescriptions. But home remedies are the safest and most effective. "The application of essential fatty acid oils and coconut oils can be effective if they are applied at the time of the formation of the marks. Initially they are pink, then red, soon they become yellow and finally white. The trick is to catch them young, when they are pink or red, and prevent them for damaging the skin any further," says Dr. Bhardwaj.Coconut oil is used to dull the scars and has proven to be quite useful. It has great moisturising properties and improves the overall health of the skin. It's anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-microbial qualities get absorbed by the skin and heal it. The irritation caused during pregnancy can be reduced by the application of the oil. It nourishes the damaged skin and strengthens its cell walls. Coconut oil contains vitamins like Vitamin E, which heals the dermis, and Vitamin K that removes the damaged and dead cells. Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

 Coconut oil can be used in the following ways:1. Plain Coconut Oil•    Take a few drops of coconut oil and massage it on the affected area.

•    Wait for a while for it to be assimilated by the skin.

•    Apply daily.


coconut superfoods

Coconut oil is used to dull the scars and has proven to be quite useful​Photo Credit: twitter/CoconutHealth2. Coconut Oil with Castor Oil•    Take and blend equal amounts of coconut oil and castor oil.

•    Rub it on the affected area.

•    Wait for a while for it to be absorbed.

•    Apply daily.3. Coconut Oil with Turmeric•    Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and blend it with 1 teaspoon of turmeric oil.

 •    Rub the blend on top of the scars.

•    Wash it with water after 15 minutes.

•    Apply daily.

•    Add an extra teaspoon of lemon juice for additional benefits.4. Coconut Oil with Salt and Sugar•    Take half a cup of coconut oil and blend it with one cup of salt and sugar each.

•    Rub the paste on the marks for 5 minutes and wait for 10 minutes for it to settle.

•    Wash it and dry it off soon after.

•    Apply daily.5. Coconut Oil with Olive Oil•    Blend a few drops of coconut oil and olive oil together.

•    Carefully rub it onto the affected area.

•    Wait for a little while until the skin absorbs it in.

•    Apply daily.Disclaimer:The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

Having a stretch mark-free skin is quite a struggle for women and coconut oil would help you achieve that.

How to get rid stretch marks with coconut oil [ece-auto-gen]

How to get rid stretch marks with coconut oil [ece-auto-gen]

Coconut oil is popular for its excellent ability to moisturize the skin and get rid of bacteria on the skin.


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Due to this effect, it has been discovered that it's also excellent for clearing stretch marks. Coconut oil is widely used or added to the skincare treatments due to its ability to repair the skin.

With coconut oil, you don’t need to break the bank for creams that claim to clear stretch marks. The properties of coconut oil keeps your skin healthy as it clears stretch marks.

Here are some of the ways you can use coconut oil to get rid of the stretch marks on your skin.

1. Plain coconut oil

You can use the ordinary coconut oil to get rid of stretch marks [Style craze]

You can use the ordinary coconut oil to get rid of stretch marks [Style craze]

You can use the ordinary coconut oil to get rid of stretch marks. All you need to do is heat coconut oil to a point that’s tolerable for the skin. Massage the warm oil on your skin for 5-10 minutes at night.

Remove Stretch Marks At Home |Best Stretch Mark Removal Cream ? ft. Mom & World Stretch Marks Lotion

Leave the oil overnight and wash off the following day. Repeat this process daily for an excellent result.

2. Coconut oil and aloe vera

The combination of aloe vera and coconut oil will not only clear the stretch marks [ece-auto-gen]

The combination of aloe vera and coconut oil will not only clear the stretch marks [ece-auto-gen]

The combination of aloe vera and coconut oil will not only clear the stretch marks, but it would also supply your skin the nutrients needed to glow. Just mix one tablespoon of coconut oil and aloe vera gel.

Heat the mixture to a warm state and massage gently on the affected spot for about five to ten minutes. Leave the oil on your skin overnight and repeat the process every day for the best result.

3. Coconut oil and turmeric

Turmeric is effective at treating skin conditions and boosting the development of collagen [ece-auto-gen]

Turmeric is effective at treating skin conditions and boosting the development of collagen [ece-auto-gen]

Turmeric is effective at treating skin conditions and boosting the development of collagen. Its combination with coconut oil will send those stretch marks packing.

To make this work, you have to mix a half teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of coconut oil. Massage the mixture on the affected area.

Leave for about an hour and wash after. Moisturize your skin after washing the mixture off your skin. Repeat this process daily.

4. Coconut oil and shea butter

Shea butter is popular for its ability to keep skin healthy

Shea butter is popular for its ability to keep skin healthy

Shea butter is popular for its ability to keep skin healthy. It has anti-inflammatory properties that get rid of stretch marks.

Mix a tablespoon of coconut oil and shea butter in a bowl. Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave it overnight.

ALSO READ: Castor oil is all you need to clear those stretch marks

5. Coconut oil and olive oil

The mixture of coconut and olive oil will do wonders for your skin. Mix half teaspoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of coconut oil.

Massage the oil blends on the affected area at night so you can leave it overnight. Repeat this process every day.

How long do stretch marks take to fade?

Stretch marks can take anywhere between 6 and 12 months after pregnancy to fade. They are permanent marks that can become less noticeable with treatment.

Hyaluronic acid:

According to studies, applying hyaluronic acid when stretch marks have just begun to appear can make the marks less noticeable.


Tretinoin and retinol are chemical derivatives (retinoids) of vitamin A.

Tretinoin is available on prescription, whereas retinol can be found in various over-the-counter creams and serums.

The use of tretinoins during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. These can, however, be applied later.

According to a study, people who applied a cream containing tretinoin for 24 weeks saw their stretch marks fade, whereas others who did not apply the cream observed an increase in their stretch marks. Similar results have come up with other studies as well.


Stretch mark treatments such as over-the-counter products can be expensive. If you find no results with them, seeing a board-certified dermatologist can be helpful.

Dermatologists use one or any combination of the following procedures to make stretch marks less noticeable.

Chemical peel

Laser therapy




Any of these procedures can cause side effects, which are minor in the hands of a board-certified dermatologist. Minor side effects such as redness and swelling are common and usually disappear in a few hours.

Remember what works for others may not work for you. Everyone’s skin can react differently to the treatments. Some may see their stretch marks fade earlier than others, whereas others may find minimal or no benefit.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask your doctor before you use any of the products for your stretch marks. For example, products that contain retinol can be harmful to your baby.


What about other over-the-counter creams and lotions for stretch marks?

The market is inundated with various over-the-counter products such as creams, lotions, and gels for stretch marks. According to studies, no single product seems to benefit all the time, and some of the products do not work at all.

If you still want to try one of these products to fade stretch marks, always follow these tips:

Apply the product on early stretch marks: Treatments do not seem to work on older stretch marks.

Massage the product into your stretch marks: Not just applying but massaging the product gently into your skin may provide you with better results.

Apply the product every day for several weeks: Like other scars, stretch marks are stubborn and take several weeks to fade. Be patient.

Do home remedies for stretch marks work?

Popular home remedies for stretch marks include almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, or vitamin E. Some anecdotal reports and studies have found them helpful in fading stretch marks. However, in some studies, these have not worked. If you think, massaging with any of these oils is working for you, you can continue them.

Tanning using self-tanners cannot help you get rid of stretch marks. They can just help you camouflage early and mature stretch marks.

Can you do anything to prevent stretch marks?

Yes. You may be able to prevent stretch marks.

Although remedies such as almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, and vitamin E may not help prevent stretch marks in everyone, some ingredients can help reduce their severity.

According to studies, products containing herb, Centella asiatica, or hyaluronic acid may help prevent stretch marks.

Some other preventive tips include:

Drinking enough water

Maintaining a slow and steady weight gain

Increasing your daily intake of vitamins (particularly vitamins A and C) and protein

How can a teenage girl get rid of stretch marks?

What Are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are fine lines in the skin that happen when quick growth or weight gain stretches the skin (like during puberty). Skin is usually fairly stretchy, but when it's overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protein that makes up the tissue in skin) is disrupted. As a result, the skin can develop stretch marks.

At first, stretch marks may show up as reddish or purplish lines that can look indented and have a different texture from the skin around them. Stretch marks often turn lighter and almost disappear over time.

Who Gets Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a normal part of puberty for most people. People who are obese often have stretch marks. Bodybuilders can get stretch marks because of the quick body changes that can come with bodybuilding. People who use steroid-containing skin creams or ointments (such as hydrocortisone) for more than a few weeks also may get stretch marks. So might people who have to take high doses of oral corticosteroids for months or longer.

How Can I Get My Stretch Marks to Go Away?

A dermatologist or plastic surgeon are doctors who can help treat stretch marks. They specialize in caring for the skin. To reduce the appearance of stretch marks, they might use prescription creams, microdermabrasion, and laser treatment. But doctors don't usually recommended these for teens because they're still growing. So new stretch marks might appear and existing ones will probably fade a bit over time. Also, these treatments can be expensive and usually are not covered by insurance.

