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Sunday 17 January 2021

How much do u have to weigh to be a model?

 Basic Weight & Height Requirements | Modeling

Fashion models' measurements are crucial. They're also controversial.

With precious few exceptions to the industry rule, female models stand (before heels) between 5'8" and 5'11"; male models, 5'11" or taller. (Similar height guidelines are listed in the helpful/dream-crushing "become a model" section on many top agencies' websites. You can be 5'7"-ish only if you're 14 years old and still growing — or if you're Kate Moss.)

With similarly precious few exceptions (and thus discounting the plus-size sector) to the industry rule, female models weigh in between 90 lbs. and 120 lbs; male models, 120 lbs. to 160 lbs. That's according to leading resource, at least — weight requirements are not so easy to find listed publicly. But is such rigidity for the best? We asked well-dressed fashion fans at Lincoln Center how they felt models should measure up — their thoughts on the ideal weight and/or height for a model working the runways, campaigns, and editorial shoots.

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