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Saturday 5 February 2022

can vicks vapor rub help a sore throat?

 How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat: Sore Throat Remedies | Vicks

Sore throats are among one of the most common health ailments, especially in the winter. They are typically caused by infections including the common cold, flu and strep throat and while they tend to be quite painful, they often go away within a week.

Can’t make it a week? Find relief for your sore throat now with these helpful at-home remedies.

1. Salt Water

While salt water may not provide you with immediate relief, it is still an effective remedy for killing bacteria while loosening mucus and easing pain. Simply mix half a teaspoon of salt into 8 ounces of warm water and gargle away.

2. Honey

“Honey is one of the best remedies for a sore throat due to its natural antibacterial properties that allows it to act as a wound healer, immediately offering relief for pain while working to reduce inflammation. Honey can also kill bacteria and help fight off viral infections,” explains Charlotte Smith, MD, physician at Penn Urgent Care South Philadelphia.

If you’re suffering from a bad cough in addition to your sore throat, honey may also act as an effective cough suppressant. Mix two tablespoons of honey in with a warm glass of water or tea and stir it well. Drink several times a day as needed.

However, Dr. Smith warns, “Honey should not be given to infants under the age of one.”

3. Lemon

Similar to salt water and honey, lemons are great for sore throats because they can help break up mucus and provide pain relief. What’s more, lemons are packed with Vitamin C which can help to boost the immune system and give it more power to fight off your infection. Mix one teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water and drink for quick relief.

4. Hot Sauce

It may sound strange to use hot sauce to relieve a fiery throat, but this condiment has actually been proven to provide relief for sore throats. Hot sauce is made from peppers that are high in capsaicin, which can be used to fight inflammation and provide pain relief. So, while it may burn at first, dropping a few drops of hot sauce into a warm glass of water to gargle may just be the right remedy to cure your sore throat.

5. Tea

There are many different kinds of herbal teas you can try for quick sore throat relief. Clove tea and green tea both contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to fight against infections while providing relief. Raspberry, chamomile, and peppermint tea are great choices for relieving pain and reducing inflammation. Chamomile tea can also serve as a natural lubricant, so if your voice is hoarse and you’re having difficulty speaking, this may be your best option. Additionally, peppermint tea can naturally numb your throat and alleviate your pain. When choosing the best tea for your sore throat, you may also want to check the caffeine content.

“When recovering from an illness it’s important to rest. If you’re getting ready to sleep, it may be best to go with non-caffeinated tea,” recommends Dr. Smith.

6. Humidifier

If you’ve noticed an increase in the number of sore throats you’ve had this season, then it may be time to invest in a humidifier. Dry air, especially during the harsh, cold days of winter, may be the cause of your sore throat. A humidifier will keep the air moist and open your sinuses. Add in a tablespoon or two of vapor rub or hydrogen peroxide solution to provide additional relief.

10 Ways You Should be using Vicks Vaporub

What to Avoid

While all of these remedies have been shown to aid in relief of sore throat pain, there are other items you may want to avoid.

“If you have a sore throat, I recommend avoiding any foods that may be difficult to swallow. I suggest sticking to soups and soft foods until the sore throat pain has resolved,” says Dr. Smith.

Dr. Smith further recommends, “If you’ve tried at home remedies and they do not seem to be helping, schedule an appointment with your physician right away. You should also seek treatment from your doctor if your sore throat is accompanied by a fever, chills, difficulty swallowing, or if you are unable to drink fluids, as this could be a sign of a more serious illness.”

Vicks Vaporub is something that most people have in their medicine cabinet, ready and waiting to fly into action when a cough or a cold is threatening to strike.


It’s been one of our favourite remedies for years, but can it be used for more than just a cold?


People have come up with some weird and wonderful ways to use Vicks Vaporub, some of them work like a charm and others… well, we’ll see!


Let’s take a look at some of the crazy ways people are using Vaporub, and whether it actually works.


100g tub of Vicks Vaporub - 4 in 1 cold symptom relief


1. Use Vicks Vaporub for a cold


Okay, so this use isn’t exactly weird, let’s face it, easing cold symptoms what Vicks Vaporub does best!


But you may not know that Vicks has launched another product that can help to stop a cold in its tracks before it even begins.


Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray stops the cold virus from spreading when it’s in its early stages, so if you use it early enough you can avoid having a cold altogether!


Don’t worry if you’ve missed your cold prevention window, though, Vicks Vaporub will still be there to soothe that blocked nose and move that catarrh.

Cough and sore throat relief

Save 22%

Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray - 15ml

Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray - 15ml




Vicks VapoRub - 50g

Vicks VapoRub - 50g



2. Vaporub on your feet with socks


Lots of people swear by Vick’s Vaporub for a cold, but many of these people aren’t rubbing it onto their chest for all of its decongestive benefits.


Nope, the latest trend is to rub it onto your feet, pop on a pair of socks, and then go to bed.


Rumour has it that this will ease coughs and colds, but honestly, we’ve found very little evidence to suggest that it actually works.


