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Friday 19 November 2021

How do I win hearts of people?

How leaders change brains and win hearts | Fiona Kerr | TEDxAdelaide

To win hearts is an art. It is an art not everyone can perform. It takes a lot of training. Yes, I said it. If you want to win hearts you'll have to master your emotions. Only If you master your emotions and yourself can you win hearts.

  • Make others feel good about themselves.
  • Don't sound mean. Sound like you're genuinely interested when talking to other people.
  • Keep the approach very simple. Don't come out as someone who's trying to just impress. Work\plan\plot before you talk carefully.
  • Add light hearted humour. And don't make fun of them or other people in front of them. Don't talk about other people unless for specific reasons.
  • Keep a sense of mystery. Don't tell everyone everything. Don't open up like that. People like elements of surprises.
  • Never argue to a point where you can come out as a selfish mean person. Pretend like they're right if you have to. (If they refuse to accept your opinion about something keep it at that.)
  • Make eye contact, take their name often and smile. Don't come out as a creep though.
  • Try to listen to them. Show them that you're really interested. Drop in some phrases like “that's amazing!” “Wow, really?” “That's so interesting!”
  • Most importantly practice a lot on communication. Learn how to communicate properly and keep practicing by talking to people who are out of your comfort zone. Time your conversations properly.

How to WIN Friends and Influence People - You Will Wish You Watched This Years Ago

Those were some features of people who easily seem to be compatible with the others and also who easily can make a lot of good friends aka winning hearts.

I had a friend. Let's call him 'X'.

X exactly knew how to win people.

X knew how to balance his life. He was an “Ideal Ambivert”.

He used to have his introvertish talks with his introvert friends. But he also never said no to hangouts and chills to his “Hey-bro-let's-party” friends.

At times he was like a very sorted kind of person. The other times he used to show up his cocky side.

He was apple of everyone's eyes. Centre of focus in every discussion. All the boys in the class used to set him as their idol.

Okay that sounds weird, but you get it what I want to say.

The significant and number 1 quality of X that made him the focus of everyone's talks and epitome of Mr.Perfect was that he knew how to earn people.

Yeah, you heard it right. He exactly knew how to make people stand by his side whenever there was a requirement. Maybe because of his upbringing and the environment in which he grew, or maybe because of his self realization.

He would reach out to the people that made him happy. That made people to think good of him.

He would appreciate his friends and colleagues for their achievements. He would stand by them in their happy times.

He would talk with his fellow people whenever they needed him. Besides all the shit he was going through, he would always give his time to those people who needed him.

He would carry everyone with him. Always. Never had a over pride about his success. Never left people who he valued once.

He never faked it. Be it his personal life or his character. He used to be 100% original to the world.

He had his private space too. Ofcourse he was be all by himself when he used to be with his people, but man he had his personal things sorted and private upto himself.

This caused him to fit in a good image in front of everyone. This caused him win people.

9 Steps To Winning Peoples' Hearts

How do I win hearts of people?

  • Be a man. A gentleman.
  • Be calm. Be generous.
  • Do no harm. Take no shit.
  • Respect Karma. Invest good. Earn good.
  • Be like 'X'.

Life's good to you when you're good to it.

As simple as that!

We all want to be loved by others. After all, being an "everyone who likes" will help you get more friends, be more respected by colleagues, customers and have more successful deals.

While it is impossible to tie or fool someone to make them like you, you can completely make yourself more emotionally attractive to people. According to Michelle Tillis Lederman, author of "The 11 Laws of Likability and Nail the Interview" , "You cannot make those People around like you but you can make them see your lovely points, all of these things, basically, do not need to use tricks to manipulate and deceive, but rather they must are honest ways of connecting and can make others feel comfortable. "

Jack Schafer, behavioral analyst, and former FBI agent and author of " The Like Switch " (roughly translated: "Switches" to make everyone like you) shares: "Sellers Good goods can do these things as if they belong to their instincts and it is this ability that helps them achieve success ". According to Schafer, "small things can make people like you. Therefore, you can't ignore them."

Here are 8 scientifically proven techniques that can help you quickly become an attractive person if perseverance applies.

3 Surprising Steps To Influence Anyone

1. Smile

Smile is a very simple technique. A smile can stimulate your brain to release endorphins that make you feel good. Moreover, when you smile, that joy can be spread to others.

Picture 1 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

According to Lederman, people pay more attention to your body language and facial expressions than listening to what you say. So, when you smile, you can make them feel comfortable, open and want to approach you. Don't hesitate getting a healthy smile with the Dentist in Oakland to get your confidence back.