How Can I Make Stretch Marks Less Noticeable?

Here are some things to consider if you want to make stretch marks less noticeable:

Some people find that sunless self-tanners can help cover up stretch marks. This isn't true with regular tanning or tanning beds, though: Stretch marks are less likely to tan so may end up looking more obvious. Plus, the sun and tanning beds do more harm than good when it comes to the long-term health of your skin.

Try using body makeup matched to your skin tone to cover stretch marks.

Wear board shorts or rash guards. Bathing suits with more coverage work well for hiding stretch marks on the buttocks, upper thighs, and chest.

Many creams and other skin products claim to get rid of stretch marks, but the truth is that most don't work and are costly. Usually, the best thing to do is be patient because stretch marks often fade with time. If they still bother you when you’re an adult, you can ask your doctor or see a specialist for treatment.

How can I reduce stretch marks naturally?

Stretch marks, also called striae distensae or striae gravidarum, look like indented streaks in your skin. They may be red, purple, or silver in appearance. Stretch marks most often appear on the:






They’re common in pregnancy, but anyone can develop stretch marks in any phase of life. Some people are more susceptible to them. If your mom, dad, grandparents, or other blood relative has stretch marks, you’re more likely to get them. Even if you’re at increased risk of stretch marks, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk and treat the stretch marks you already have.

1. Control your weight

One of the most helpful things you can do to prevent stretch marks, whether you’re pregnant or not, is to maintain a healthy weight. Stretch marks can happen when your skin pulls apart quickly due to rapid weight gain. You may also notice stretch marks after rapid weight loss. Some people develop stretch marks during growth spurts, such as during puberty. Other people, like bodybuilders, notice them after big gains from working out or using steroids. Working to control body changes from happening too quickly may be your best bet. Eat a healthy diet and exercise to help you manage your weight. If you do notice rapid weight gain or weight loss, it may be a good idea to visit your doctor to find out why.

How I Prevent Stretch marks (BODY CARE ROUTINE) | Kryz Uy

2. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water may help keep your skin hydrated and soft. Soft skin doesn’t tend to develop stretch marks as much as dry skin does. The Institute of Medicine’s current recommendations for daily water intake are 104 ounces for men and 72 ounces for women. Drinking caffeinated beverages, like coffee, may actually increase your risk of developing stretch marks. If you drink coffee, make sure you’re balancing out your fluid intake with plenty of water, herbal tea, and other caffeine-free fluids.

3. Eat a nutrient-rich diet

Stretch marks may also occur if you lack nutrition in certain areas. Eating foods that boost skin health may help. Make sure your diet includes foods rich in:

vitamin C

vitamin D

vitamin E



One way to make sure you’re getting a variety of nutrients is to choose unprocessed foods in various colors. For example, a breakfast of eggs, whole wheat toast, and mixed berries adds many colors to your plate while packing in a variety of nutrients.

4. Include vitamin C in your diet

Collagen plays a role in keeping your skin strong and elastic. It helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but it may also be important for preventing stretch marks. Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the development of collagen. Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are especially good sources of vitamin C.

5. Soak up some vitamin D

One study found a correlation between low levels of vitamin D and the incidence of stretch marks. More research is needed, but results suggest that maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D may reduce your risk of stretch marks. The easiest way to get vitamin D is through exposure to the sun. The vitamin is also commonly added to bread, cereal, and dairy products like milk or yogurt.

6. Eat foods rich in zinc

Zinc is an important nutrient for skin health. It helps reduce inflammation and plays a role in the wound healing process. There is very little evidence to date of a connection between zinc and stretch marks, but including zinc-rich foods in your diet, such as nuts and fish, may help keep your skin healthy.


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7. Treat fresh stretch marks when they appear

If you can’t totally prevent stretch marks on your skin, you can work to minimize their appearance so they aren’t as noticeable in the long run. Make an appointment with your doctor or a dermatologist to discuss your options if you have fresh stretch marks. Your doctor can help determine what is causing your marks, and they may be able to suggest treatment options that work best on new stretch marks.

Risk factors

Some people are more likely to develop stretch marks. Risk factors include:

being female

having a family history of stretch marks

being overweight

being pregnant

gaining or losing weight quickly

using corticosteroids

having breast augmentation

having certain genetic disorders, such as Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome

Stretch marks in pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most common times when women notice stretch marks. In fact, it’s estimated that 50 to 90 percentTrusted Source of pregnant women will develop stretch marks before delivery. So, are pregnancy stretch marks different from the ones that other people get? Maybe. Some experts believe that hormones during pregnancy may make you more prone to stretch marks. The hormones may bring more water into the skin, relaxing it and making it easier to tear when stretched. This idea is up for some debate. Regardless, a good number of pregnant women will notice stretch marks starting in the sixth or seventh month of pregnancy. In recent study published by BMC Pregnancy and ChildbirthTrusted Source, 78 percent of respondents used a product to prevent stretch marks. Of these women, a third of them said they tried two or more products, with Bio-Oil being the most frequently used. Still, 58.5 percent of the women who used this oil developed stretch marks. That said, the best way for pregnant women to prevent stretch marks is to gain pregnancy weight slowly and steadily. You can work with your healthcare provider to find a diet and exercise plan that will help you avoid gaining too much while also giving you the nutrition you need to nourish yourself and your baby. If you do develop stretch marks during pregnancy, you may be glad to know that they will eventually fade. Over time, the red or pink color will mature into a pale silver or white color.


Preventing stretch marks may be difficult, but there are many treatments that may lessen their appearance.

Retinoid cream

Retinoid cream is a topical medication that comes from vitamin A. The appearance of your skin may improve after applying retinoids, especially if your stretch marks are relatively fresh. The cream helps rebuild the collagen in your skin and makes the marks look more like the rest of your skin. Speak with your doctor about this treatment if you are pregnant or nursing, as most physicians agree that topical retinoids should not be used during pregnancy or while nursing because their risk-benefit ratio remains questionable.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is another option for reducing stretch marks. The lasers can help stimulate collagen or elastin in your skin to grow. There are various types of laser therapy, and your doctor can help you choose the kind that is right for you.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid creams and chemical peels are other treatments for stretch marks. Many of these treatments are expensive and may not be covered by your insurance. They work to help lessen the appearance of current stretch marks, but they do not keep new ones from forming.


Stretch marks often fade to become less noticeable with time. Preventing them can be difficult, and no miracle products have been scientifically proven to work. Many creams, oils, and other personal care items claim to help prevent stretch marks, but many of these claims lack scientific backing. They may not help, but in most cases they aren’t likely to hurt, either. Keeping your weight in check, staying hydrated, eating a healthy diet, and seeking treatment soon after the marks appear may help. Call your doctor if you notice an increase in stretch marks or if they cover a large area of your body. Your doctor may be able to help you figure out what is causing them and suggest treatment options.

Are stretch marks permanent?

What exactly is a stretch mark?

Stretchmarks on woman's belly

Stretch marks fade with time; however, treatment may make them less noticeable more quickly.

A stretch mark is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin, which support our skin, to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear.

Not everyone develops these narrow bands on their skin. Fluctuating hormone levels seem to play a role. You may also have a higher risk if people in your family get stretch marks.

If you develop stretch marks, you’re most likely to do so during these times:


Growth spurts that happen in puberty


Rapid weight loss or gain

Weight training when you have rapid muscle growth

Applying a corticosteroid to your skin for a long time can also cause stretch marks. If you have Cushing’s disease or Marfan syndrome, you may see stretch marks.

When stretch marks first appear, they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may feel slightly raised and can be itchy.

In time, the color fades and the narrow bands sink beneath your skin. If you run your finger over a mature stretch mark, you often feel a slight depression.

What can get rid of stretch marks?

Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent, but treatment may make them less noticeable. Treatment can also help alleviate the itch.

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your doctor before treating stretch marks. Some products contain ingredients, such as retinol, that can harm your baby.

Woman applying lotion to stretchmarks

It’s important to understand that no single treatment works for everyone — and many products don’t seem to work at all. Here’s what researchers have discovered about the many treatments for stretch marks.

Stretch mark creams, lotions, and gels: Researchers have studied many of the creams, lotions, and gels sold to treat stretch marks. While no one product seems to help all of the time — and some don’t seem to help at all — researchers have discovered some helpful hacks.

If you want to try one of these creams, lotions, or gels to fade stretch marks, be sure to:

Use the product on early stretch marks. Treatment seems to have little effect on mature stretch marks.

Massage the product into your stretch marks.Taking time to massage the product gently into your skin may make it more effective.

Apply the product every day for weeks.If you see results, they take weeks to appear.

Home remedies: In studies, popular home remedies have not worked. Researchers found that none of the stretch marks faded when people massaged almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, or vitamin E into their stretch marks.

Tanning cannot get rid of stretch marks. When you tan, stretch marks become more noticeable because they don’t tan.