If you want to ease a cold, rub that Vaporub into your chest, throat, or back and inhale it, you’ll get much more benefit out of those soothing vapours!


A pair of feet wearing light grey socks on a dark brown wood surface


3. Hydrate your dry skin overnight


So, rubbing Vicks Vaporub onto your feet may not ease a cold, but could it have another use?


Many people believe that sleeping with it on your feet at night can help to soften the dry skin on your feet, so it can be buffed away with a pumice stone for soft, smooth feet.


The jury’s still out on whether this actually works, but as there are so many amazing moisturisers and foot care products out there, we’re not entirely sure why this one caught on.

Sore throat remedies at home / How to treat sore throat at home

Maybe people love that it makes their stinky feet smell like Vaporub? Maybe someone was trying to cure their cold and found that their skin looked softer? Nobody knows where this one came from, but some people swear by it!


A pair of feet wearing grey argyle socks resting on a wooden floor, a pair of burgundy high heels in the background


4. Vicks Vaporub for a cough


If you’ve got a cough and you’re wondering whether you should reach for Vaporub, then you’ll be glad to know that you’re onto a winner this time!


Vaporub can be used to ease coughs that are caused by colds, relieving the catarrh and phlegm that give you a chesty cough.


Not only that, but Vicks lozenges can be used help to soothe a sore, irritated throat, which can happen when you’ve been coughing up a storm for a few days!

Earlier this week I was running out of ideas of what to write about for the Frugal Living WWII Tips series. When I started this I thought that it was going to be a long running series but all of a sudden I ran into a writers block. For the life of me I couldn’t think of anything, I knew there were more tips but they just weren’t coming to me. I think I was having writers block because I wasn’t feeling very good; sore throat, headache, body ache. I called my mom, that’s what I do when I’m not feeling good and she told me to rub some Vick’s on my throat and wrap it with one of my hubby’s clean socks. All of a sudden my writers block was gone, this was one of the many things that my grandma did with Vicks VapoRub.

Household Tips

Vicks VapoRub was something that we always had in our medicine cabinet when we were growing up, I also remember it being in my grandmas. I began calling family members to get their ideas for this WWII topic. Much to my surprise they remembered my grandma using it for a bunch of different reasons. I was shocked at how versatile this little jar of vapor was. By the way, the Vicks and sock cured my sore throat.

What Causes a Sore Throat? HOME Remedies and Cures for Fast TREATMENT| Doctor Explains

13 Unusual Tips for Using Vicks VapoRub

Sore Throat – rub on your throat and wrap with a tube sock.

Decongestant – rub on your chest and under your nostrils.

Coughs – to minimize coughing, rub generously on your feet and cover with socks.

Sore Muscles – massage a generous amount on sore muscles.

Headaches – rub a small amount on your temples and forehead.

Ear Aches – to relieve pain, apply a small amount to a cotton ball and place in ear.

Nail Fungus – rub on infected toenails. The nail will turn a dark color as it kills the fungus. The dark color will go away as the nail grows out.

Mosquito Repellent – rub a small amount on exposed skin.

Itchy Bug Bites – rub on bite and cover with a band aid.

Cracked Heels – rub on feet in the morning and at night.

Acne – to clear it up, dab on zit.

Cold Sores – rub a little on the area when you begin to feel one coming on.

Splinters – to remove, apply to the splinter and cover with a band-aid before going to bed. The next morning the splinter will be on the band-aid.

When Liliana Mendoza was a kid growing up in Mexico, Vicks VapoRub was a go-to treatment in her household for common colds and pain.

“My grandma used to use it on our chest, our back, and our nose. And my mom used to put it on the bottom of my feet when I used to complain about what I know now are called growing pains,” says Mendoza, a mom of three who now lives in Austin, Texas.


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Among the many menthol-, camphor-, and eucalyptus-containing topical remedies on the market, VapoRub—known by many Hispanics as Vaporú or Vivaporú—stands out. The little green triangle and an icon representing vapors printed on the side of a blue jar can bring back memories of being taken care of by a loved one.

How To Cure A Sore Throat In 1 Minute

“I can’t smell Vicks without thinking about my family,” says Chris Baker, who’s also from Texas and whose Hispanic mom and grandmother used it on her when she was young. “I also remember sitting on my mom’s bed with my mom and my sister, and we were passing around the bottle of Vicks just smelling it. It’s like the smell of it literally calmed all our minds and bodies,” Baker says, “and to this day, I still make sure I have a bottle nearby to smell it.”

Three generations of the Mendoza family

Three generations of VapoRub users: Liliana Mendozo (fourth from the left) and daughters Isabel Pierce, Amsterdam Love; mother Luz Morales; and daughter Julia Pierce.

Photo: Courtesy of Liliana Mendoza

And the smell of VapoRub, like the smell and steam from chicken soup, may remind people of the attention and care they received when ill. That care itself can be healing, says Christopher Fagundes, PhD, an associate professor at Rice University in Houston who has a focus on psychoneuroimmunology, or the effect of the mind on the immune system.