The Likeability Factor (Tim Sander), however, emphasizes that you should not always smile when meeting other people. Because usually, when you don't expect someone to laugh at you or don't know much about them, we often look away.


When you look at someone and smile, it means that you are conveying the message that "I also like you" and this behavior will contribute to mutual affection.

2. Body language

People think after all, they are just animals that are wearing flashy and glossy costumes. That's why, besides smiles, you should use a number of other signals, such as lifting your eyebrows or tilting your head to one side to signal people that you are not a threat. .

Picture 2 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

Schafer said: "The human brain is always looking for threats in the surrounding environment. We communicate without words. When the brain captures friendly signals, it will begin to focus on those. Other things, therefore, it's important to learn about the signals so that everyone can use them appropriately. "

As the above two examples, according to biology, the act of tilting the head will show others that the blood vessels are important in your neck, meaning you implicitly show your trust in the person. This explanation seems crazy but it's true.

 How To Confidently Flirt With Women

In stressful situations such as job interviews or meeting customers, your reactions are more likely to be confrontational, making you tend to be more closed and defensive. This is when you should take advantage of body signals and smiles to overcome that stressful state.

3. Make others feel comfortable

"If you want other people to like you first, make others feel good about themselves," Schafer said. "We have to give up focusing on ourselves and give it to the opposite."

Picture 3 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

There are many ways to do this. Lederman said: "Appreciate, acknowledge, thank, communicate directly with your eyes, praise, ask for advice . all these ways contribute to making others comfortable and feel themselves valid".

In conversations, create sentences that create empathy. For example, if someone is happy, say something like "your day looks great". If they respond: "I just signed a valid contract" then you can say "you must have worked hard". The opposite person will walk in joy and this emotion will also reflect on you. You will also be happier and more motivated to try to be like them.

How To Win People Over Without Manipulation

However, you also need to avoid using flattery directly because it can make your opponent wary of you and assume that you are a lack of honesty.

4. Create a sense of respect

Have you ever wondered why Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres are so loved by so many people? The reason is because they can make others feel like the most important person in the world during the conversation.

Picture 4 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

A few simple ways that you can apply to yourself are: "Leave your phone on your desk. If it's a meeting, turn off your phone and turn it over, don't reveal the screen. Look straight into the eyes of the opponent and show your complete focus on the conversation.If you go to lunch with a person, don't pay attention to the people around you but focus on the person sitting in front of you

You even need to pay attention to small details like the location of your cup. If the cup is placed between you and the opponent, it will become a barrier. So make sure they are placed at a corner on the table.

5. Listen

Remember, everyone likes to talk about themselves. When they feel comfortable in their hearts, they will also be sympathetic to you.

HOW TO WIN SOMEONE'S HEART | How to Win Friends and Influence People Animated Book Summary #1

Picture 5 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

Start the conversation by referring to the wonderful projects of the opposite - things that they are doing or feel extremely excited about. Sanders stressed: "Listen until they feel tired and cannot continue to speak. Usually, this lasts about 5 minutes but it is the best 5 minutes of conversation".

You should also think carefully about how to ask the next question."Ask open-ended questions because they show you are interested in hearing the answers. From there, you can listen and ask more questions to help you learn more about the problem. Avoid asking questions, listen and share, similarly, when you say something about yourself, start with connecting, trustworthy and common points because everyone, multi The part, everyone likes people like me ".

Finding common ground with your opponent is also a classic technique in building relationships. You can do this by looking for things that you have with them that are similar, such as a hobby, habit, concern .; gradually, develop the best relationship or way that is through a third person to make the conversation easy.

6. Meeting

People tend to like people they are familiar with, often meet, such as colleagues, neighbors or someone they constantly "encounter" at the gym.

Picture 6 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

According to Tsaousides - neuroscientist, speaker and author of "Brainblocks: Overcoming the 7 Hidden Barriers to Success" , familiarity will create a big effect and this means, you have to be more present .

How To Win "Hearts" | Avoiding Points

Meetings are recurring, but it is obvious that you should not meet them too much and don't make the other person feel like you are a prowler. For example, going to the same café, sending emails or leaving comments under their statuses on social networks is a good way to maintain interaction: "This habit is like a reminder that you thinking about them ".

7. Give and receive

This is a technique that Lederman says will improve every outcome. When you meet anyone, always think about what you can help. This action will not benefit you immediately but will create a huge positive effect.

Picture 7 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

Give away will create value and to apply this rule, you must often think about how to help others. For example, when you are in a business situation, instead of thinking "how can you reach an agreement and what needs it from this customer?" then think "what do I need to do to add value to them?"