Person in indoor tanning bed

Self-tanner: While tanning can make stretch marks more noticeable, a self-tanner can camouflage stretch marks — both early and mature ones. A self-tanner cannot get of rid of stretch marks.

Prescription medicine you apply to your skin: In studies, two ingredients seem to offer some relief:

Hyaluronic acid


In two large studies, applying hyaluronic acid to early stretch marks made the stretch marks less noticeable.

Tretinoin is a retinoid, which may also make early stretch marks less noticeable. In one study, people who applied this prescription cream every night for 24 weeks had less noticeable stretch marks. Those who didn’t apply the cream saw their early stretch marks grow. Other studies have found similar results.

Retinol, another type of retinoid, may also help fade early stretch marks.

Procedures that dermatologists perform: Dermatologists use the following procedures to make stretch marks less noticeable, but none of these can get rid of stretch marks:

Chemical peel

Laser therapy




To give you the best results, your dermatologist may use more than one procedure. For example, your dermatologist may treat you with radiofrequency and a pulse dye laser.

With all procedures, side effects are possible. In the skilled hands of a board-certified dermatologist, side effects tend to be minor and temporary. It’s common to have some redness and swelling after a procedure. The redness and swelling tend to disappear in a few hours or days.

A dermatologist can tell you if any of these treatments would be suitable for you, given your health, age, and how long you’ve had the stretch marks.

Can anything prevent stretch marks?

Short answer: Maybe.

Get Rid of stretch marks at home.

Researchers have discovered that many remedies said to prevent stretch marks don’t actually work. In studies, neither almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, nor vitamin E prevented stretch marks.

Other ingredients may work. Researchers have found that products containing centella or hyaluronic acid may help prevent stretch marks. Centella is an herb, and our skin naturally contains hyaluronic acid.

When to seek a dermatologist’s expertise

Stretch mark treatments that you can buy at a store or online can be expensive. If you find yourself spending a lot of time and money without getting any results, seeing a board-certified dermatologist can be helpful.

The in-office procedures have proven more effective than the creams, lotions, and gels. Dermatologists can also tell you about any new product or procedure that may help.

How can I remove stretch marks permanently at home?

Stretch marks, also called striae, happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to growth or weight gain. They usually aren’t a sign that anything is wrong with your health.

Anyone can get stretch marks, regardless of gender. Pregnancy and puberty are the two most common times in life to get them.

At first, a stretch mark will appear as a thin red or purple line of a different texture than the skin around it. Most stretch marks will fade on their own over time.

They may become less noticeable after fading. Faded stretch marks usually look lighter in color than the surrounding skin and a little shiny, like a scar.

Research tells us there is no secret cure-all ingredient for stretch marks — at least not yet. But some home remedies can help minimize the appearance of stretch marks and could help them fade more quickly.

Newer stretch marks are more likely to respond to treatment.

Natural remedies for stretch marks

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A in skin care products is referred to as a retinoid. Retinoids can make skin appear smoother and more youthful. They’re used in many over-the-counter (OTC) topical cosmetic creams.

Research from 2015Trusted Source focused on tretinoin, a prescription-strength form of retinol. In an older study from 1996Trusted Source, researchers found that tretinoin helped stretch marks appear smaller and less severe.

However, few recent and large-scale studies have examined the efficacy of tretinoin for stretch marks. More research is needed to identify all its effects on stretch marks.

Vitamin A products can sometimes irritate the skin, so it’s best to follow instructions carefully if you try this ingredient. Because there are known risks to using retinoids during pregnancy, you should not use them if you are:



trying to become pregnant

2. Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a powerful ingredient for moisturizing and skin healing. It’s often used in creams, lotions, and serums.

The visible appearance of stretch marks comes along with invisible changes to your skin. These changes make skin less elastic, in part because collagen isn’t doing its usual job of strengthening the skin.

Hyaluronic acid could have the potential to effect skin elasticity, according to a 2014 studyTrusted Source.

In fact, some research from 2017 suggests that hyaluronic acid can improve the appearance of stretch marks, though more research is needed to be sure. To try it, apply a hyaluronic acid product to the affected area each day.

3. Centella

Centella asiatica is an herb that’s a popular ingredient in Korean beauty (K-beauty) products.

Known as cica creams, products containing centella are sometimes used as scar treatments or to help calm and repair sensitive skin. Cica creams are growing in popularity in the United States, but they can be pricey.

Centella helps reduce inflammation and promote collagen production. Research from 2015Trusted Source suggested that creams containing centella may help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy and improve how they look. But the researchers cautioned that more evidence is still needed.

4. Sugar

Sugar is a popular exfoliator. The small crystals gently scrub away dead skin and leave you feeling smoother.

Microdermabrasion performed by a dermatologist is one of the few clinically proven methods to make stretch marks fade. So, this home remedy for exfoliation seems worth a try. You might already have the ingredients at home.

To make a sugar scrub:

Combine 1/2 cup sugar with a softening agent, like almond oil or coconut oil. Mix the oil into the sugar, a little at a time. Your scrub is ready when it looks like wet beach sand. You may need to add up to 1/2 cup oil in total.

Gently rub the mixture over the part of your body where the stretch marks are.

Repeat 2 or 3 times per week while in the shower or bath. Rinse with warm water.

Make small batches of the scrub as needed. You can store your sugar scrub in a sealed container for a short time, but if it starts to look or smell off, start fresh with a new batch.

How to get rid of stretch marks | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has a long history as a natural skin treatment. The jelly from inside the leaves of the aloe vera plant can be applied directly to skin to soothe and moisturize.

Research from 2018 suggests that aloe vera helps skin heal from burns and wounds. Because stretch marks are a type of scarring from damaged skin, aloe’s skin-repairing properties might help with stretch mark prevention or fading.

While little clinical evidence exists for aloe vera as a stretch mark cure, pure aloe vera may be worth trying because it can soften and heal skin.

Apply pure aloe vera from a plant or an OTC product to your stretch marks daily after your shower.

6. Coconut oil

Virgin coconut oil has some known benefits for the skin. It can help maintain your skin’s protective barrier.

Research from 2018 suggested that coconut oil improves dry skin and some skin infections. And in a 2010 studyTrusted Source using rats, virgin coconut oil helped skin wounds heal faster.

There’s not a lot of evidence to promote the use of coconut oil for stretch marks. Research on other plant oils (olive oil, almond oil, and cocoa butter) hasn’t shown any improvement from their use.

That said, it’s possible that the action of gently massaging an oil onto your skin could prevent stretch marks, 2015 researchTrusted Source suggests. A gentle daily massage of your stretch marks with coconut oil might help, and it’s not likely to cause harm.

Of course, if you’re allergic to coconut, you’ll want to avoid this ingredient.

Keep in mind that any skin care treatment can occasionally cause allergies or sensitivities. This includes home remedies and natural approaches. So, if you notice a reaction, stop using the ingredient.

Medical treatments for stretch marks

Medical procedures for stretch marks are delivered in-office by trained professionals. You will likely be treated by a doctor — a dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon, or plastic surgeon — or a licensed professional, depending on what state you’re located in, the procedure, and the possible risks.

More research is needed. However, studies — such as one from 2017 and another from the same year — suggest that stretch marks can be visibly improved by the medical treatments listed below.

It’s best to have realistic expectations about the results. Even medical treatments can’t fully erase or prevent stretch marks.

7. Laser therapy

Lasers deliver focused light to the skin. Depending on what kind of laser is used, treatment could have the potential to increase collagen production and help stretch marks fade to blend in with the surrounding skin, 2017 research suggestsTrusted Source. Some laser treatments require multiple sessions before you’ll see effects.

Laser therapy is also used to diminish skin texture and redness caused by scars and rosacea. So it makes sense that laser therapy could potentially improve the look of stretch marks.

8. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion involves exfoliating the skin in a way that at-home remedies can’t. Using a handheld wand, a professional applies an abrasive substance to your skin to gently scrub away dead skin cells.

Research on microdermabrasion for stretch marks is limited, but a 2017 research reviewTrusted Source suggests it may reduce the severity of the marks.

9. Microneedling

Microneedling uses a device that creates tiny pricks in the skin. This treatment causes the skin to produce collagen and elastin, which could help loose skin appear tighter.

Unlike at-home tools, in-office microneedling goes deeper into your skin to target the skin’s healing function more effectively and more safely, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source.

Microneedling is a minimally invasive way to treat the texture of stretch marks, even older ones, and it may help to even out skin tone.

10. Radiofrequency therapy

Radiofrequency treatments send energy waves into your skin that stimulate collagen production. The result can be firmer skin.

Recently, radiofrequency treatments have been combined with microneedling treatments in order to send the energy waves even deeper into the skin. The needle penetrates the skin and releases radiofrequency into the channels, stimulating deeper layers of collagen, per 2019 researchTrusted Source.