Here’s what you need to know about VapoRub, including why just the smell of it seems so healing to so many people. 

What’s in VapoRub?

According to Vicks manufacturer Procter & Gamble, VapoRub’s active ingredients are menthol and camphor, both of which are cough suppressants and topical pain relievers, as well as eucalyptus oil, which is a cough suppressant.

The ingredients work in similar ways, says Neil Bhattacharyya, MD, a professor of otolaryngology at the Harvard Medical School and surgeon at Massachusetts Eye and Ear hospital in Boston.

“These are, in a sense, essential oils that provide a cooling effect that masks the feelings of congestion and pain,” Bhattacharyya says.

Bhattacharyya compares that effect to rubbing your knee if you’ve accidentally hit it. “You kind of overwhelm the brain receptors for pain by giving the counterstimulation of rubbing the knee that you just bonked on the desk,” he says.

VapoRub for Congestion

The cooling effect from VapoRub explains how its active ingredients ease the feeling of congestion, Bhattacharyya says. They “can help by creating the sensation that more air is flowing into your body when you breathe,” he says, adding that this is also how some cough drops such as Halls work.

“It gives you the sense of your throat being cooled off,” Bhattacharyya says. “Just like in Bengay, by the way, or Tiger Balm, the counterstimulation substitutes for the soreness of a sore throat or the feeling of congestion, and it tricks your brain.”

7 Natural remedies for Sore Throat - Dr. Priya Jain

So while products such as VapoRub can serve as a distraction from congestion and cough, they won’t change the course of the underlying illness on its own, he says.

Vicks VapoRub is for external use only, stresses Mollie Wheeler, a spokesperson for Procter & Gamble. As a cough suppressant for minor throat and bronchial irritation associated with the common cold, rub a thick layer of Vicks VapoRub on your chest and throat and cover it with a warm, dry cloth, she says. To let the vapors reach your nose and mouth, keep your clothing loose around those areas, she says. According to the label on the jar, VapoRub should never be ingested.

VapoRub for Pain

The menthol and camphor in VapoRub act as topical analgesics, which means they can relieve minor aches and pains of the musculoskeletal system through the skin.

They’ve been used that way for hundreds of years, and the benefits are backed by some medical research. For example, in a 2014 study involving 10 Danish slaughterhouse workers with carpal tunnel syndrome, researchers found that topical gel containing menthol applied to the hand and arm provided temporary relief of chronic pain.

An earlier Canadian study, in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, found that menthol gel applied to the skin reduced perceived discomfort better than ice for muscle aches after a workout.

Chris Baker pictured with their mother and niece

Chris Baker (middle); her niece, Victoria Taylor (left); and Chris' mother, Rosa Baker, all use Vicks VapoRub.

Photo: Courtesy of Chris Baker

That Healing Aroma

The smell of the ingredients in VapoRub and similar products may provide additional benefits, both directly on pain, and indirectly, by bringing back memories of being cared for.

Knee-replacement patients reported less pain (and reduced blood pressure) after inhaling eucalyptus vapors, according to a 2013 Korean study in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Some versions of VapoRub and Tiger Balm also contain lavender, which has a smell known for its calming effects. It works by triggering pleasure receptors in the brain. “It’s a very calming, soothing scent,” Bhattacharyya says. “That lavender actually gives you a little sense of pain relief, actually more so than airflow.”

Many people—like Mendoza and Baker—say just the scent of regular VapoRub also evokes a feeling of being cared for.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat

That attention, combined with the memories the smell brings, may help people while they are recovering from illness, says Fagundes at Rice University. Research shows that “psychological factors have direct biological pathways,” he says. “We’re very confident that people who receive support in close relationships feel loved and cared for, that they have a more well-regulated immune system."

Mendoza, who uses VapoRub on her kids when they have a cold, says she still has strong memories of the product when she was a kid. “As a Mexican, everybody has a story about their grandma, their aunt, their somebody using VapoRub on them one way or another,” she says. “I know my family in Mexico when I was growing up didn’t have a lot of money, so maybe that’s another reason why it’s been such a staple of certain communities.”

Safe Use

While Bhattacharyya says products like VapoRub are generally quite safe when used according to their label, he recommends against inhaling large amounts of VapoRub or any similar product because it can get deep into the sinus cavity and lungs, potentially causing inflammation and allergic reactions.

“You should not be taking a large volume of this and trying to really deeply inhale it outside of the standard recommendations,” Bhattacharyya says. “That can be dangerous, especially if you do it repeatedly.”

Wheeler, the Procter & Gamble spokesperson, says that VapoRub should not be used under or inside the nose or in the mouth, and that you should make sure it doesn’t get into eyes. You should also avoid heating or microwaving Vicks VapoRub, and it shouldn’t be added to hot water, she says.

Bhattacharyya agrees that it shouldn’t be put in or near the eyes and doesn’t recommend putting it in a bathtub or hot water, either. But he himself has put it under his nose, and that’s generally okay, he says, adding that you might want to wipe it off before a meal.