According to Sander, in every conversation, you should try to give a little advice. This will make you different from others and make the other person feel more sympathetic to you.

"When sending a message to someone that says," I care and want to help you, "means that you want to tell them:" I am the one who deserves you to continue this relationship ", Lederman added.

8. Acquiring the views of others

Picture 8 of 8 ways to win people's hearts

You don't need to agree with everyone but make sure you make them feel you are listening to them. See their feelings as truths. For example, if a customer complains, consider their feelings seriously and let them know that this incident will be discussed within your company.

Psychologists think that when you acknowledge the feelings of others and pass on the message: "I'm sorry, I understand your unpleasant emotions" then you created a psychological effect. extremely strong, that is recognition. This also means that you acknowledge that they are not alone or silly to think in the way they are thinking.

How To Play Hearts (Card Game)

Being recognized for comments is really meaningful. Whether you agree with that idea or not, it still has a certain impact on the psychology of the opposite person.

What if I told you that you already have ?

Every person, every single person who came here with a beating heart, is preset to love.

It is our default setting.

Even that bitch in your life.

Even that abusive asshole.

But we do very human things. We get jealous, and we judge, and we make too much of tiny things, and we care about others’ opinions— and this turns us into depressed, angry souls.

At this point, love becomes a project. You seek to DO certain things, to “win” someone over.

It is like going to a garden and failing to see a rose in the dried weeds and then going through the steps of acquiring a seed, and planting it, and watering it every day and waiting until the rose finally blooms.

But if you’d just turned your head slightly to the left, there it was. The glorious rose. Even more beautiful than you imagined it.

My situation is different Anushka, you have NO IDEA what has happened and what I said and what she said and what he said, there’s no going back.

You’re never trying to go back. Your job is to FIND and funnel that love from them because it already exists.

And there’s only one way to do this: love without expectation. Just be you. Get on with your life. Love them and wish them well every night before bed. Stop needing them.

Before you know it, in your frolic and enjoyment, they will all….begin to crawl out of the woodwork and will really really want to be by your side.

You’ve got to create that magnetic field of influence around you, and this is only done by flowing love out in all directions.

If you want to convince someone of something, speak in a low voice. Low-pitched voices have more influence on people and work when trying to make them agree with you. At the same time, don’t forget about using pauses and changing the volume of your voice, drawing attention to the most important moments. All these tips show people that you know what you’re talking about.


Bright Side decided to find out what helps famous people stay calm and relaxed when talking to each other and which of their secrets we can adopt and use in our everyday lives.

Not hiding from their audience

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP / East News, © Aflo Images / East News

If you can choose whether to stand or sit in front of your audience, always choose to stand because it will give you a better choice of gestures that will influence the people you are speaking to.

Besides, there should be no walls between you and the audience: instead of standing at a podium, let the people see your entire body and show them that you have nothing to hide.

Showing their interest

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© The Tonight Show / East News

Simply tilting your head can help you win someone’s trust. It shows that you are interested in the person or what they are talking about. And if someone else tilts their head, in order to find out what they are interested in: change the subject. If the tilt remains, it’s you they are interested in, not what you are talking about.



Mirroring body language

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© Invision/Invision / East News

Thanks to mirroring, people can build better connections with others and make them believe that they share the same opinions. However, very often people mirror each other’s body language without even thinking about it.


Talking to everyone as equals

Height shows people’s status. This is why, in the past, people would remove their hats or bow their heads to become shorter. Bosses of big and small companies buy chairs with big backs to seem bigger than their employees.

So, if you want to create a positive atmosphere, you have to be on the same level as other people. Many celebrities use this simple trick. When you are sitting and you have a visitor, stand up and make eye contact. And if you are talking to a child, sit down to be on the same level with them.



Holding a purse, a glass, or other things in their left hand

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© STRINGER/AFP / East News

Etiquette expert Myka Meier noticed that when entering a building or when attending an event, royal people try to hold their things in their left hands. This frees up the right hand for a handshake. This is what Princess Diana did and what Meghan Markle does now.

And if you are at a party, you can use a flat clutch as a tray for a glass while shaking hands with someone.

How To Make People Respect You

Watch their legs

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP/DCMC108 / AP/ East News, © AP / East News

As you probably know, it’s easier for attractive people to win people’s trust. Myka Meier recommends for men to keep their legs at hip-width and keep the soles of their shoes down to show everyone the best part of your shoes, instead of what you’ve stepped in.

Girls can use the famous royal position for legs — the legs look as if they are tied in the ankles and shins and tilted to the side. It’s important to keep the heels low.


