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Tuesday 25 May 2021

What happens when you believe in yourself?

 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF | Steve Harvey Jump Motivational Speech

How much better would life be if we always believed in ourselves? Of course it’s much easier said than done, but it’s definitely worth the try. Here are 8 things that happen when you start to believe in yourself!

1. Self-acceptance

When you believe in yourself, you’re accepting who you really are. You’re not afraid to give your opinion and you’re going to be proud of this person you’re becoming.

2. You feel more energized

When you believe in yourself you feel like you can handle the world! Positive energy and a little confidence gives a major lift. You don’t need those three coffees to start, you just own Monday morning.

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3. You’re always in a good mood

If you’re happy with yourself, you feel better about everything, which puts you in a great mood all day long. A very nice side effect of believing in yourself if you ask me.

4. Success will be guaranteed

If you believe everything is going to be fine, it will. It’s called the law of attraction. You attract the things you wish for. If you truly believe that you’ll get a promotion or finally manage to work out three times a week, you will.  It’s that simple.

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5. You can motivate others

When you feel good about yourself, you can inspire and motivate others with your story. People love to hear great success stories and trust me your story is definitely worth telling.

6. Positivity is your new mantra

There is no space for negativity in your life. You have goals to reach and deadlines to catch. So when you believe in yourself you’ll be surrounded by positive people that bring a good, relaxing vibe.

7. You will glow

Even though true beauty starts on the inside, once you believe in yourself you will see it on the outside as well. Your hair, skin and mood will be better than ever. You go girl!

8. Respect

People will appreciate you for who you are. When you believe in yourself you exude confidence that will make you respected. Exactly what a every career girl needs right?

By Shelley Beekman

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