He emphasizes that products such as VapoRub aren’t intended to be a cure for any illnesses. So cue the chicken soup, neti pot, and plenty of rest. In addition to the topical treatment, let any respiratory illness run its course, and talk to a doctor if your symptoms are severe.

Vicks VapoRub is a mentholated ointment made by U.S. household and personal care manufacturer Procter & Gamble.

Originally formulated by North Carolina pharmacist Lunsford Richardson to treat his son’s croup, the salve has been around for more than 125 years.

How to Fix a Sore Throat in 2 Minutes – Sore Throat Home Remedies by Dr.Berg

People are still inventing uses for it — some of which are backed by solid science and others that are (so far) unstudied.

Oliver Contreras/Getty Images

What is Vicks VapoRub?

Procter & Gamble lists the following active ingredients in Vicks VapoRub:

camphor (4.7 percent)

menthol (2.6 percent)

eucalyptus oil (1.2 percent)

It also contains several inactive ingredients that may be responsible for some of its popular uses:

cedarleaf oil

nutmeg oil



turpentine oil

The salve has a strong menthol scent and a petroleum jelly-like texture.

Uses that have some scientific support

Doctors, researchers, and the product’s manufacturer have recommended Vicks VapoRub for the following purposes.

Relieving congestion

Vicks VapoRub isn’t a decongestant. Rather, strong menthol and camphor vapors create a cooling sensation in your nasal passages that trigger receptors in your brain to feel that you’re breathing more openly.

The results of a 2017 study, in which adult cold patients self-reported how they slept, suggest that using VapoRub can improve subjective sleep quality.

How to Treat Your Cold or Flu Symptoms | Vicks

Easing cough

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) lists camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol as cough suppressants.

A word of caution, though: Vicks VapoRub isn’t recommended if your cough has lots of phlegm or if it’s chronic, such as with asthma or emphysema.

The manufacturer recommends that you follow these steps to maximize effectiveness for cold symptoms:

Rub a layer of Vicks VapoRub on your chest and neck only. Don’t use it near your mouth or in your nostrils.

Drape a warm, dry cloth over your head while you’re sitting upright or standing.

Loosen any clothing around your chest and throat so vapors can rise to your nose area.

Repeat, if needed, up to three times in 24 hours.


Avoid putting Vicks VapoRub on, in, or around your nose. Research from 2014 shows that camphor can be absorbed through your mucous membranes and is toxic, especially to toddlers and babies.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Trusted Source mandates that no over-the-counter (OTC) product can contain more than 11 percent camphor.

Never use Vicks VapoRub on children younger than 2 years old.

Vicks VapoRub can also damage the cornea, so keep it away from the eyes.

Soothing sore muscles

The NIH describes both camphor and menthol as topical analgesics, or pain relievers you rub on your skin.

Products containing camphor and menthol can create a powerful cooling sensation that may temporarily override your ability to feel the pain of sore muscles and joints.

Similar products like Biofreeze, which contains 4 percent active menthol, have helped reduce pain associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, according to research from 2014Trusted Source.

Treating toenail fungus

All three of the active ingredients in Vicks VapoRub have antifungal properties. After previous studies suggested that OTC mentholated ointments may be effective in treating toenail fungus, a small 2015 study tested the effectiveness of Vicks VapoRub against toenail fungus in people living with HIV.

The results suggested that Vicks VapoRub may be a cost-effective alternative to expensive antifungal medications, especially for those without insurance and who may be socioeconomically disadvantaged.


Not sure about using Vicks VapoRub on toenail fungus? Here are some other remedies to try.

Other uses that people report work for them

While there’s little or no research to support the following uses of Vicks VapoRub, some people have said they tried it with favorable results.

Fading stretch marks

Stretch marks are purplish, red, or white lines that appear on the skin after a period of quick growth. They most often appear around puberty and pregnancy.

ResearchersTrusted Source haven’t found evidence that any topical cream or lotion is effective in reducing stretch marks. Nevertheless, some people report success in fading stretch marks using Vicks VapoRub.

If you want a surefire remedy, you may want to try one of these three treatments:


needling (injecting collagen under the skin)

laser therapy

Training pets

Some people believe the strong scent of Vicks VapoRub can keep pets from urinating on or scratching up furniture in your home.

Dabbing a small amount of the product on the area you want to protect may keep your pet at bay, but make sure your pet can’t lick or chew the ointment off the surface.

Never put Vicks VapoRub directly on your pet’s skin.

Camphor is toxic to animals. It can cause a skin reaction, and in large enough amounts, it can cause seizures and even death.

Healing rough skin on your heels

The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends petroleum jelly as a moisturizer, especially when used on damp skin, because it keeps moisture from evaporating.

"Sore Throat (Throat Pain) Vanished in 2 Hours With These 2 Tips

That may explain why some people have found Vicks VapoRub helpful for healing rough skin on the feet and heels.

But more research is needed to support the anecdotal claims about its usefulness as a treatment for dry, calloused skin on the feet.