Additional research from 2019Trusted Source indicates that radiofrequency therapy may improve the look of stretch marks, but more studies are still needed to understand how it compares to other available treatments.

11. Chemical peel

Chemical peels involve the application of an acid, such as glycolic acid, to the skin’s surface. Professional chemical peels are more powerful than at-home versions and are applied in-office.

Peels provide a deep exfoliation of the skin and promote collagen production, per a 2018 reviewTrusted Source. This may help make stretch marks look smaller, but the available evidence is limited.

In general, clinical procedures are more effective than home remedies for stretch marks. But these procedures aren’t typically covered by insurance, and they can be costly.

Not all options are appropriate for all skin types, so it’s important to consult a dermatologist to find out which one is right for you.

Who gets stretch marks?

Stretch marks can happen to anyone, but some people are more likely than others to get them. Genetics is one of the strongest predictors. If people you’re related to have stretch marks, you’re likely to develop them, too.

Pregnancy is a common cause of stretch marks. Research published in 2015 suggests that up to 90 percentTrusted Source of pregnant people will develop stretch marks.

Other risk factors include:

using a corticosteroid medication

losing or gaining weight rapidly

having breast enlargement surgery

increasing muscle size rapidly, for example through bodybuilding


How To Reduce Stretch Marks | DIY Home Remedies


Remember that stretch marks are common. The changes that can cause stretch marks — such as growth spurts, weight changes, and pregnancy — happen to many people.

There is no perfect home remedy, but topical treatments can help with hydration and can promote your skin’s healing processes. For both natural treatments and medical procedures, more research is needed to clarify what’s most effective and who they are most likely to help.

If you’re treating stretch marks due to pregnancy, it’s always best to check with your doctor to ensure the treatment is safe to use.

Almost all stretch marks will fade over time, even if you don’t treat them. Rarely will stretch marks stay as prominent as when they first appear.

Does coconut oil and aloe vera remove stretch marks?

Do you want to get rid of stretch marks? Here are 7 effective home remedies that will help you to lighten stretch marks


India Today Web Desk 

New Delhi

November 6, 2020UPDATED: November 6, 2020 14:13 IST

Here's how you can get rid of stretch marks

Here's how you can get rid of stretch marks | Representational image

Stretch marks happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to growth or weight gain. Both men and women can get stretch marks. Whether it's due to pregnancy or sudden weight gain, stretch marks are one of the beauty woe that can be commonly seen on the waist, thighs, lower backs, hips, breasts, arms, and buttocks.


But they aren't a sign that anything is wrong with your health. However, with time stretch marks disappear or become extremely light, whereas, in some cases, the marks remain evident.

Nowadays, people mostly end up resorting to various beauty treatments to get rid of stretch marks. Now, if you have stretch marks, you probably wish they'd go away there are a number of natural remedies that you can follow.

Here are 7 extremely effective home remedies that can minimize the appearance of stretch marks and help them to lighten quickly.

7 effective home remedies for stretch marks


Here are some effective home remedies for stretch marks | Representational image



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1. Aloe vera for stretch marks

Aloe vera acts as a natural healing agent. You can use this to treat your stretch marks. To use this remedy, you need to remove the outer layer of the aloe vera leaf and take out the sticky gel from the inside of the leaf.


Massage the gel on the skin and let it stay for 20-40 minutes. After this wash off with water.

You can even use coconut oil and aloe vera gel together to remove stretch marks. First, take a bowl and add two tablespoons of virgin coconut oil.

Next, add freshly extracted aloe vera gel and mix well. Now, apply a small amount of mixture on the stretch marks. For best results, you can apply it daily.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural exfoliant. It removes the dead skin cells and thus removes stretch marks whereas lemon has bleaching properties that lighten the skin. The mixture of baking soda and lemon juice is an effective and quick way to remove stretch marks.

To make a pack, all you need is one tablespoon of baking soda, fresh juice of half a lemon and cling wrap. Mix both the ingredients well and apply them on stretch marks.

After applying it to the stretch marks, cover it with the cling wrap and then rinse it off after 20 minutes.

3. Apricots

Apricots are also a very effective remedy to heal stretch marks. First, you need to take two-three apricots, remove the seeds. Next, grind it to form a smooth paste.

Apply the paste directly on the stretch marks. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. You can repeat this process every day until a month for better results.

Apart from the above-mentioned treatment, you can also use pure apricot oil. You need to make a mixture of apricot oil and lemon juice and massage it on the stretch marks.

4. Potato juice

Potatoes contain skin lightening enzymes that help to lighten scars and blemishes that are there on the skin. Potatoes are also a bleaching agent that heals the scars and gives you brighter skin.

To use potato on scars you need to grate a potato finely and extract juice by squeezing it. Next, you need to mix the juice with the grated pulp and apply the pack over the stretch marks.

Let it dry for 30 minutes and wash off with cold water.

All About Stretch Marks: Asked a Dermatologist and Self Care Tips | Stretch Mark Master Class PART.3

5. Sugar

Sugar has been used to perform microdermabrasion. A clinically proven method to make the stretch mark fade away. To use sugar on stretch marks you need, mix one cup of sugar with 1/4 cup of almond or coconut oil.


After that, you need to add some lemon juice in the mixture. Apply it to the stretch marks and rub it in for 10 minutes. At last, you need to rinse it off with lukewarm water.

6. Olive oil

Olive oil has rich moisturising properties. It is full of antioxidants and other nutrients that are exceptionally good for repairing skin damage.

Applying cold-pressed olive oil will make stretch marks go away with time.

7. Egg white

Egg white is a superfood for the skin- rich in amino acids and protein. When applied on stretch marks, it will not only lighten the stretch marks but will also cause skin tightening.

Now, if you want to get rid of stretch marks then you can follow any of the above-given treatments. But don't forget to keep your skin well hydrated because the loss of moisture can slow down the healing process.

However, as per studies, coconut oil moisturizes the skin and makes the stretch marks disappear. Thus, it can be your best bet in treating stretch marks quickly.

Can you 100% get rid of stretch marks?

What do stretch marks mean?

Home remedies and doctor prescribed treatments may help diminish the appearance of stretch marks. 

Home remedies and doctor prescribed treatments may help diminish the appearance of stretch marks.

A stretch mark (striae or striae distensae) is a form of scarring on the skin with a pinkish or whitish hue that appears when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly.

Collagen is a protein underneath your skin that makes it more elastic and supports your skin. Your skin tries to heal any abrupt change or tear in your skin collagen, and in that process, stretch marks may appear on your skin.

They often appear on your belly, arms, breasts, back, shoulders, torso, hips, buttocks or thighs. These grooves or lines aren’t painful or harmful. However, some people may feel awkward about their appearance. Over time, they become less noticeable.

What do stretch marks look like?

A stretch mark varies depending on when they form, the cause, the location and the type and color of your skin. They may appear as follows

Slightly depressed, parallel lines or long, thin, rippled streaks on your skin

With pink, red, black, blue, silver or purple hue

Bright dark streaks that may fade to a lighter shade over time

Whitish and scar-like appearance over time

Several centimeters long and one to 10 mm wide, usually

Different texture than your normal skin and may look wrinkled

Stripes covering large parts of your body, especially the tummy, torso, breast, hips, buttocks or thighs

Slightly raised and can be itchy, especially early new marks

Why do they appear?

Anyone can develop stretch marks, but you may get stretch marks due to the following reasons

Being a woman 

Pregnancy (especially last trimester)

Sudden rapid excessive weight gain

Rapid loss of weight

Puberty (sexual maturity)

Hormonal treatment (steroids)

After breast enhancement surgery


Family history 

Certain diseases or conditions such as 

Cushing syndrome (a disorder due to a high level of the hormone cortisol)

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (a disorder with very stretchy skin that bruises easily)

Marfan’s syndrome (a disorder that weakens your skin fibers and causes unusual growth)

How do I permanently get rid of stretch marks?

Stretch marks are usually considered a cosmetic issue. Rarely, they can be extensive where they may tear easily in an accident. Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent and may fade with time. Because stretch marks are caused due to a tear deep inside your skin, there is no absolute cure for it. However, some treatments may make them less noticeable. Some treatments can help you with the itch. There is no single treatment that works for everyone and some treatments don’t work at all. 

Stretch marks may diminish with the help of certain over-the-counter products or procedures, but will never disappear completely. If you are concerned about the look of the skin, then some treatments may be effective.

Moisturizers: Hyaluronic acid-based cream is most often prescribed. If applied in the early stage of stretch marks, it may make the stretch marks less noticeable.

Topical retinoid therapy: Tretinoin (retinoid) or retinol works best for some people. If applied in the early stage every night for 24 weeks, it may make them less noticeable. However, it may be associated with side effects if not used as directed. It should be avoided in pregnancy because it can be harmful.

To help your skin to produce more collagen, a skin doctor (dermatologist) or plastic surgeon may suggest or perform one or more of the following procedures to give you the best results.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Stretch Marks

Pulsed dye laser therapy: This is a painless blast of light used to relax blood vessels under your skin that cause stretch marks.