Dressing accordingly

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© face to face/FaceToFace/REPORTER / East News, © Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/BWP Media/East News

When you are going on a job interview or to an important meeting, don’t wear things that cover your chest and your neck. Because according to ex-FBI agent Joe Navarro, these clothes make people feel like you have something to hide. This is why politicians often choose suits with low buttons that create an impression of honesty.

Trying to avoid awkward situations

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© MEGA/Mega Agency/East News, © MEGA/Mega Agency/East News

Nothing ruins a good relationship like an awkward situation. One of them is when you go to kiss someone you know on the cheek, and you bump noses, or even worse, lips. To avoid these situations, Myka Meier recommends remembering this: always give your right cheek for the kiss and kiss others on the right cheek.



How To Tell Stories That Wins Hearts & Minds – Tell Your Story Part 2

Not ignoring gender differences

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© reesewitherspoon / Instagram, © willsmith / Instagram

Most of the time, men consider face-to-face conversations aggressive. This is why when you are talking to a man, it is better to be on his side: this way, the conversation will be more friendly. Women are less inclined to compete, so they like being face-to-face. When standing like this, they achieve several things:

They get more information about the person because they can see them and can change something during a conversation, adapting to new information and the mood of their partner.

They maintain eye contact and concentrate on each other.

They show their partner that they are listening to them actively.

They keep their partner’s attention better (there are fewer irritations and other information).

Not ignoring physical contact

10 Ways to Win the Minds and Hearts of People Without Saying a Single Word

© CharlizeAfrica / Twitter

Touching and hugging are more provocative, but also more powerful ways to affect someone. If someone touches you on the shoulder, you are more likely to see this person again because you will feel a connection with them.

Many celebrities use hugging and physical contact to become closer to someone. But there are some important things to remember:

The same gesture might have different meanings. For example, touching a woman on the shoulder might be understood as support, aggression, or interest. It is important to watch the person’s reaction in order to not hurt their feelings.

You have to consider the cultural differences and the social position of the person. If you have a higher position at a company and your colleagues are below you on the career ladder, your touches might be considered condescending.

Physical contact can influence other people. A sports team where players often pat each other on the shoulders wins more often. But if you feel that physical contact may be unpleasant for a person, it is better to smile and just speak in a nice tone.

Is it easy for you to communicate with new people? Tell us about funny situations that happened when you first met new people.

How To Win The Minds And Hearts Of People WITHOUT Saying A Word

  1. Don't tell them that you are there for them, just be the first one to stand by them when needed. Take pain for them, have dedication and create value in their lives. Do all this without expecting profits.
  2. Respect their values and opinions, even if you disagree, listen, respect, acknowledge, change if needed, present your arguments, and initiate a change, and if no agreement can be reached, agree to disagree with a smile.
  3. Never strengthen your identity through ego, showoff, and showing others down. Strengthen your identity through empathy, compassion, humility. Be a fruit laden tree. And if still someone chooses not to respect you, respect their choice and move away from them.
  4. Identify and neutralize their insecurities, give a pat on back, encourage them, count their abilities and strengths, tell them no-one’s perfect, help them overcome senseless stereotypes through sensible arguments.
  5. Keep a check on people. Out of nowhere, in your busy schedule, call them and ask if everything's fine, talk to them.
  6. Make your aura positive, refrain from bullying and mockery, don't push your frustration on others, resolve matters on priority, don't dig the ghosts of the past, be progressive and not regressive.
  7. Never ever share their secrets, be their locker and see how much they start trusting and loving you.
Juice Newton - Queen Of Hearts

I've just completed my position as a Teaching Assistant in a first-year engineering and communications course, at the University of Toronto. At the end of our final tutorial, I was in absolute AWE of the emotional state the students had put me through. The round of applause, the genuine thanks and appreciation, and the sadness knowing that this tutorial was their last, all moved me to feelings and emotions I had never experienced.

When I told my mother about this experience, and the fact that I didn’t expect to receive such appreciation, my mom’s simple response was: “Do you know why? Because you did it from your heart”.

Human beings are nothing but emotional creatures. We love, we hate, we laugh, and we cry. The ability to create and nurture genuine friendships is not based on how well you speak, what your status is, or how many "connections" you have on LinkedIn (or “followers” on Instagram), but merely by your ability to open your hearts to the people. When you open your hearts to people, people will realize that you are in fact REAL and have nothing to hide. People will realize that you actually genuinely care about them, and when they know that, they’ll open their hearts to you in return.

Throughout various teaching and leadership experiences, I discovered 3 ways to WIN peoples' hearts:

How to win the hearts of people at work? | Ways to Make People Like and Respect You

1. Empathy

Sympathy is the ability to care and understand the suffering of another person, while empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. As you can tell, one has a stronger emotional connection than the other.