Repelling mosquitoes

According to a 2013 reviewTrusted Source of older research, the camphor oil found in Vicks VapoRub can repel certain species of mosquitoes. This oil has also been used as an insecticide against certain types of beetles. In addition, research from 2012Trusted Source suggests that products containing menthol may also be effective against mosquitoes.

However, while natural oils may provide some defense, if you really want to keep mosquitoes away, DEET and picaridin are still the most powerful repellents.

Treating acne spots

Beauty bloggers have promoted the use of Vicks VapoRub as an overnight spot treatment to shrink pimples.

Research suggests that several of the ingredients in Vicks VapoRub are effective at healing blemishes, but other ingredients may actually worsen acne.

For example, dermatologists have recommended camphor essential oil as an acne treatment. But another ingredient in Vicks VapoRub — petroleum jelly — may cause breakouts.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends against using products with petroleum jelly on acne-prone skin.

If you want to take advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of camphor, some beauty bloggers recommend mixing a few drops of camphor essential oil with a carrier oil like jojoba and dabbing it on a blemish.

Relieving headaches

Some small studiesTrusted Source have shown that gels and ointments containing menthol may be effective at relieving headaches when applied to the base of the skull.

However, the amount of menthol in the tested products was much higher (6 percent and 10 percent) than the amount of menthol in Vicks VapoRub (2.6 percent).

So far, there aren’t any studies that support the use of Vicks VapoRub for treating headaches.

How To Fix Sore Throat within 2 Min Without using any medicine

Warnings and cautions

Health officials and the product’s manufacturer say you shouldn’t use Vicks VapoRub:

on children under 2 years old

on open wounds

under tight bandages

Other safety warnings include the following:

Store Vicks VapoRub safely out of reach of children.

Don’t heat Vicks VapoRub before you use it, as it can cause burns.

Never eat or swallow Vicks VapoRub. The ingredients are toxic when ingested.

There have been cases when Vicks VapoRub caused the skin under the nose to lighten.

There have been rare casesTrusted Source when long-term or excessive use of Vicks VapoRub caused a rare form of pneumonia.

If your cough or muscle soreness lasts longer than a week, talk with a doctor.

Frequently asked questions

Is VapoRub good for pneumonia?

Before using Vicks VapoRub for pneumonia, talk with a doctor. According to the directions on the package, you should talk with a doctor before using Vicks VapoRub for any illness with a cough that occurs with too much mucus.

Depending on the severity of your illness, it may also be unsafe to use topical products containing menthol. These products can trick your brain into thinking you’re breathing more easily than you are. This can lead you to avoid seeking medical care for breathing trouble when you need it.

Is it OK to use Vicks VapoRub with COVID-19?

Products containing menthol are not recommended for people with COVID-19. Menthol can trigger receptors in your brain that make you feel as though you’re breathing more clearly than you are and can lead you to underestimate the severity of your symptoms. This may result in delaying necessary medical treatment.

If you’re experiencing trouble breathing due to a SARS-CoV-2 infection, it’s best to talk with a doctor about treatment options. Do not use off-label medications for treating an infection with the coronavirus.

What does putting Vicks on your feet do?

Some people claim that putting Vicks VapoRub on your feet can help with cold symptoms. However, there isn’t any scientific evidence to support this theory. The manufacturer’s guidelines say to apply the product to your chest.

Menthol and camphor, two of the active ingredients in VapoRub, may help soothe your muscles by acting as a topic anesthetic, according to the NIH. Applying Vicks to your feet may help soothe sore muscles.

Can Vicks hurt your lungs?

Long-term misuse of petroleum-based oils like Vicks VapoRub can cause a rare form of pneumonia called exogenous lipoid pneumonia (ELP)Trusted Source when applied to the nose or nostrils.

Though uncommon, ELP has occurred in patients who have used mineral oil or petroleum-based lubricants and decongestants, like petroleum jelly (Vaseline), Vicks VapoRub, and lip gloss, frequently and over a long period of time.

Symptoms of ELP can include:

How to manage cold & sore throat in 3rd trimester of pregnancy?- Dr. Nupur Sood


difficulty breathing

chest pain


When applying Vicks VapoRub, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it to your chest or throat. Don’t apply VapoRub to the nose or nostrils or near the mouth.

Does Vicks VapoRub help with breathing?

Vicks VapoRub releases vapors of menthol, eucalyptus, and camphor that can soothe nasal passages. This can trigger receptors in your brain that make you think you are breathing more clearly. But VapoRub isn’t a decongestant.

Studies have shown that using Vicks VapoRub according to the instructions on the package may help improve sleep quality.

The bottom line

Vicks VapoRub has been a medicine cabinet staple for more than 125 years. Although it’s not listed as a decongestant, there’s solid research behind using the product to get relief from a stuffy nose or cough.

There’s also evidence that the camphor, eucalyptus oil, and menthol in the ointment make it a good choice for relieving muscle and joint pain. And a couple of studies found that it works to stamp out fungal infections in toenails.

Vicks VapoRub is also a popular choice for people trying to fade stretch marks, heal rough skin, treat headaches, and keep outdoor bugs away.