Fractional CO2 laser therapy: Old white marks may smooth out with this therapy. It may be more effective than topical creams such as glycolic acid and tretinoin.

Excimer laser therapy: Stretch marks are targeted by a safe ultraviolet-B light. It may take more than one to four months to correct the pigmentation of your stretch marks.

Microdermabrasion: Tiny crystals or microneedles are used to rub off the upper layer of your skin to help fade new stretch marks. If combined with skin-peeling treatment, it may give better results.

Chemical peels: Burning of the top layer of your skin with glycolic acid (an acidic solution) may boost new skin growth. This may provide a slight improvement in appearance, but it may not permanently get rid of stretch marks.

Radiofrequency: Radio wave energy creates heat and triggers your body to produce more collagen. It is found to be safe and can improve the appearance of stretch marks.

Ultrasound treatment: This works similar to radiofrequency treatment. In this procedure, sound waves are sent deep into your skin to create heat and tighten and trigger your skin to produce collagen.

Cosmetic surgery: Surgeries such as a tummy tuck may help to remove the skin with stretch marks. However, the surgery itself could leave a new, painful scar and surgery is expensive.

Can I prevent stretch marks?

You may try to prevent stretch marks, but there is no guarantee. The best way to prevent stretch marks is to maintain a healthy weight, even during pregnancy. You can ask for an exercise and a healthy diet plan from your doctor. This is the best way to reduce your chances of getting stretch marks.

Researchers say many remedies such as almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil and vitamin E do not help to prevent stretch marks. Using products containing Centella asiatica herb and hyaluronic acid may help you prevent stretch marks, but only to a certain extent.

Which is best cream for stretch marks?

Whether you have warrior stripes from a pregnancy or have simply developed pesky stretch marks over the years, we’re here to introduce you to stretch mark creams. Don't worry: You don't have to feel stuck with them.


Stretch marks are simply a scar that happens when skin is stretched too quickly. You can get them any time you gain weight, and teens sometimes get them around their joints if they have a particularly speedy growth spurt. Skin expert Laura Dyer MSHS, PA-C, a dermatology and aesthetic specialist in New York City, tells Best Products that unfortunately because of how stretch marks form, we're more susceptible to getting them during pregnancy because of how fast your belly is growing.

Dyer says that while you can’t always prevent stretch marks, you can definitely minimize their appearance by staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating foods rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and zinc. And of course, it also helps to keep that belly moisturized — enter stretch mark creams.


To help minimize the appearance of the stretch marks that you already have, Dyer notes the healing ingredients you'll want to look for in effective stretch-mark prevention creams include vitamin A and vitamin E, along with cocoa, shea, and/or jojoba butters. Vitamin A helps the healing process and also assists with collagen production and pigmentation. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is thought to help with wound healing. Cocoa, shea, and jojoba butters are thick, well-tolerated moisturizers that penetrate deeply into the skin, helping to keep it supple and healthy.

Dyer has personally used Burt’s Bees Belly Butter and Bio-Oil during her pregnancy, and has said she's had “zero” stretch marks. Dyer also says you should use products that contain hyaluronic acid, which can tighten the skin and reduce inflammation to improve skin texture and help fade stretch marks over time.


Best Overall: Mederma Stretch Marks Removal Cream

Best for Fast Results: Body Merry Stretch Marks & Scars Defense Cream

Best Reviews: Burt's Bees Belly Butter

Best Multipurpose Product: Bio-Oil Multiuse Skincare Oil

Best for Darker Marks: Glow Organics Belly Butter

Most Improved Texture: Advanced Silicone Scar Gel

Best for Prevention: Mustela Stretch Mark Prevention Cream

Best Firming Cream: Clarins Body Partner

Best for Elasticity: Palmer's Tummy Butter

Best Collagen Cream: Body Boost Honey and Stretch Mark Cream

Best Organic: Botanic Tree Stretch Mark Cream

Best Patches: Aroamas Silicone Stretch Mark Patches

Best for Sealing in Moisture: Dermaclara Silicone Stretch Mark Kit


Armed with our expert information, we researched the top creams on the market in terms of popularity and user reviews to determine which products to test. Then, twice a day for 3 weeks, our editors slathered their stretch marks with creams, butters, and oils to find the ones that are actually effective — and will finally make a noticeable change in your stretch marks.

During the testing period, we looked out for a difference in texture (both the stretch mark and surrounding area), a change in the stretch mark’s appearance, and the scent and feel of the cream itself.

These are the best stretch mark creams worth buying in 2022 that we’ve kept on using ourselves.

Learn more about how we test products, from the questions we ask our testing team, to the types of products we feel are actually worth testing, to the overall time we put into our testing process.



Stretch Marks Therapy



Tester: Christine Anderson

Standout Result: Stretch-mark prevention during pregnancy

Starting in your second trimester, set aside time daily to stop stretch marks before they start. Massaging this thick cream into your skin until it's completely absorbed will be well worth the effort when you put on a bikini for the first time after giving birth!

Everything You Need To Know About Stretch Marks & How To Reduce Them Using Natural Ingredients

Our executive director — who at the time of review was 36 weeks pregnant — has found that the Mederma Stretch Marks Removal Cream is the best prevention option out there. She slathered the cream on her belly and hips for 7 months, and didn’t have a single stretch mark.

It's recommended to use it even while breastfeeding, too. You can thank one of the main ingredients for this — Cepalin, a proprietary onion extract. It reduces swelling and inflammation, naturally!

More: These Are the Nipple Balms All Breastfeeding Moms Need



Stretch Marks & Scars Defense Cream

Body Merry


Tester: Erica Murphy

Standout Result: Fast results

If you read the reviews, this defense cream starts working quickly to make stretch marks fade fast. The nourishing formula of organic cocoa butter, aloe, and antioxidant-rich green tea leaf extract is known for healing stretch marks.

According to Murphy, "The first few times I used this product, I was shocked at how much the product diminished the appearance of the stretch marks. I feel like the main reason was because the product hydrated my skin so much, which lightened up the color of the stretch marks pretty significantly.

While the moisturizing cream will give you noticeable results in about 2 weeks — with even better results after consistent use over the course of a few months — Murphy warns that the smell can be off-putting. She also recommends using the cream at night, since the texture is very rich and thick.




Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

Burt's Bees


This stretch mark cream is an Amazon bestseller, and super nourishing. It's made with shea butter and vitamin E. Plus, the formula is designed to provide relief on stretched skin both during and after pregnancy.



Multiuse Skincare Oil


Now 33% off




Tester: Zarah Kavarana

Standout Result: Skin-texture smoothing

If Bio Oil is good enough for Kim Kardashian, then it's perfect for you, too! The mom of four swears by this classic oil as a daily body moisturizer.

Our tester also thinks that the highly hyped oil is one of the best options out there. She said, "My stretch marks are much less textured than they were a few weeks ago. In fact, I feel like I notice more of a difference in the texture of my skin than I do in the appearance."

While it will take several months to see a huge difference in the appearance of the stretch marks, Kavarana confirmed that her "stretch marks are noticeably much less visible than they were just a few weeks ago." However, the texture is a bit greasy, so she recommend avoiding form-fitting clothes right after use.




100% Organic Stretch Mark Removal Cream

Glow Organics



You're going to love this organic, unscented product that naturally promotes skin elasticity. Macadamia nut, grapeseed, and sweet almond oil are infused in this stretch-mark cream formula. It's the perfect go-to for prevention, or if your mommy marks are darker in color.



Advanced Silicone Scar Remover Gel



Tester: Cat Bowen

Standout Result: Better overall texture

This silicone gel has well over 1,200 5-star reviews on Amazon, and we can understand why. The gel is colorless and odorless, and dries quickly after application.

Our tester has been dealing with stretch marks for most of her life, and was pleasantly surprised by how effective this cream was. “After a couple of weeks of use, the stretch marks on my legs and the sides of my stomach were much softer, and didn’t feel like they were depressing my skin as much as they were before,” she said.

She recommends applying it liberally a few times per day and keeping it away from sunlight for the best results.





Mustela Stretch Mark Prevention Cream





Tester: Latifah Miles

Standout Benefit: Improves skin elasticity

Stretch-mark prevention doesn't have to start after pregnancy: The Mustela Stretch Mark Prevention Cream is formulated to be safe to apply during and after pregnancy, too, thanks to all-natural ingredients like avocado peptide and shea butter. The smooth cream absorbs quickly to nourish and hydrate the skin without that icky, greasy feeling left behind.

Our tester, who gave birth almost a decade ago, noticed a big difference in the softness of her skin. However, she didn’t notice a huge change in the appearance of the stretch marks that have been hanging around for a while.

But she does think that the product would help keep stretch marks at bay during pregnancy with continued use. She also noted the light and airy feel of the cream, as well as its pleasant scent.



