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Monday 24 May 2021

How do you make up your mind to achieve your goals?

 How to Achieve Your Goals: 3 Science-Backed Strategies That Work

Many of us set goals and resolutions at the beginning of the year, only to fall off track a few months in or when faced with a challenge. Growing up, whenever I said I wanted to do something, my mother, Therese Buffini, always told me: “You can do it, but you’ve got to have your mind made up.” She’s right; the people who achieve their goals are the ones who have set their minds to do so. How will you know you’ve made up your mind? Here are five clues:

You won’t give up. You’re sure to face challenges on the journey to achieving your goal. If your first instinct is to quit, you haven’t made up your mind. Let’s say you set your mind to run a marathon and you’re sidetracked with a sprained ankle. If your mind is made up, you’ll take time off to recover, but as soon as you’re cleared by your doctor, you’ll start training again. The same is true in your business. When your mind is made up and you experience a setback, you don’t just throw in the towel and quit. You work through it until you’ve achieved success.

You’ll take action. Once you’ve decided to achieve your goal, your mind goes into action. While you create a plan that’s sure to help you get there, and you’ll do all you can to stick with it, you won’t stay in planning mode forever. You’ll spring into action and start doing the activities that’ll lead to success.

You’ll focus on your achievements. Focusing on failure will paralyze you and prevent you from achieving success. Acknowledge the failure, but move on. Your wins are the reinforcements for what you made up your mind to do. Let your wins be your motivation to succeed.

You’ll attract like-minded people. Ambitious and successful people recognize those qualities in others and seek out the company of similar people. When you’ve made up your mind to achieve your goals, you’ll attract other successful people.

You’ll become a winner. Winners may not win all the time, but they win more often than not. When you make up your mind to succeed, you’ll find yourself winning. You’ve developed the mindset of a winner in the process of achieving your goals, in addition to the habits and attitudes that are critical to success.

When you make up your mind to achieve your goals, it’ll have ripple effects throughout your life and business. The goals you’ve made in other areas will become easier to achieve. The decisions you make will not only become part of who you are, but also part of your story. You may listen to feedback concerning your decisions, but you’ll trust your gut and learn from what you hear.

I started Buffini & Company more than 20 years ago and I’ve been able to listen to my gut and grow my business over the last two decades. Having a made-up mind allowed me to help the company weather the storms over the years. I made up my mind that I would keep the business going and I did what I had to do to keep the business afloat. What will you make up your mind to do this year?

Brian Buffini was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and immigrated to San Diego in 1986 where he became the classic American rags to riches story. After becoming one of the nation’s top REALTORS®, he founded Buffini & Company, an organization dedicated to sharing his powerful lead-generation systems with others. Buffini & Company has trained three million business professionals in 37 countries and currently coaches more than 10,000 business people across North America.

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