It’s been tried as an acne treatment, but other products may work just as well without risking the irritation some of its ingredients can cause.

Some people have used the strongly scented ointment to keep pets from peeing on or scratching furniture, but be careful using this training method. The ingredients in Vicks VapoRub can be dangerous for animals.

Sore throat: Do I need Antibiotics?

Vicks VapoRub is generally safe for use on older children and adults. Don’t use it on children younger than 2 years old, as it can cause serious health concerns for them.

1.Sore Throat – rub on your throat and wrap with a tube sock.

2.Decongestant – rub on your chest and under your nostrils.
3.Coughs – to minimize coughing, rub generously on your feet and cover with socks.
4.Sore Muscles – massage a generous amount on sore muscles.
5.Headaches – rub a small amount on your temples and forehead.
6.Ear Aches – to relieve pain, apply a small amount to a cotton ball and place in ear.
7.Nail Fungus – rub on infected toenails. The nail will turn a dark color as it kills the fungus. The dark color will go away as the nail grows out.
8.Mosquito Repellent – rub a small amount on exposed skin.
9.Itchy Bug Bites – rub on bite and cover with a band aid.
10.Cracked Heels – rub on feet in the morning and at night.
11.Acne – to clear it up, dab on zit.
12.Cold Sores – rub a little on the area when you begin to feel one coming on.
13.Splinters – to remove, apply to the splinter and cover with a band-aid before going to bed. The next morning the splinter will be on the band-aid.
To answer your question yes also I list some other things vapor rub helps have a great day !

I’m not 100% sure, but I think the only thing Vicks Vapo Rub does is bring some relief to chest congestion.

For a sore throat, there a few remedies to relieve the discomfort temporarily. Cepacol throat lozenges is one. Cepacol is the most effective lozenge I have found. It's really more effective than other brands. I'm not sure what the ingredient is that makes the difference, but what it does is numb the throat temporarily.

Another remedy is gargling with a solution of two parts warm water to one part baking soda (some people use salt). Try doing it every hour until bedtime, then again the next day. You can also try gargling with regular mouthwash or mouth rinse. It medicates the throat and kills germs attacking the throat.

A drink of tea (or warm water if you don't like tea) with a big spoonful of honey dissolved in it (you can add lemon, too) as often as possible can really ease the pain. The dissolved honey coats the inflamed throat which soothes it for a while. The lemon juice may help it along too.

Eat ice cream. Any kind of ice cream product is fine. The most effective may be a milkshake. No magic principles here. The cold also soothes the inflamed tissue, easing the pain. It's a great excuse to eat lots of ice cream!

Finally! A question I can answer. The menthol in Vicks is a key part of what makes the irritated mucosa feel better and may also help one clear the secretions that accumulate from a “pharyngitis” whether bacterial or viral. It does so by increasing blood flow to the pharynx and nasal mucosa, which yields more mucous output and a cleansing of the area. The secretions that are released are filled with immune elements that include white blood cells (that make up the purulence or pus) and gives the discharge which you may call phlegm. The color and/or foul odor that this material may have indicates a preponderance of bacterial infection. If it is clear and colorless, it’s likely viral. Within this biological “wash” is also a fabulous mixture of other elements including immune globulins that bind and, sometimes inactivate organisms and also present them to specific white blood cells. This guides the host response to the infection and improves the killing power of the exudate or discharge. It gets cooler still! There is a part of our immune response made up of chemicals called the “complement system”, not because they are very friendly and make friends with the invaders. NO! They are a cascade of substances that generate a growing volume of chemical species that are toxic to bacteria. Unfortunately, all of this causes inflammation in these tissue surfaces and feels bad; that’s why your throat is SORE! This is also why you want to drink lots of warm fluids to bathe these tissues and rinse this toxic mixture down the gullet AKA pharynx and esophagus. But fear not! Once it is washed down the pipe, the stomach is perfectly capable of sterilizing the liquid that goes into it. Yes, even the stomach can get overwhelmed and GI problems can follow but this isn’t the common transition of a pharyngitis.

A sore throat is often the first sign that you are coming down with a cold or the flu.

TOP 15 Surprising VICKS VAPORUB Uses You Must Know

A sore throat is an inflammation at the back of throat and surrounding area, known as the pharynx. That inflammation leads to common sore throat symptoms like scratchiness, pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Acting fast when you notice that first telltale tingle or twinge of pain might help keep your sore throat symptoms to a minimum. If your sore throat has quickly taken on a life of its own, don’t worry. There are plenty of over-the-counter medicines for sore throat – some of them already in your kitchen cupboard or medicine cabinet – ready to help ease the pain and scratchiness.

Keep reading for 10 remedies for sore throat ready to ease your pain.