Body Partner Stretch Mark Expert



Along with stretch marks often comes another postpartum reality — loose, saggy skin. This formula contains Clarins' exclusive PhytoStretchComplex, which is a blend of centella asiatica from Madagascar and organic green banana extracts. These ingredients encourage skin firmness and elasticity, diminishing the appearance of stretch marks.




Palmer's Cocoa Butter Tummy Butter




Palmer's Tummy Butter is formulated with cocoa butter and shea butter, vitamin E, and an argan, almond, and coconut oil blend to provide ultimate moisture for the skin. It's also designed to keep skin soft and plump throughout pregnancy. It's recommended for nighttime use. Plus, it's hypoallergenic!



Milk & Honey Stretch Mark Removal Cream Butter

Body Boost


Body Boost's collagen- and elastin-containing cream also has gotu kola, a plant ingredient that aids in strengthening connective tissue for tighter skin. This formula also contains rosehip, grapeseed, jojoba, and borage oils. You can thank the shea butter base for the silky texture of the cream.



Botanic Tree Simply Organic Stretch Mark Removal Cream

Botanic Tree


Apply this stretch mark cream every morning and evening for 2 to 3 months for the best results. The triple-action formula contains cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil, moringa, and vitamin B-5. It protects against and minimizes the appearance of fresh stretch marks, as well as older scars.




Professional Silicone Scar Sheets (4-Month Supply)



You won't believe how easy this product is to use: Aroama's silicone sheets are similar to the above by Dermaclara, except these are disposable and smaller in size. They're perfect for areas like under a C-section scar or at the back of the hips.

This brand is another Amazon reviewer favorite for both scars and stretch marks: It boasts thousands of 5-star reviews and loads of before-and-after photos from happy customers.



Enhanced Silicone Fusion Stretch Mark System



Dermaclara's solution is unique in that it is a wearable silicone pad that locks moisture into an area for a period of up to 9 hours. Reviewers on YouTube show promising results after long-term use of the product.

It's a multistep process of cleansing the skin, adding a layer of the moisturizer, and then covering the area with a freshly cleaned, reusable silicone pad. After that, you allow the moisture to soak into the skin for many hours, and then cleanse again.

Which one is better, Retinol A or Vitamin A? | Stretch Marks Master Class PART.2

It's very similar to silicone eye masks and wrinkle patches, and it works pretty much the same way.

How can I permanently remove old stretch marks?

Stretch marks may be a fact of life, but most people don’t find them flattering and they can actually be a source of low self-esteem for many who have them. But since it’s hard to avoid developing stretch marks and even harder to treat them, how can you restore your body confidence? At Le Reve Skincare & Laser Center in Fort Worth, TX, we know that laser stretch mark removal is an ideal option to treat the majority of stretch mark concerns for everyone, regardless of skin type or tone.

Can You Permanently Remove Stretch Marks?

Yes. Although stretch marks are a type of scar that is generally permanent themselves, there are ways to permanently remove stretch marks. Any permanent treatment for stretch marks will involve rebuilding healthy skin tissues beneath the scar and fading the appearance of the current scar. This can be done through exfoliating treatments or specialized laser treatments, including the laser stretch mark removal treatment system at our clinic.

Laser Stretch Mark Removal Treatments

Laser treatments for stretch mark removal are done with a specialized system that stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and other healthy skin proteins in the sub-dermal layers of the skin beneath the existing scar tissue. Repeated treatments will reduce the pinkish or reddish appearance of the stretch mark so that the new skin tissue will match your existing skin tone, as well as even the texture of the skin. For many patients, laser treatments for stretch marks almost work like a magic eraser – your skin after several treatments will be as good as new.

What Can You Expect From Laser Stretch Mark Removal Treatments?

Like any other laser treatment, this treatment involves a specialized handheld tool that will be operated by one of our skilled skin specialists. The laser system will be pressed briefly to each patch of the stretch marks to deliver a powerful combination of thermal heat and light wavelengths that penetrate the deeper layers of the skin to kick-start your body’s natural regenerative properties.

For most patients, treatments will take about 30 minutes to complete unless you are treating multiple areas of the body at one time. This treatment is not painful and will not cause any harm to the surrounding skin tissue, which is why our laser treatment is so compatible with patients of all skin tones and types. This type of laser treatment is an appropriate option for both new and old stretch marks.

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

It’s likely that you will require between three and five treatment sessions for any stretch marks that are being treated. New stretch marks, in particular, may require five or more treatments since the tone and depth of the scar is darker and deeper. Old stretch marks, on the other hand, or smaller stretch marks, may be resolved in as little as three treatments.

We will determine the number of treatments you require for optimal results based on your skin condition and how well your skin responds to the laser treatment.

What Should You Do Before Your Treatment?

Because laser treatments utilize light and thermal energy, it’s important that you do your best to avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds, and self-tanning products so that the laser treatment does not darken your skin pigment. You should not wax or tweeze the treatment area before your appointment. You should also not wear lotion, perfume, or body oils to your treatment appointments.

What Should You Do After Treatment?

After laser treatment, your skin will be vulnerable so it’s essential that you take measures to protect your skin, particularly because any exposure to additional light energy may darken your skin or cause photodamage. For that reason, you should stay out of the sun, avoid tanning beds and self-tanning products, and also wear strong SPF when you are outside. UV rays can pass through clothing, so it’s important to wear SPF under clothing, as well.

How Soon Will You See Results?

It will take some time to see the results of your treatment because laser treatments simultaneously break down old scar tissue and build up healthy tissues. Creating more collagen in the sub-dermal tissues of your skin to reduce the appearance of stretch marks will require several weeks, so you may not notice any improvement until four to six weeks after your second or third treatment appointment.

Your results will continue to improve with subsequent treatments and as collagen continues to fill-in the stretch mark scar. You may notice results sooner if you happen to have minor scars or scars that have already reached a silvery appearance before your treatments began.

Where Do Stretch Marks Appear?

Stretch marks do not discriminate based on location, so you can develop stretch marks on virtually any area of the body. Although these marks are most common on the stomach and hips, it’s also common to see stretch marks on areas such as:








Stretchmarks have a tendency to form on areas of the body where fat growth is easiest and where the skin is thinner or more delicate. Stretch marks can also appear on areas where muscles grow, such as the biceps.

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Can Stretch Marks Go Away by Themselves?

Yes and no. Stretch marks are truly a permanent skin condition, but sometimes the appearance of these scars can fade over several years. Depending on your skin type and your lifestyle, as well as how well you take care of your skin, some stretch marks can start to fade in as little as one to two years. However, more likely than not, stretch marks will continue to be pink and visible unless they are treated, even if you lose weight or use stretch mark creams.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are caused when your skin stretches or is stressed beyond its current elasticity – in other words, stretch marks happen when there is a sudden shift in how much the skin has to work to maintain its shape. Over time, enough stress on the skin causes new skin to develop to alleviate the stress, which is what causes the stripes on your skin.

In truth, a stretch mark is the exposed portion of your new skin tissues that were under-developed and do not match the texture of the surrounding skin. There are specific factors and times where developing stretch marks is more common, such as:

Skin Genetics

The genetics of your skin actually play a huge role in how your stretch marks develop, including whether or not your stretch marks will fade by themselves. If your skin is prone to scarring, then it’s more likely that you will develop stretch marks. The genetics of your skin may also be related to the amount of cortisol your body produces since high cortisol levels weaken skin elastin and make it harder for the skin to stretch comfortably.


Puberty is probably the most common time when people, both women and men, will experience stretch marks. It’s not uncommon for those in puberty to develop stretch marks on their hips, knees, or backs. Stretch marks caused by puberty are generally associated with growth spurts, as well as the maturation of secondary sex characteristics (breasts).


Pregnancy is another common time for women to develop stretch marks. During pregnancy, stretch marks can develop on the breasts and on the stomach, as well as the hips, thighs, and buttocks depending on where pregnancy weight is carried and how much weight is gained through pregnancy. Pregnancy stretch marks tend to be wider and deeper than stretch marks developed during puberty.

Weight Gain

Gaining weight over a short period of time is also another common cause of stretch marks. Weight gain refers to the excess storage of fat in the body, which is predominately in the stomach, underarms, buttocks, and thighs. Sometimes, stretch marks associated with weight gain fade when weight is lost, but this is not always the case.

Can You Prevent Stretch Marks?

Although stretch marks are perfectly normal and happen to most people during the lifespan, there are some things you can do to prevent stretch marks from forming or becoming worse. Knowing how to prevent stretch marks depends on how well you know your skin and your lifestyle choices. However, understanding stretch mark prevention may make the results of your laser stretch mark removal treatment last longer. Some prevention methods include:

Weight Management

Managing your weight will help prevent future stretch marks since you will be ensuring that your skin is not stressed by additional fat. Staying in the same 20 lbs weight range is a good goal for lifetime weight management, which can be done through a combination of diet and exercise.

