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Sunday 11 October 2020

First time watching One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

So there I was, scrolling through Netflix trying to find something entertaining to watch in the wee hours of the morning... and I stumble upon a Jack Nicholson film. My first reaction is ‘cool yeah Jack Nicholson he’s a cool actor’ so I google the movie and ratings look good, so f*ck it— I’m bored out of my mind and just wanna watch a movie and go to bed. Besides, I’ve always found older movies easy to fall asleep to as they’ve always had this kind of soothing affect about them. Long story short; holy shit man. First film I’ve ever shed actual tears and those were the least of it, maybe it had something to do with me being sleep-deprived and lethargic or maybe it was just that good. I’d rather believe it was that good, that ending(and the movie leading up to it)sucker-punched me in the face. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and had to talk about it. via /r/movies

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