From its warm, amber color to its thick, syrupy consistency, and mild, sweet taste honey is nature’s sore throat remedy. Honey boasts a range of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties.1

As a precaution, children under 1 year of age should not consume honey due to susceptibility to a toxin it may contain.2

Saltwater Gargle

It’s something most of us grew up with and might be the first thing you think of when a sore throat catches hold. Gargling with warm salt water reduces inflammation, promotes healing, and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Salt water also helps thin mucus and is a one of the best home remedies for cough and sore throat. Gargle twice a day for sore throat relief.3

Baking Soda Gargle

Baking soda has an alkaline effect that neutralizes acids in the mouth. It can help ward off infection, protect against inflammation and lubricate the mouth and throat.4


Breathing dry air can feel like sandpaper on a raw, painful sore throat. A room humidifier moisturizes your nose and throat, making it much more comfortable to breathe. Add a few drops of essential oil for a throat-soothing aromatherapy session.

Run the humidifier at night while you sleep to keep the room moisturized while your body rests and works to heal itself.

How to get rid of sore throat instantly

Over-the-Counter Remedies

Vicks family of cold and flu products offers soothing sore throat relief with ingredients that alleviate pain, break up congestion, and quell the coughing that often accompanies sore throat. Many over-the-counter cold and flu medicines treat multiple symptoms. Make sure to identify what other symptoms you may be experiencing along with sore throat, if any, so you can get the relief you need.

The last five points will explore the different Vicks sore throat remedies you can keep in your medicine cabinet to relieve sore throat as soon as the pain starts.

Medicated Drops

Vaporize your sore throat pain with VapoCOOL™ SEVERE Drops. These drops soothe your sore throat, relieving your sore throat pain with the oral anesthetic menthol.

Sore Throat Sprays

Get rapid, targeted relief of sore throat pain where and when you need it most. Winterfrost-flavored VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Spray contains pain-blocking benzocaine and cooling, soothing menthol that work quickly to temporarily stop the pain.


When you have a sore throat it’s important to keep your throat moistened to protect delicate mucus membranes and prevent your throat from drying out. For fast pain relief make yours medicated with VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Lozenges.

VapoCOOL™ Sore Throat Lozenges contain benzocaine to numb sore throat pain and the cooling sensation of menthol to ease that painful sensation.

Multi-Symptom Relief Liquids and LiquiCaps™

If your sore throat is accompanied by cough, congestion or other cold and flu symptoms, you’ll find multi-symptom relief in DayQuil™ Severe + VapoCOOL™ Cold & Flu and NyQuil™ Severe + VapoCOOL™ Cold & Flu. Both contain acetaminophen to reduce fever and relieve sore throat pain, and muscle aches and pains.5 The decongestant phenylephrine will unstuff your stuffy nose,6 and dextromethorphan will help suppress your cough. DayQuil also provides the expectorant guaifenesin to help break up mucus and relieve chest congestion. NyQuil adds the antihistamine doxylamine succinate to dry your runny nose. They also come in convenient LiquiCap™ form.



For soothing relief from sore throat and other cold and flu symptoms, try FluTherapy SEVERE. The acetaminophen in this medicated hot drink relieves sore throat and muscle aches and pains. FluTherapy Daytime and FluTherapy Nighttime both contain the nasal decongestant phenylephrine to reduce stuffiness by shrinking swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. FluTherapy Daytime has dextromethorphan to suppress cough symptoms. For added runny nose and watery eye symptom relief at night, FluTherapy Nighttime includes the antihistamine diphenhydramine.

It starts out as a tickle you barely notice when you wake up in the morning. By the end of the day, your sore throat feels like a 3-alarm fire. You can’t get to the drug store fast enough; and, oh, what was that home remedy your friend’s mother says she swears by?

Sore throats are a painful annoyance and also a common symptom of colds and flu, leading to more than 15 million doctor’s visits each year.1 If you’re like most people, you don’t think about a sore throat until you’ve got one. But, you can be prepared ahead of time with the Vicks lineup of reliable cold and flu remedies, so you can have relief at hand at the earliest signs of a sore throat that means business. Vicks has your sore throat covered.

Learn more about what a sore throat is and its causes, so you can find the best sore throat treatment for you—or prevent the spread altogether.

What is Sore Throat?

A sore throat is an inflammation at the back of throat and surrounding area, known as the pharynx, in medical terminology. An inflamed throat is commonly referred to by healthcare providers as “pharyngitis.” The pain and discomfort you feel when you have a sore throat comes from the activation of pain receptors by inflammatory molecules, such as prostaglandins.2 These molecules are part of the immune response. They help ward off infection and begin the healing and repair process. They have potent activating effects on pain-sensing nerves and also promote inflammation, which is how your body fights pathogens and infection.

That inflammation leads to common sore throat symptoms like scratchiness, pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Sometimes, a sore throat is one of the first signs that you’ve caught a cold or the flu. A simple check in your bathroom mirror may reveal visible redness at the back of your throat.

The inflammation associated with a sore throat may extend to your tonsils, small patches of immune tissue that are part of your lymphatic system and act as one of your body’s first lines of defense against any pathogens you may be exposed to in the air or in your food.

Sore throat symptoms can worsen if you’re suffering from nasal congestion because you may need to breathe more out of your mouth, which can dry the throat and cause it to feel more sore.