Before you speak to someone, *virtually* put your feet into their shoes, walk a couple of steps, put yours back on, and then speak. Everyone is fighting a battle that you’re not aware of. In the case of my students, I had a very good feel of their battles (both mentally and academically), as I used to be a struggling, lonely, first-year student once. This allowed me to connect with the students very easily, and become more of a friend than a teacher.

Seek to empathize and not sympathize with your people. If you do so, then congratulations my friend, you just won yourself a heart!

Here is a beautiful video by Brené Brown on empathy.

Blow Minds & Win Hearts with Augmented Reality by REVEALiO

2. Constructive Criticism

We live in a time where people feel the need to express dominance over others. Individuals who hold higher positions of power amongst their peers often find the tendency to express it by being too quick to criticize, too quick to point fingers, and too quick to penalize. While it may be your job to make sure people do things the right way, do realize that there's a proper way to do it. You can do it manager-style, and people will only hate you in return. OR, you can do it leadership-style, empowering people to seek their fullest potential and go above and beyond, winning their hearts in return.

A technique I found very effective while teaching my students was constructive criticism. Essentially:

Rewarding people for their efforts, before -

Highlighting areas where they could do better, while -

Providing the necessary guidance and tools to do so.

3. Friendship OVER Supervision

Back in my undergrad days, I’ve had many teaching assistants (TAs) who’d start their class on a very dry, *authoritative*, note. They’d walk up to the chalkboard, write off from the piece of paper they were holding, give some instructions, announce assignment deadlines, and then walk out. That was it. Almost always, we all forgot those TAs’ names as soon as they walked out of that classroom; OR because they didn’t even introduce themselves in the first place...

Learning the negative effects of this method of "teaching", I decided not to use it on my students. During my teaching position, I would make sure I asked the students how they were feeling before uttering a word related to the course material. I made it my obligation to learn every students' name. I made it my obligation to be there for the students, and not just for the course, but for any struggle they were experiencing while coping with university life. 

Befriend your people - that will allow you to go above and beyond your job description (in a good way). Be a shoulder to lean on, and give them advice whenever you can. Let them know that you genuinely and sincerely want to see them be better.  Be more of a "friend that wants to see them grow", than their supervisor or teacher. 

Guy Kawasaki | Enchantment- How To Win People's Hearts (Part 3)


3 additional tips on creating and growing genuine relationships:

4. Be REAL. You don't have to wear a *mask* to perform the authoritative position you've just been granted. Continue to be you, be as honest as you can be, and yes, you CAN still do this while meeting your job description and adhering to professional work conduct. Coming to think of it, the people I love to spend time with the most are the ones that are not afraid to express themselves and who they are, and many of them are leaders in their own fields (makes sense right?).

5. Humble yourself.  Wish goodness for your peers as you would for yourself. Once you do so, not only will you lead your company/team/students towards success, but you will WIN hearts and establish genuine friendships that will last a lifetime.

6. Invest in yourself before anyone else. This may sound selfish, but think about it for a moment. If you don't put the time and care into nurturing your body, mind, and soul, how on EARTH would you gain the energy to help the people that you love? Be at your finest, so you can give people your FINEST.


Finally,  realize that NONE of the above would help if your ego keeps following you around like a shadow. Keep it at the door, or even better, kill it with passion.

“To win the hearts of others, you must lose some colors of your ego.” - William Shakespeare

Please feel free to share any tips or experiences of your own!

Now go out and WIN yourself some hearts! <3

Much love,


How To Win The Hearts Of People And Make New Friends

Want to win hearts ? Then do what is “Unexpected!”.

  1. After taking rickshaw, pay Rs. 5–10 extra, he will smile & not forget you for that day.
  2. Some tension among car owners in traffic (who will move first), Just give a big smile. Chances of getting side will increase by 150%.
  3. Want to make your Mom/Wife/Kids happy ? Tell them that you will be late today & reach 1 hr before your usual time. They will be on cloud 9.
  4. Sometimes play cricket or Ludo (Indian kids Games). Believe me you will play again and again.
  5. Having Coffee or Dinner outside on normal days ? Just say THANKS with big smile to that person who is other side of counter.
  6. Wave your hand to kids who are going to school, all of a sudden.
  7. Don’t want to give money to beggars ? But at least give a respectful smile. They deserve it.
  8. Office politics ? Dont reply on mails just go, meet, discuss & Smile. Same person will start respecting you more.
  9. Like a random Quora Answer ? Dont just upvote. Send a Thank you too.
  10. Want to Enjoy life ? Do what is “Unexpected!”.

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