Moisturize Regularly

Keeping your skin moisturized can be incredibly beneficial for preventing future stretch marks, particularly since sometimes stretch marks are made worse by skin dryness. Using moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, Vitamin A, and cocoa or shea butter may be beneficial. Some research suggests that lavender oil, argan oil, and coconut oil are also good choices to support skin health.

Collagen Building Creams

You can also use collagen-building creams, even after your stretch marks have been reduced, to help maintain the elasticity of your skin. This is particularly important for mature patients who are experiencing a natural decline of collagen production in the skin, which may make it easier to develop stretch marks as the skin continues to lose elasticity due to aging.

Who Are Good Candidates?

Candidates for laser stretch mark removal include any woman or man who has stretch marks that are interfering with their daily lives or feelings of self-confidence. Laser treatments for stretch marks can be good options for people of all skin tones and types, including medium or dark skin tones pending a consultation. You are likely a good candidate for stretch mark removal regardless of how new or old your scarring is, or where the scars are located.

Restore Your Confidence With Laser Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch marks can often make us feel less confident about our bodies or our overall appearance. Since hiding behind your clothing isn’t a viable long-term solution, it may be time to find a cosmetic solution that can reduce the appearance of stretch marks and enable you to feel more confident about your body. If you think that laser stretch mark removal is a good treatment option for your appearance concerns, please contact Le Reve Skincare & Laser Center in Fort Worth, TX to schedule your initial appointment today.

Which oil is best for stretch marks?

Essential oils are natural treatments that have been proved to be effective for preventing and reducing stretch marks.

Stretch marks are a common complaint, especially among pregnant women and adolescents. These long stripes or lines on the skin may be annoying, but they do not cause any medical problems.

Although most stretch marks will fade significantly with time, many people want to minimize their appearance quickly. Read on to discover the best essential oils to reduce stretch marks.


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What are stretch marks?

During pregnancy, people may be susceptible to stretch marks.

Stretch marks are known medically as striae or striae gravidarum. They occur when the middle layer or dermis of the skin becomes overstretched to the point of tearing.

These tears cause scars that appear as stretch marks on the skin’s surface.

This type of skin tearing often occurs:

during pregnancy, affecting up to 90 percentTrusted Source of women

during the growth spurts of adolescence

after weight gain or weight loss

High levels of steroid hormones caused by medications or diseases, including Cushing’s syndrome and Marfan syndrome, have also been linked to stretch marks.

Stretch marks appear as red or purple lines that are slightly raised initially. They turn white or silver and become flat and shiny, over time. Women are more prone to stretch marks than men, and they usually develop on the:






upper arms

Eight best essential oils for stretch marks

Certain essential oils are more effective than others at reducing the visibility of stretch marks.

Essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil before applying. Essential oils should not be swallowed.

Some of the best choices for stretch marks include:

1. Argan oil

Argan essential oil is a popular natural product for skin and hair care. Argan tree kernels are used to make it.

Some researchTrusted Source suggests that argan oil can improve the elasticity of the skin, which may reduce or prevent stretch marks. It can be applied topically or consumed to enhance skin elasticity, according to one studyTrusted Source.

2. Bitter almond oil

A different type of almond to the one that is eaten is used to make bitter almond essential oil.

Doctor V - How to treat Stretch Marks for Skin of Colour | Brown or Black Skin

A 2012 studyTrusted Source suggests that bitter almond oil may reduce the stretch marks caused by pregnancy. Researchers divided the 141 women into:

a group that applied bitter almond oil with massage

a group that used bitter almond oil without massage

a control group

The scientists found that stretch marks developed in only 20 percent of women in the massage group, 38.8 percent in the oil-only group, and 41 percent in the control group.

More studies are needed before conclusions on the effectiveness of bitter almond oil can be drawn.

The oil also contains toxic compounds that may not be safe in certain amounts, especially when used during pregnancy.

3. Bitter orange oil

Bitter orange essential oil is extracted from the peel of the bitter orange fruit.

One study indicates that the oil may tone and condition the skin, as well as prevent skin fragility. These actions could potentially reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

People with sensitive skin may experience irritation when using bitter orange essential oil. It may also cause photosensitivity in people with light skin.

4. Lavender oil

Research suggests that lavender oil may encourage wound healing.

Lavender essential oil is best known for its calming properties. But the oil has several other benefits, including when it comes to the healing of wounds and marks.

Research publishedTrusted Source in 2016 reports that lavender oil increases the production of collagen and forms new connective tissue that encourages wound healing.

This suggests lavender oil may help in the healing of stretch marks, but it should be noted that the study was carried out on rats.

More research on humans is needed.

5. Neroli oil

Neroli essential oil is made from the flowers of the Citrus aurantium tree, the same tree that is used to make bitter orange oil.

Most of the evidence for neroli oil helping stretch marks is anecdotal, and it has been traditionally used for lightening the skin and reducing imperfections.

Neroli oil has been foundTrusted Source in studies to exhibit powerful antioxidant effects. This antioxidant activity may improve the appearance of skin by helping the cells to regenerate.

6. Patchouli oil

People often use patchouli essential oil to boost their mood, but it is also known for healing wounds and fading scars.

Studies on animals suggest it has antioxidant properties and can promote the synthesis of collagen, which could reduce stretch marks.

7. Pomegranate oil

Pomegranate essential oil is believed to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is made from the seeds of the pomegranate fruit

A 2017 studyTrusted Source found that a cream comprising pomegranate oil and dragon’s blood extract, which is made from dracaena tree resin, increased the elasticity and thickness of the skin.

These findings led researchers to suggest that a blend of pomegranate oil and dragon’s blood extract could prevent or minimize the appearance of marks.

8. Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense oil has been used for centuries for its healing properties and treatment of skin conditions.

Frankincense enters into the skin easily, and ferulic acids and vitamins in the oil bring antioxidant benefits to the skin, which helps keep it soft and healthy.

How to use essential oils for stretch marks

Coconut oil is a popular carrier oil.

Essential oils should be diluted in carrier oils and then applied topically to stretch marks and massaged into the skin.

Essential oils should be mixed with a carrier oil to prevent burning and irritation. This is especially important for people with sensitive skin.

Popular carrier oils include:

coconut oil

grapeseed oil

jojoba oil

olive oil

sweet almond oil

rosehip oil

Mix 15 to 30 drops of essential oil with 1 ounce of carrier oil. Start with fewer drops and work up, as skin tolerance allows.

A patch test should always be carried out before applying essential oils liberally to the skin. The essential oil should be safe to use if there is no reaction after 24 hours.

Rosehip oil

Distilled from the seeds of rose flowers, rosehip oil as a carrier oil may be effective by itself for the prevention of stretch marks.

When researchers asked pregnant women to apply a moisturizer, containing rosehip oil and vitamin E or a placebo, they found that the cream was more effective at preventing stretch marks than the placebo.

They suggest that this can reduce the severity of stretch marks during pregnancy, prevent new marks from forming, and stop the progression of existing marks.


Side effects and risks

People who try essential oils for stretch marks may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions, as these are the most common side effects. They should stop using the oil if it causes a rash, redness, or itching and see a doctor if symptoms persist.

People should be careful using citrus oils, as they can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight for 24 hours after use, which increases the risk of sunburn.

A person is advised to discuss the use of essential oils with a doctor before trying them, especially if they are taking other medications or using topical treatments.

Use during pregnancy

Stretch marks are extremely common in pregnancy, and many pregnant women would like to find natural ways to prevent or treat stretch marks.

7 ways to fade stretch marks| Dr Dray

It is unclear if topically applied essential oils are safe for use during pregnancy. People who are pregnant or breast-feeding should avoid the use of essential oils on the skin unless advised differently by their doctor.

Medical treatments for stretch marks

People with severe stretch marks or who are allergic to essential oils may wish to try other treatments, including:

retinoid cream

laser therapies



Stretch marks are not a serious medical condition, but some people wish to remove them for cosmetic reasons.

Most stretch marks will not completely go away, but using certain essential oils can help to minimize their appearance. If the oils do not work or cause skin irritation, other treatments are available from a doctor or dermatologist.

In many cases, stretch marks will fade with time even without any specific treatment.

How long does coconut oil take to remove stretch marks?

I’m actually one of those "weird" women who find stretch marks to be pretty cool. I mean, I just think that bodies in general are great and magical and wonderful, no matter what. And I felt that way especially when I was pregnant. I was so excited to see my body change and grow, and I couldn’t wait for those first couple of stretch marks to appear. And appear, they did! At first they came in very slowly, just a couple of tiny red lines to remind me that my middle was expanding. Then towards the end of my pregnancy, they completely took over my abdomen. I never did anything in any attempt to “prevent” them, and mostly I do think that they are great. However, nine months after the birth of my child, I have to admit, I have a lot of stretch marks, and I wouldn’t mind if they toned it down just a little. So when the idea was presented to me to try coconut oil on my stretch marks, I jumped on it.