My Natural Sore Throat Remedies That Work Every Time

Causes of Sore Throat

Both infectious and non-infectious causes can lead to sore throat. Allergies are one of the common non-infectious causes for sore throat. If you are sensitive to inhaled allergens, such as pollen or pet dander, you might get a sore throat as part of the allergic response. You can also get a sore throat from exposure to irritants such as smoke or dry indoor air.

In sore throat caused by infection, the infectious agent triggers inflammation at the infection site (along with accompanying pain, redness, and swelling), signaling the body to send white blood cells and antibodies into the affected tissues to fight off the invading pathogen. The soreness you feel in your throat is the direct result of this inflammation.

By far, the most common cause of infectious sore throat is cold and flu viruses.1

Since the average adult experiences 2-3 colds per year7 and the average school-age child gets 2-9 colds per year,8 that adds up to a lot of people spending a lot of time coping with the pain and irritation from a sore throat.

Several hundred viruses have been identified as being capable of causing sore throat.2 A viral sore throat may occur along with certain other characteristic symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, hoarseness, sores on the mouth (oral ulcers), or redness and irritation of the white parts of the eyes (conjunctivitis).3

There are also some infectious causes of sore throat not related to cold or flu viruses. For example, a common bacterial cause of sore throat occurs from a group of bacteria known as group A Streptococcus, also known as strep throat.3

Additionally, certain people may develop a sore throat due to a type of fungal infection involving the mouth and throat that is commonly called thrush.4

What's the difference between a sore throat and strep throat?

These types of non-viral sore throat can either indicate or develop into a serious medical condition and should always be evaluated and treated by your healthcare provider.

How to Treat a Sore Throat

Even though it may be uncomfortable to drink, staying well-hydrated is especially important for helping your body fight off a sore throat from a cold or flu. Hot tea and broth are ideal for this purpose.

For sore throats caused by an invading cold or flu virus, gargling with salt water can help reduce the pain.5 Salt water has been found to be as effective at reducing levels of certain types of germs in the mouth.5

Most cold and flu sore throats can be alleviated with the help of over-the-counter medicines from Vicks.

VapoCOOL Lozenges and Sore Throat Spray

Ready to vaporize your sore throat pain? VapoCOOL Lozenges and VapoCOOL Spray both offer dual action powerful relief, with benzocaine to numb your sore throat, and menthol to cool it.


Make your hot drink do double duty with sore throat relief and powerful cold and flu medicine all in one. FluTherapy relieves sore throat pain with acetaminophen and clears congestion with the nasal decongestant phenylephrine. Daytime FluTherapy’s non-drowsy formula contains the cough suppressant dextromethorphan to control cough. To help control your cough so you can get a full night's sleep, choose FluTherapy Nighttime, which contains the same pain-relief and decongestant along with the antihistamine diphenhydramine. Both FluTherapy products are available in a tasty honey lemon flavor.


Soothing throat drops like Vicks VapoDrops, temporarily relieve your impulse to cough, help soothe your sore throat, and bring welcome relief. Throat lozenges stimulate production of saliva and mucus, which is important for maintaining lubrication and protecting the delicate membranes of the throat.

Menthol, the active ingredient in Vicks VapoDrops, has a cooling effect and also temporarily relieves cough.

For your worst sore throat pain, try VapoCOOL SEVERE Drops. They soothe your sore throat pain with the trusted Vicks Vapors you know, in a powerful drop.

How Woman With Untreated Strep Throat Is Coping After Losing Fingers and Toes

DayQuil and NyQuil

Over-the-counter cold and flu medications can help when you have cold and flu symptoms. NyQuil Cold & Flu and DayQuil Cold & Flu both contain acetaminophen, a pain reliever/fever reducer than can help soothe your sore throat as well as muscle aches and pains. Although NyQuil and DayQuil do not cure a sore throat, they can help you feel better while your body heals.

How to Avoid Sore Throat Symptoms

When thinking about how to relieve a sore throat, it’s best to start before you have one. A two-fold prevention approach can help you avoid the viruses that bring on painful sore throat symptoms:

Support Your Immunity

A strong, healthy immune system improves your chances of fending off viruses and helps you recover quickly if, or when, you do get sick. To support your immune system, make sure to get plenty of rest, stay well- hydrated every day, and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. As an added preventive measure, gargle with salt water daily.5

Benefits of Vicks Vapor Rub

Practice Safe Hygiene

Since many sore throats are the result of cold and flu viruses, the best way to avoid coming into contact with them is to practice good hygiene. Top of the list for healthy hygiene habits, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is washing your hands frequently throughout the day for at least 20 seconds with soap and water.6 And if you already have a cold or flu virus, you can ensure you don’t spread your symptoms to those around you.

Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to avoid infecting yourself and others. The CDC’s hand-washing guidelines say that you should wash your hands:

How to Cure a Sore Throat

Before, during, and after preparing food;

Before eating;

After using the toilet or blowing your nose;

After touching an animal;

After handling trash.

Other hygiene do’s and don’ts for preventing the spread of viruses include:

Do use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are not available.

Do avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils.

Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.

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