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I love coconut oil, both for cooking and for its many cosmetic uses. I also loved the idea of trying something that I'd already have on hand, rather than running around looking for the perfect product. Because I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with having stretch marks, I figured that if it did work, that would be sort of cool, but if it didn’t, well then, no big deal. At the very least, I'd have done something nice for myself, and my stomach would be really well moisturized, right?

The Experiment

So I set up for the experiment. For one month, at least once a day (usually before bed) I planned to moisturize my stretch mark-covered belly with pure coconut oil. Once a week I took pictures to show any progress. And like I said, if it worked, great! But if it didn't, I wasn't going to think any less of my body or its abilities. So with that in mind, I set out to see what would happen.

Here's how it went:


Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

When I took photos in preparation for this experiment I was honestly surprised by the extent of the marks. More than being surprised by the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on my body though, I was surprised by my own surprise. I have historically been a woman who is pretty in touch with her own body, so the fact that I just didn’t know what one part of my body looked like at all felt really unusual for me.

However, that made sense. After my son was born, my c-section incision got infected and had to be re-opened surgically. For weeks it was a gaping wound, and to even glance at it would make me feel sick and panicky. So I just stopped looking at my own body at a certain point. And being a new mom leaves you with less time for navel gazing, both of the metaphorical and literal variety.

I started to really dread looking at my own body.

The First Week

Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

I didn’t notice any change in the stretch marks themselves after one week of coconut oil treatment, but I did notice a few other things. At first, it was extremely difficult for me to remember to apply the coconut oil before bed. It just wasn’t a part of my routine, and it felt like a huge pain to try to work it in somewhere. I would be tired and my wonderful spouse would finally get the baby to bed, and I would just want to pass out, not slather myself in oil. But after a few days it got easier. And then I started to almost look forward to it. Self-care is so important, and sometimes it is the littlest things that help.

Looking at my lower belly every day, and photographing it at least once a week, was wearing on me. I couldn't help thinking about all the ways my body had changed since having a baby, and the fact that it doesn't seem in any kind of hurry to change back.

For those of us engaged in the active struggle of parenting, it can feel impossible to find the space for those kinds of things. Yet, there I was, finding the space for this one thing. My poor, neglected, belly was finally getting the attention it deserved. Without meaning to, I'd stumbled upon something truly nice I could do for myself, and I really loved that feeling.

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The Second Week

Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

While the first week it felt exciting to be doing something simple for myself every night before bed, the second week it just became one more thing to remember. I'm a mom, a housewife, and a freelance writer, I'm always trying to remember something or other, and it's really difficult. At least half of the nights I found myself laying in bed after a long, intense, day, suddenly thinking "oh, crap, I have to get up and smear oil on my belly!" The novelty had completely worn off, and I would grumble and drag myself back up to stagger to the kitchen.

In retrospect, I should have put some oil in a container in the bedroom, rather than just getting annoyed night after night to go back down to the kitchen and get it. By the end of week two, I still wasn't noticing any appreciable difference, but I figured it was totally possible that it was right around the corner.

The Third Week

Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

The third week was when I kind of expected to start seeing some results. Not coincidentally, it was also the week that I started to get fed up with the whole thing. Going into this experiment, I had imagined that even if it didn't "work" it would be a good exercise for me. By three weeks though, I had to admit that useful exercise be damned, I wanted all of this effort to DO something.

It was also getting really hard to make myself actually do it at all. I typically have a pretty positive body image, but looking at my lower belly every day, and photographing it at least once a week, was wearing on me. I couldn't help thinking about all the ways my body had changed since having a baby, and the fact that it doesn't seem in any kind of hurry to change back. I started to really dread looking at my own body, and had some real self-esteem issues. And I think, maybe, that feeling this way kind of made sense? I guess if you're observing a strict skin-care regimen and watching that skin like a hawk for signs of change, of course you're going to obsess over the fact that we should constantly be aspiring to "better" bodies.

Rubbing coconut oil all over my stomach just felt like a big, stupid chore.

By week three, I still hadn't noticed any "shocking" change. I know I wasn't exactly waiting or hoping for one, but we're so engrained to think that if our body doesn't respond to something (like a beauty or fashion hack) in the right way (or at all), it illuminates a failure on our bodies' part. And against all logic, I stood in my bathroom with my camera, feeling like a failure.

The Fourth Week

Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

By week four I was totally checked out. To put it simply, I just wasn’t interested in the experiment anymore. I could no longer sustain excitement about results I wasn’t seeing, and I felt that, if I was going to take time out for some kind of self-care every night, it should be something nearer and dearer to my heart. Rubbing coconut oil all over my stomach just felt like a big, stupid chore. I actually considered dropping the experiment altogether, that’s how sick of it I was, but I’d already spent so much time (and oil!) on it that I just plowed ahead.


Courtesy of Katherine DM Clover

Looking at the photos altogether at the end, I actually feel like my stretch marks might have gotten just a tiny bit less dramatic? I don't want to say that they got "better" or "worse," because my body is a good, talented, capable, able body no matter how it looks or no matter what the end results show. But even if they do look slightly less pronounced, it's still so hard to tell; it could just be the tiny, unavoidable, light differences. But whether there is a small change or not, I am done photographing my belly for a little while, that's for sure!

Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid comprised of free fatty acids, including lauric acid and capric acid. It has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Coconut oil absorbs easily into skin, where it may prevent free radical damage. It may also improve the quality and overall appearance of dry, damaged skin.

Commercially available coconut oils can vary significantly in quality. Virgin, organic coconut oil is the purest form and may be best for skin health.

Stretch marks are scars that can result from skin stretching too quickly or beyond its elastic capacities. They can occur in both men and women.

Stretch marks are not a cause for medical concern; they’re a natural occurrence that most people experience. However, some people may wish to attempt to prevent them from occurring or reduce their appearance. Consistently applying virgin coconut oil to the skin, either alone or with other emollient oils, may help reduce the occurrence of stretch marks or speed their healing. It may also help to diminish their appearance.

Does it work?

Stretch marks are caused when the skin’s lower layers of connective tissue (the dermis) are stretched beyond capacity, causing tears to form. When skin stretches to its breaking point, it weakens and breaks the collagen fibers within its layers. This allows the blood vessels underneath to show through. That’s why stretch marks appear red or purple, and sometimes look slightly raised.

Dry skin is less elastic and more likely to tear than nourished, hydrated skin. Keeping skin moisturized may help eliminate or reduce the occurrence of stretch marks. Coconut oil can help keep skin hydrated and supple. Along with making proactive choices, such as drinking lots of water, this may be helpful for preventing stretch marks.

Stretch marks can occur anywhere on the body where skin becomes stretched, such as:





upper arms

Stretch marks can result from:

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muscle building or weight lifting

formation of breasts during puberty

weight gain

Stretch marks don’t hurt and aren’t a health concern. They can sometimes be itchy. Since stretch marks are scars, they can only be removed surgically, once they occur. They do, however, lighten over time, becoming white, silvery, or transparent. Their appearance may also be reduced or diminished through use of hydrating and moisturizing treatments, such as coconut oil.

Stretch marks can’t be removed by using coconut oil or any other topically applied product. But coconut oil may improve the overall appearance of skin, which could reduce the look of stretch marks. It may also promote healing and prevent stretch marks from occurring.

There isn’t a large body of scientific evidence linking coconut oil to a reduction in stretch marks because it hasn’t been studied significantly for this condition. However, a reviewTrusted Source of multiple studies on plant oils and their effect on skin included findings on virgin coconut oil and its positive impact on skin health. According to the review, coconut oil can speed wound healing and promote collagen turnover in wounds. It’s also been shown to reduce inflammation.

Benefits of coconut oil for stretch marks and how to use it


Coconut oil is highly emollient and can help keep skin hydrated. This may make it more elastic and less prone to stretch marks. Its lauric acid content also makes it easily absorbed deep into skin’s layers, where it may have a positive effect on collagen production. Use coconut oil as a topical treatment, or try putting it in your bath to silken skin.


Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce healing time for existing stretch marks. Its ability to hydrate skin deeply may also help reduce the itching associated with stretch marks.

Improves appearance

Coconut oil is sometimes used to brighten the skin. You can try massaging it directly into your stretch marks to lighten them, or mix it with lemon juice prior to using.

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Side effects and risks of coconut oil

Coconut oil is generally accepted as being safe to use. If, however, you’re allergic to coconuts, do not use coconut oil. Some people who are allergic to hazelnuts or walnuts also have allergic sensitivity to coconuts and may not be able to use coconut oil.



Having stretch marks on your body is normal, and some people celebrate them. It’s also fine to try out solutions like coconut oil if you wish to reduce the appearance of or prevent stretch marks. Before you do, understand that the evidence around the use of coconut oil for stretch marks is mostly anecdotal. While coconut oil cannot completely eliminate stretch marks once they’ve occurred, it may be used to reduce healing time and improve their appearance.

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